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Effect of food on growth and fecundity Brine Shrimp Artemia spp. laboratory Conditions
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This in order to test the effect of food on growth and fecundity, two kinds of food have been used the algae Scendesmus quadricaudae and fresh water shrimp powder. For two generations, growth and productivity have been followed up. The fresh water shrimp has been noticed as a food better than algae, because it caused recording, for the two generation higher length rate for the weeks of experiment. The individuals length rate at the end of the forth week reached 9.35 and 9.48 mm for the first generation and second generation respectively. The average length weekly increase rate for the first and second generations individuals feeding on dried shrimp was higher through the first and second week compared to what was recorded when feeding algae. The results showed that the fecundity of the individuals feeding on dried better than those feeding on algae. These individuals got matured in about 15 – 18 days old for the first generation and about 16 – 18 days old for the second generation s. Broods number for the two generation was four; the resulting generation was as nuplii larvae. The average number of the generation nauplii was 55.53, 61.20, 16.13 and 57.73 nauplii per mother for the four broads respectively. The average number of the second generation was 56.56,58.10,61.73 and 49.96 nauplii per mother for the four broods respectively . The individual feeding on algae S. quadricaudae recorded length rate of 7.32 and 7.43 for the first and second generation at the end of the forth week . the individuals got matured in about 19-21mm days old for the first generation and about 18-20 days old for the second generation . The first brood appeared in about 25 – 27 days old for the first generation, and about 30 – 35 days old for the second generation. The brood number was two for the first generation, the first one as nauplii larvae with a rate 40.26 larvae per mother and the second as cyst with a rate 27.90 cysts per mother. For the second generation individuals, one brood has been appeared from which the resulting generation was as cysts with a rate of 45.66 cysts per mother.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 14 2023
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Mathematical Sciences
The Effect of Alternative Resource and Refuge on the Dynamical Behavior of Food Chain Model
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This article examines and proposes a dietary chain model with a prey shelter and alternative food sources. It is anticipated that mid-predators' availability is positively correlated with the number of refuges. The solution's existence and exclusivity are examined. It is established that the solution is bounded. It is explored whether all potential equilibrium points exist and are locally stable. The Lyapunov approach is used to investigate the equilibrium points' worldwide stability. Utilizing a Sotomayor theorem application, local bifurcation is studied. Numerical simulation is used to better comprehend the dynamics of the model and define the control set of parameters.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
Effect of phosphorous and amino acid on growth and yield of pea
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Scopus (5)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 03 2020
Journal Name
Almaarif University College
The effect of food additives (Monosodium Glutamate-MSG) on human health-A Critical Review
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According to the famous saying of the medieval physician Paracelsus, "There is no substance without poison. Only the dose determines the extent of the toxic effect." Here, the effect of monosodium glutamate (MSG) on human health and the risks to the health of its frequent use in the short term was addressed and the long term was evaluated according to the studies of several researchers specializing in this regard. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is known as one of the most popular food additives that classified as a flavor enhancer. Parts of the evidence were reviewed from the literature explaining its effect on immune system cells in addition to metabolic disorders by exposing individuals to obesity and what is known as metabolic syndrome, as w

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Replacing Partial of Wheat Flour by Lentil Powder on Quality Properties of Laboratory Bread
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This investigation was carried out to examine the effect of replacing partial of flour by dried Lentils (Lens culinaris) to white flour in different percentages on the chemical, sensory and storage properties of the Laboratory bread. The results revealed that replacing 0% than wheat flour by lentil powder (1) control was high significan than the replacing 25 and 35% than wheat flour by lentil powder ( 4 and 5) in flavor and chewiness . The results of sensory evaluation showed that replacing 4 were high significan different than that of replacing 1 in external layer colour. Other replacing percentages, however, did not show significant differences of in comparison with control . In regards with chemical analysis of Iron and copper, i

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Proline and Aspirin on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Lycopersicon esculentum and Surface Growth of Fusarium oxysporum
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Research was conducted to study the effect of proline and aspirin with 10 and 20 ppm on seed germination and seedling growth of Lycopersicon esculentum and the effect of surface growth of Fusarium oxysporum. The results showed that the proline and aspirin effected significantly to decreased percentage of seed germination, acceleration of germination, promoter indicator, elongation speed of radical and plumule and also the infection percentage of seed decay and surface growth of Fusarium oxysporum was reduced significantly.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Proline and Aspirin on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Lycopersicon esculentum and Surface Growth of Fusarium oxysporum
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Research was conducted to study the effect of proline and aspirin with 10 and 20 ppm on seed germination and seedling growth of Lycopersicon esculentumand the effect of surface growthof Fusarium oxysporum.The results showed that the proline and aspirin effected significantly to decreased percentage of seed germination, acceleration of germination, promoter indicator, elongation speed of radical and plumule and also the infection percentage of seed decay and surface growth of Fusarium oxysporumwas reduced significantly.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 15 2010
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences 8 (1)‏
Effect of Trichoderma spp. in inoculium levels on sour orange (Citrus arantium) seed germination and seedling growth‏
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of growth regulators on sex expression and some quantitatve properties
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This study was conducted in an orchard pomegranate's Department of Horticulture College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad for two seasons 1999-2000 on cultivars pomegranate Salimi and narrators seedless to study the effect spraying Nizant growth in sex ratio of flowers and recipes flowering and winning was selected 27 trees per class 15 years old planted

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 05 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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A field experiment was conducted at the experimental field of botanical garden, faculty of science, university of Baghdad, in order to study the effect of plant density on growth and yield of two local cultivars of sunflower (Sin Althieb and Shumose). The densities used were 4.4 and 8.8 plant/m2. The results showed difference between cultivars in their agronomic traits and their yields. There was a significant increase in plant height and leaf area index by increasing the plant density, while head diameter, number of seeds and leaf area decreased. But the most significant effect was the increasing in yield and biological yield by increasing the plant density. There was an increase by 72% and 58% in the yield and 79% an

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stimulation of Hatching Efficiency in Capsulated Cysts of Artemia fransiscana Using 890 nm Diode Laser
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Artemia fransiscana is one of the most important live food for commercial larval aquaculture. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of 890 nm diode laser irradiation on Artemia capsulated cysts using (1-10) minutes exposure time, and 2.26x10-3 J/cm2 Fluence. The Artemia samples were obtained from two locations: Dyalaa and Basraa. After irradiation, hatching percentage (H %) and hatching efficiency(HE) of Artemia were measured after 24 and 48 hours of incubation. The results of the effect of laser light on the capsulated cysts from Dyalaa showed that the optimum dose for enhancing (H %) after 24 hours of incubation is using 10 minutes exposure time, while after 48 hours of incubation the (H %) enhancement can be achieved

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