Concentrations of radon were measured in this study for twenty-four samples of soil distributed in six locations on the north part of Iraq. The radon concentrations in soil samples measured by using alpha-emitters registration that emits from Radon (222Rn) in (CR-39) track detector. The concentrations values were calculated by a comparison with standard samples. The results shows that the radon gas concentrations in Darbandikhan City varies from (16.60-34.04 Bq/m3), Halabja City (16.51-23.32 Bq/m3), Al Sulaimaniya City (17.61-32.25 Bq/m3), Koisnjaq City (22.04-35.65 Bq/m3), Shaqlaua City (21.10-29.10 Bq/m3) and Erbil City (22.30-34.63 Bq/m3). The average radon gas concentration in Al Sulaimaniya and Erbil governorate are (22.30 Bq/m3) and (26.17 Bq/m3) respectively. As a conclusion from the study Radon concentration in governorate of Erbil is relatively higher than that in governorate of Al Sulaimaniya.
The study of determing Uranium concentration in samples of teeth is the first of its kind in the Iraq . In this study Uranium concentration has been measured was (32) samples of child teeth distributed on the some of middle and south governorate of Iraq (Muthana – Dekar – Basrah – Najaf – Karbalah – Waset – Babel – Baghdad) . The Uranium concentration in teeth samples has been measured by using fission tracks registration in (CR-39) track detector that caused by the bombardment of (U235) with thermal neutrons falx from (24Am.Be) neutron source that has flux of ( The result obtained show that the Uranium concentrations in governorates were (0.18ppm), (0.172ppm), (0.160ppm), 0.150ppm) (0.89ppm), (0.07ppm) , (0.
... Show MoreUranium concentrations in soil were determined for ten locations in Salahdin governorate using CR-39 track detector, fission fragments track technique was used, the nuclear reaction of nuclear fission fragments obtained by the bombardment of 235U with thermal neutrons from (Am-Be) neutron source with flux (, the concentration values were calculated by a comparison with standard samples. The results of the measurements show that the uranium concentration in soil samples various from 0.42±0.018ppm in Beji province to 0.2±0.014 ppm in Tooz province with an average (0.31±0.08ppm), the values of uranium concentration in all samples are within the permissible limits universally.
Abstract. In this research, the uranium concentration in (16) water samples collected from some agricultural areas surrounded with AlTuwitha nuclear site in Baghdad-Iraq was measured by using a CR-39 detector. The concentration of uranium in this study was from (0.6 ± 0.33mg/l) to (2.51 ± 0.49 mg/l), and the weighted average for the concentrations (1.262 ± 0.402 mg/l). The results showed it is a concentration of uranium level in water samples studied is higher than the allowed limit recommended by WHO and ICRP.
Biological samples of mother's milk were collected from Iraqi southern provinces(Basrah,Messan,al-Muthana,Thikar)and Baghdad province to measure uranium concentration of the samples by using track technique of fission fragments as a result from uranium atom fission with thermal neutrons from neutrons source 24 I Am-Be with activity 16Ci and neutron flux of 5000 n/cm2.s on using nuclear track detector CR-39 It was found that the high percentage of depleted uranium concentration on the samples from Muthana province , which accounted as 4.183ppm therefore the samples was taken from the provinces (Thikar,Basrah,Baghdad),which was accounted the depleted uranium concentration as following (1.243,2.172,2.875) ppm respectively, with appear a small
... Show MoreThe concentration of radon gas in the samples for drinking water and wells in the same place from selected homes in which wells were built in the Hay-al-Bayaa region of Baghdad was measured, by using a CR-39 nuclear track detector. It turns out that the maximum value of the concentration of radon in drinking water was 3.83 Bq/L, and the lowest was 2.30 Bq/L. As for the estimation of radon gas concentration in well water samples, the highest value was 5.6 Bq/L, while the lowest one was 3.1 Bq/L. In order to assess the committed effective dose received by the public due to the inhalation of radon gas. The highest value of the annual effective dose in drinking water was recorded in Al-Bayaa region, which is equal to 14.30 μSv/y, while th
... Show MoreThis work represents the set of measurements of radon and thoron concentrations levels of soil-gas in Al-Kufa city in Iraq using electric Radon meter (RAD-7). Radon and thoron concentration were measured in soil-gas in 20 location for three depth of (50, 100 and 150) cm.
The results show that the emanation rate of radon and thoron gas varied from location to anther, depending on the geological formation. The Radon concentration in soil has been found to vary from (12775±400) Bq/m3 at 150 cm depth in location (sample K2) to (41.45±17) Bq/m3, for depth 150 cm in location (sample K20). The thoron concentration in soil has been found to vary from (198±8.5) Bq/m3 at 150 cm depth in location samples (K1 & K2) to undetected in the mos
In this study, the fission track registration technique with the CR-39 detector are using to determination the uranium concentrations for seventeen samples of teeth distributed in four districts in Baghdad City .Five samples taken from both Al-Durra District and Al-Jadiriyia District, Four samples taken from Al-Karrda (Alaatar street) Taken four samples and three samples taken from Al-Zuafrania and by 0.5gm in weight and 1.5 mm in thickness. The uranium concentrations in teeth samples measured by using fission tracks registration in (CR-39) track detector that caused by the bombardment of (U) with thermal neutrons from (241 Am-Be) neutron source that has flux of (5 ×103 n cm-2 s-1). The concen
... Show MoreIn this study, the concentrations of uranium for four species of plants; Spinacia, Brassica Oleracea, BEASSICA Oleracea Var Capitata and Beta Vulgaris were measured in addition to the measurement of uranium concentrations in the selected soil by calculating the number of significant traces of alpha in CR-39. The 2.455 Bq/kg in Spinacia plant were the highest concentration while the lowest concentration of uranium were 1.91 Bq/kg in BEASSICA Oleracea Var Capitata plant. As for the transfer factor, the highest value 0.416 were found in Spinacia plant and the lowest value 0.323 were found in BEASSICA Oleracea Var Capitata plant. The uranium in the models studied in it did not exceed the international limit, according to the International Atomi
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