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The Prevalence of Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Geriatric Patients with Psychiatric Disorders in Iraq
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Potentially inappropriate prescribing is the prescribing of a medication that may cause more harm than benefit, the elderly population aged 65 years or older is more prone to potentially inappropriate prescribing because of alterations in their physiology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics as well as polypharmacy and comorbidities, Beers list is a screening tool that help doctors to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing in geriatric patients and is designed to solve this problem, the aim of this study is to measure the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescribing among psychiatric patients using the Beers criteria as an assessment tool and find the relationship between duration of hospitalization, comorbidities and polypharmacy with potentially inappropriate prescribing in elderly.

This cross-sectional study was carried out using electronic medical records in Ibn Rushud psychiatry and addiction hospital in Baghdad and 369 patients were included. The mean age of the patients was (68.59 ± 3.75 years) and 177 (48%) of them had comorbidities, 100 (27.1%) of them had polypharmacy and 17 (4.6%) stayed in the hospital for more than 3 weeks, the most used drug classes were antipsychotics in (39.9%) of patients and benzodiazepines in (17.6%) of patients.

The prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescribing according to Beers criteria was found to be 74.3% among study patients, the most prevalent inappropriately used drug class was benzodiazepines, and there was a significant association between the prescribing of a potentially inappropriate medication with gender (p=0.018), with comorbidities (p=0.022), and a very significant association with polypharmacy (p<0.001)

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
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Strength and Deformation of Concrete-Encased Grouting-Filled Steel Tubes Columns Exposed to Monotonic Quasi-Static Loading Conditions
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This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel concrete-encased column (CE) using small circular steel tubes filled with cementitious grouting material (GFST) as the primary reinforcement instead of traditional steel bars. The research involved three different types of reinforcement: conventional steel bars, concrete-filled steel tubes with 30% of the reinforcement ratio of steel bars, and concrete-filled steel tubes with the same reinforcement ratio as steel bars. Twenty-four circular concrete columns were tested and categorized into six groups based on the type of reinforcement employed. Each group comprised four columns, with one subjected to concentric axial load, two subjected to eccentric axial load (with eccentrici

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 19 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of Telecommunications
Challenges and limits of fractal and slot antennas for WLAN, LTE, ISM, and 5G communication: a review paper
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Abstract Portable communication devices such as WLAN, WiMAX, LTE, ISM, and 5G utilize one or more of the triple bands at (2.32.7 GHz,3.4–3.6GHz,and5–6GHz)andsufferfromtheeffectofmultipathproblemsbecausetheyareusedinurbanregions.To date, no one has performed a review of the antennas used for these types of wireless communications. This study reviewed two types of microstrip antennas (slot and fractal) that have been reported by researchers (as a single element) using a survey that included the evaluation of several important specifications of the antennas in previous research, such as operating bandwidth, gain, efficiency, axial ratio bandwidth (ARBW), and size. The weaknesses in the design of all antennas were carefully identified to de

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation of a Generalized N-Digit Binary-To-Decimal Converter on an FPGA Seven-Segment Display Using Verilog Hdl Design and Implementation of a Generalized N-Digit Binary-To-Decimal Converter on an FPGA Seven-Segment Display Using Verilog Hdl
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It is often needed to have circuits that can display the decimal representation of a binary number and specifically in this paper on a 7-segment display. In this paper a circuit that can display the decimal equivalent of an n-bit binary number is designed and it’s behavior is described using Verilog Hardware Descriptive Language (HDL). This HDL program is then used to configure an FPGA to implement the designed circuit.

Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Effect of Nickel Substitution On Structural and Electrical Properties of Hg<sub>0.5</sub>Pb<sub>0.5</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3-y</sub>Ni<sub>y</sub>O<sub>8+δ</sub> Superconductor Composite
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Abstract<p>six specimens of the Hg<sub>0.5</sub>Pb<sub>0.5</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3-y</sub> <italic>Ni<sub>y</sub> </italic>O<sub>8+δ</sub> (y=0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0) superconducting compound were prepared by solid state reaction method, with sintering temperature equal to 1123K for 24 hours. The electrical resistivity was examined by the four probe technique, It was found that all the specimens have metallic behavior and increasing the critical temperature with increasing nickel concentration. The optimum critical temperature T<sub>c</sub> was found equal </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Palm dates as a source for isolation of Aspergillus niger to produce citric acid by submerged fermentation; kinetics study
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Abstract<p>The study discussed here deals with the isolation of Aspergillus niger from palm dates, the formal and the most famous fruit in Iraq, to test and qualify this fungus isolate for its ability to produce citric acid. Submerged fermentation technique was used in the fermentation process. A.niger isolated from “Zahdi” Palme dates was used in the study of the fermentation kinetics to get the production efficiency of citric acid. Kinetics of CA production via fermentation by A. niger S11 was evaluated within 432 h fermentation time and under submerged conditions of 11% (w/v) sucrose, 5% (v/v) inoculum size, pH 4, 30 °C and 150 rpm. The maximum citric acid produced was (37.116 g/l). Kine</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Chemistry
Synthesis, Composition, Spectral, Geometryand AntibacterialApplicationsof MnII, NiII, CoII, CuII and HgIIcomplexes of N2O2-mixed donor Schiff Basewith 1,10-phenanthroline
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2023
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Drug And Chemical Toxicology
Single and repeat-dose toxicity and local tolerance assessment of newly developed oil emulsion adjuvant formulations for veterinary purposes
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Performance of Case-Based Reasoning Retrieval Using Classification Based on Associations versus Jcolibri and FreeCBR: A Further Validation Study
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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The cement slurry is a mixture of cement, water and additives which is established at the surface for injecting inside hole. The compressive strength is considered the most important properties of slurry for testing the slurry reliability and is the ability of slurry to resist deformation and formation fluids. Compressive strength is governed by the sort of raw materials that include additives, cement structure, and exposure circumstances. In this work, we use micro silica like pozzolanic materials. Silica fume is very fine noncrystalline substantial. Silica fume can be utilized like material for supplemental cementations for increasing the compressive strength and durability of cement. Silica fume has very fine particles size less

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Some Fungal Pathogen and Some Storage Treatments on Tomato and Cucumber Fruits Under Cold Storage (8? C)
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In study carried out in the cold storage in college of Agric./Univ. of Baghdad at 8 ? C. shows that Alternaria , Pencillium , Rhizoctonia , Mucor , are the fungi that causes tomato fruits decay. This is the first record of Rhizoctonia and Mucor as a Tomato fruits rot under 8º c in Iraq. There is no fungal infection on cucumber fruits under 8 ? C. . Waxing tomato fruits reduced the severity of the fungi infection and gave shelflife (19 days) under 8 ? C. There is an infection with Mucor was found in tomato fruits kept in perforated polyethylene bages with 16 bores prevent the infection and the lowest severity and frequency of infection was found in waxed tomato fruits. Part of M.Sc thesis of the Second author.

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