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The Prevalence of UGT1A1*93 and ABCC5 Polymorphisms in Cancer Patients Receiving Irinotecan-Based Chemotherapy at Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf

Irinotecan (CPT-11) is a semisynthetic derivative of the antineoplastic agent camptothecin used in a wide range as an anti-cancer agent in many solid tumors because of its cytotoxic effect through the interaction with the topoisomerase I enzyme. The major limiting factors for irinotecan treatment are its association with potentially life-threatening toxicities including neutropenia and acute or delayed-type diarrhea, results from distinct interindividual and interethnic variability due to gene polymorphism.

This is a cross sectional pharmacogentics study was conducted on 25 cancer patients to estimate the prevalence of UGT1A1*93 and ABCC5 allele single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in Iraqi cancer patients treated with irinotecan-based therapy at Middle Euphrates Cancer Center. Four drops of venous blood was drawn for each patient and was applied onto the FTA classic card to perform a genotyping assay for the 2 SNPs. After DNA isolation and purification, real time PCR was performed to detect the SNPs of each gene.

Results of this study showed the prevalence of one allele variant (heterozygous mutation) of UGT1A1*93 was 64% compared to 36% of patients were wild type to this SNP. No patient (0%) could be detected with homozygous polymorphism of the UGT1A1*93. For the ABCC5 polymorphism, results revealed that 32% of patients have one polymorphic allele (heterozygous), while 28% of them have two polymorphic alleles (homozygous mutation). Wild type ABCC5 gene constitutes 40% of patients.   As a conclusion, high prevalence of UGT1A1*93 and ABCC5 polymorphic alleles were detected in patients at Middle Euphrates Cancer Center which may explain the high toxicity features associated with irinotecan therapy. 

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Semiotic Transformations in Scenography of the Iraqi Theatre Show "The Play of Ali Al-Wardi and his Opponent- A Model": باسم محمد احمد حسن

      Semiotics has been through wide experiences in various human sciences, especially in the fields of poetry, novel and myths. But its interest in the theatre and drama was much less and unique despite the richness of the theatrical connection as it is a probable field for the semiotic investigation which may require the semiotic approach in dealing with the theatrical and dramatic show during the two processes of: structural construction and deconstruction starting from a set of overlapping and interconnected texts inside the show, which can be limited in the text, then it would be difficult to semiotically cover all these complex and tricky texts. The theatre in its structural and aesthetic construction is c

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance evaluation of small and medium-sized enterprises according to the entrance of the scorecard applied study in company Al fadly for construction industries

The research Aim is to provide support to small enterprises by providing tools that enable measurement and test their performance and identifying weaknesses and work on them is determined by the problem of searching using traditional assessment methods for small projects with only financial performance measurement standards that do not provide a complete picture of the performance of these projects so use the balanced scorecard the four pillars (financial, customer, learning and growth, and internal processes) and identify deviations and work on them through the use of the outputs of the programme (probe), PROmoting Business Excellence-PROBE), which It is a model of performance evaluation, with which you can deve

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study the Impact of the waste which discharged from Al-Karama and Sharq- Dijla water treatment plants in water pollution of Tigris River water

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of discharge of water purification plants ,on the purity of Tigris River water in Baghdad city. The two studied plants were involved in the study : Sharq –Dijla and Al-Karama water purification plants. The study was attempted to focus on probable pollutants. Chemical, physical tests were accomplished on water samples collected from four sites with fact of three replicates for each sample of each site of the river and the plant : before, after, inside the plants and at the pipe. This study started from October 2012 to September 2013. In case of heavy metals Results showed that the highest level of aluminum was 1.08 ppm during (December-January) at Sharq-Dijla plants, while the lowest level

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 29 2018
Journal Name
Environmental Earth Sciences
A preliminary assessment of the geochemical factors affecting groundwater and surface water quality around the rural communities in Al-Anbar, Western Desert of Iraq

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Time Series Analysis of Total Suspended Solids Concentrations in Euphrates River in Al-Nasria Province

The monthly time series of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentrations in Euphrates River at Nasria was analyzed as a time series. The data used for the analysis was the monthly series during (1977-2000).

The series was tested for nonhomogenity and found to be nonhomogeneous. A significant positive jump was observed after 1988. This nonhomogenity was removed using a method suggested by Yevichevich (7). The homogeneous series was then normalized using Box and Cox (2) transformation. The periodic component of the series was fitted using harmonic analyses, and removed from the series to obtain the dependent stochastic component. This component was then modeled using first order autoregressive model (Markovian chain). The above a

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Petrophysical Properties of Mauddud Formation in Selected Wells in Al-Ahdab Oil Field, Middle Iraq

       This paper aims to calculate the petrophysical properties in the Al-Ahdab field in the middle of Iraq within the Mauddud Formation. This study was based on the information available from well logs. The interactive petrophysical software IP (V4.5)  was used to calculate the porosity, hydrocarbon saturation and shale volume, divide the formation into reservoir units and buffer units, and evaluate these units in each well. The Mauddud was divided into five units, two of them were considered good reservoirs having good petrophysical properties (high porosity, Low water saturation, and low shale volume). The other three are not reservoirs because of poor petrophysical properties.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Bio-genetics Journal
Measuring the toxicity of Heat Stable Enterotoxin (a) produced by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on human blood lymphocyte from normal and colorectal cancer patients in vitro

This research was conducted to measure the safety of heat stable enterotoxin a (STa) produced by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, through studying its toxic effect on human blood lymphocyte, since it showed a promising effect in reducing the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells. the cytogenetic effects of (STa) by using five different concentrations (100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600μg/ml) in comparison with negative (PBS, Phosphate buffer saline) and positive (MMC, Mitomycin C) at concentration of 5μg/ml, controls on human blood lymphocytes obtained from both (10) normal healthy persons and (20) colorectal cancer patients was measured by employing the following parameters: mitotic index, blast index, chromosomal aberrations and micronucle

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Yamanies Service to al- Haj between the 4 – up to 9 centuries A.H.

The Yemen Kings and gaverners allered notable services to the pilgrims, who
were in their way to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca. Among them Al-Hysen Ibn
Salama (dead 384, Aih). The governer of Al- Zeadiea state, who concern about
pilgrimage route from its beginning at Hudrumot to its end at Mecca Al Makruma, the
distant was estimated by 60th days to pass the way he also eastablished asystem of
water “artesian wells” as long as the pilgrimage way also setting up large Mosqeses
and Marking out the way of the caravans of pilgrimage to save these caravans from
lossing the right way, he setting up under ground water chanal started from Arafat to
holy Mecca in order to ensure water supplies for the erea. This proje

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Academic Problems of Family Counseling Diploma Students At Saudi Universities based on some Variables

The research aims to identify the academic problems of family counseling diploma students at Saudi Universities. In addition, to identify the differences in these problems according to gender, marital status, place of study, academic specialization, and GPA. The sample consisted of (491) students. The researcher has used one questionnaire for academic problems prepared by the researcher.  The research revealed the following results: There were academic problems among family counseling diploma students at Saudi Universities, the most problems were related to the systems and administrations of the university, then the field training, the buildings, classrooms and campus facilities, then the academic courses, after that the exams, then

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Estimation of concentration of radioactive elements for the Liquid Waste pool in radiochemistry laboratories in Al Tuwaitha site Baghdad-Iraq

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