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Effects of Omega-3 Co-Administered with Therapeutic Dose of lornoxicam on Male Rats' Liver

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of omega-3 poly unsaturated fatty-acids co-administered with the therapeutic dose of lornoxicam on liver of healthy rats. Twenty-eight adults male rats weighing 180-200g were used in this study and the animals were randomly divided into four groups of seven rats each. Group I: negative control/rats intraperitoneally injected with normal saline in a dose 5ml/kg/day; Group II: rats intraperitoneally injected with lornoxicam at dose 0.7 mg/kg/day; Group III: rats orally-administered omega-3 only at a dose 185mg/kg/day; Group IV: rats co-administered omega-3 (185mg/kg/day) orally and intra-peritoneal injection of lornoxicam (0.7 mg/kg/day). Duration of treatment was 14-day; and at day 15 of the study, the liver of each rat was excised for the preparation of tissue-homogenate to be utilized for the estimation of ALT, AST, TNF-alpha and IL-10. Omega-3 can reduce signs of inflammation through the reduction- of TNF-alpha level and elevation of IL-10 with a significant reduction in ALT enzyme activity level in rats' liver tissue homogenate. In conclusion, Omega-3 poly-unsaturated fatty-acids may have a protective effect against hepatocytes inflammation when co-administered with lornoxicam.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Mechanical And Material Engineering

This paper describes a new finishing process using magnetic abrasives were newly made to finish effectively brass plate that is very difficult to be polished by the conventional machining processes. Taguchi experimental design method was adopted for evaluating the effect of the process parameters on the improvement of the surface roughness and hardness by the magnetic abrasive polishing. The process parameters are: the applied current to the inductor, the working gap between the workpiece and the inductor, the rotational speed and the volume of powder. The analysis of variance(ANOVA) was analyzed using statistical software to identify the optimal conditions for better surface roughness and hardness. Regressions models based on statistical m

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
Methotrexate effect on obestatin, progranulin and kidney function in RA Iraqi males patients

Methotrxate (MTX) has become the standard of care and first-line therapy for patients who have RA and consider as a gold standard of treatment for RA. The role of MTX in the treatment of RA has now been well established. The use of MTX treatment of RA inhibits proliferation of the lymphocytes, reduces signs and symptoms this disease, reduces progression damage of the joints and improves quality of life outcome. Progranulin (PGRN) acts a role in autoimmune inflammatory, has important function in several processes including immune response. Present study has conducted to find the effect of MTX drugs as a therapeutic target for RA patients because of its ability to bind with tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), with progranulin, obestatin an

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
A Review on Pressure Transient Analysis in Multilayer Reservoir: South Iraq Case Study

Multilayer reservoirs are currently modeled as a single zone system by averaging the reservoir parameters associated with each reservoir zone. However, this type of modeling is rarely accurate because a single zone system does not account for the fact that each zone's pressure decreases independently. Pressure drop for each zone has an effect on the total output and would result in inter-flow and the premature depletion of one of the zones. Understanding reservoir performance requires a precise estimation of each layer's permeability and skin factor. The Multilayer Transient Analysis is a well-testing technique designed to determine formation properties in more than one layer, and its effectiveness over the past two decades has been

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Italian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics

Let A be a unital algebra, a Banach algebra module M is strongly fully stable Banach A-module relative to ideal K of A, if for every submodule N of M and for each multiplier θ : N → M such that θ(N) ⊆ N ∩ KM. In this paper, we adopt the concept of strongly fully stable Banach Algebra modules relative to an ideal which generalizes that of fully stable Banach Algebra modules and we study the properties and characterizations of strongly fully stable Banach A-module relative to ideal K of A.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Machine Learning And Data Mining In Pattern Recognition
A New Strategy for Case-Based Reasoning Retrieval Using Classification Based on Association

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
A Haptic feedback system based on leap motion controller for prosthetic hand application

Leap Motion Controller (LMC) is a gesture sensor consists of three infrared light emitters and two infrared stereo cameras as tracking sensors. LMC translates hand movements into graphical data that are used in a variety of applications such as virtual/augmented reality and object movements control. In this work, we intend to control the movements of a prosthetic hand via (LMC) in which fingers are flexed or extended in response to hand movements. This will be carried out by passing in the data from the Leap Motion to a processing unit that processes the raw data by an open-source package (Processing i3) in order to control five servo motors using a micro-controller board. In addition, haptic setup is proposed using force sensors (F

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Fifth International Conference On Applied Sciences: Icas2023
Facial deepfake performance evaluation based on three detection tools: MTCNN, Dlib, and MediaPipe

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Shift formal regulations on Mesopotamian pottery (Pottery Samarra model): محمد جاسم محمد العبيدي

Operated Alandziahih "drift theory" as a science talk in most of the cash and technical studies in the early twentieth century, making him and the sciences, arts and culture both fields of experiences, in an attempt to explore the institutions that theory, a number of laws which took control in the internal structures of those acts, resulting in for those institutions to be actively contribute their ideas to guide the pace on the right track. And thus lay the foundations of this theory, which was a big affair in the early twentieth century and still vigorous pace to this day, particularly their applications in various fields of the arts.Although each type of Arts, both in the composition or the theater or means of communication, took joi

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On The Double Integral Transform (Complex EE Transform) and Their Properties and Applications

Due to the importance of solutions of partial differential equations, linear, nonlinear, homogeneous, and non-homogeneous, in important life applications, including engineering applications, physics and astronomy, medical sciences, and life technology, and their importance in solutions to heat transfer equations, wave, Laplace equation, telegraph, etc. In this paper, a new double integral transform has been proposed.

In this work, we have introduced a new double transform ( Double Complex EE Transform ). In addition, we presented the convolution theorem and proved the properties of the proposed transform, which has an effective and useful role in dealing with the solution of two-dimensional partial differential equations. Moreover

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study on Candida spp. infection oral thrush and bacteria accompanied it from children

Oral swab samples were collected from 120 children (ages between one month- 10 years) who were infected with oral thrush and 30 healthy children. The percentages of isolated yeasts and Bacteria were 66.6% and 96.6% respectively. The dominate yeast and bacteria were Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus with of 78.7% and 34.4% respectively. Results revealed that the highest percent of infection with oral thrush disease was 32.5% in children within the age of 1-2 months.

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