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Serum Aldosterone Levels in Patients With Diabetic Nephropathy in Relation to Vascular Calcification
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Diabetic Nephropathy(DN) is a complex disease manifested by persistence microalbuminuria   occurring due to the interaction between hemodynamic and metabolic pathway that activates the local renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system resulting in a decline in renal functions.

This study aimed to quantify the associations between serum aldosterone concentration and fetuin- A as a marker of calcification in type 2 diabetic patients with and without microalbuminuria from one side, and study the possible relationship between aldosterone and fetuin-A with glycemic indices, serum electrolyte, renal function and microalbuminuria and body mass index from the other side.

A case-control study involved eighty-six adult subjects classified into three groups after testing urine microalbumin including thirty-two diabetics type 2 patients with positive microalbuminuria and twenty-eight diabetics type 2 patients with negative microalbuminuria and 26 healthy subjects during their visit to AL kindy specialized Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes / Baghdad. Those patients were compared to control group of 26 apparently healthy subjects, fasting blood samples was obtained from each of them in one occasion only to measure: fasting serum glucose, electrolyte, aldosterone,  fetuin-A, urea, and creatinine. In addition to glycoheamoglobin, glomerular filtration rate and body mass index.

Despite the presence of microalbuminuria in  thirty-two of the studied diabetics, there was no positive correlation between aldosterone and fetuin- A, besides that no significant variations in serum aldosterone ,glomerular filtration rate(GFR) values, while both groups showed a significant increase in fasting serum glucose and glycaoheamoglobin ,significant decrease in serum sodium and chloride in comparison with the control group , significant increase was detected  in serum fetuin-A mean  values in microalbuminuric diabetics. Whereas, negative microalbuminuric diabetics measures expressed a positive correlation between both serum sodium and chloride levels and fetuin -A.

The conclusion of this study diabetic patient are prone to vascular calcification
(VC)  might be due to increase in aldosterone level or due to diabetic itself  from this study we can conclude microalbuminuria can occur without a decline in renal function or a change in estimated GFR ,no definite correlation occur between aldosterone and fetuin- A, fetuin- A mean values are higher in diabetic patient with microalbuminuria compared to diabetic patients without microalbuminuria and control group and this referred to uncontrolled diabetes ,aldosterone show a correlation with  weight and body mass index while fetuin- A does not show  such correlation.

In general, electrolyte disturbances (hypernatremia) is more obvious in this study  , and its occurrence is due to diabetic (osmotic diuresis) or drugs, while sodium retention which is a sign of aldosterone increment does not occur.  Hypochloremia that occur in this study is due to chloride and it is in parallel with sodium level.



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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Vitamin D deficiency/ insufficiency and some of its related factors in a sample of Iraqi pregnant women and their neonates at Al-Elwiya Maternity Teaching Hospital during 2019
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In their cross-sectional study, Al-Rubaye et al studied the extent of vitamin D (VD) deficiency/ insufficiency, factors affecting its degree, and the adverse outcomes of the altered VD status among a group of mothers and their neonates from Baghdad, Iraq. They found that 96.6% of the mothers had VD deficiency/ insufficiency compared to 86.4% in their neonates. Maternal VD levels and neonatal weights were significantly correlated with neonatal VD levels. We believe that the study results need to be revised. This is based  two points listed in this letter to editor

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Environment Effects of Fish Cages Farming in the Euphrates River at Mysayyib District on Water Quality at the Farms and at the Myssayyib Water Purification Stations-2013
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    The present study aimed to investigate the effects of cages of fish farming of Mussayyib district,The fish farming have been selected at Euphrates river with in Mussayyib districtBabylon province the area of study extend 3 Km at the river and includes 541 cages in water with in 46 fish farming . Water samples were taken from 3 stations three times within one month for each two of them were taken from two water purification stations in mussayyib ,physical and chemical examination of water quality were taken ,The results for samples from the fish farming indicated that PH and salinity of water within acceptable levels, high proporation of dissolved oxygen and vital oxygen required were very high while the turbidity was more t

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 21 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This study aims to study some morphological and reproductional characteristics in eleven species of two genera belonging to the family of Asparagaceae, which are Bellevalia Lapeyrouse, 1808 and Ornithogalum Linnaeus, 1753 and the species are: Bellevalia chrisii Yildirim and Sahin, 2014; Bellevalia flexuosa Boissier, 1854; Bellevalia kurdistanica Feinbrun, 1940; Bellevalia longipes Post, 1895; Bellevalia macrobotrys Boissier, 1853; Bellevalia paradoxa Boissier, 1882; Bellevalia parva Wendelbo, 1973; Bellevalia saviczii Woronow, 1927; Ornithogalum brachystachys C. Koch, 1849; Ornithogalum neurostegium Boissier, 1882 and Ornithogalum pyrenaicum Linnaeus, 1753. These species were identified and compared with each other; the results showed th

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
השואה והשלכותיה על אהרון אפלפלד - עיון בשלושה סיפורים קצרים עוזר למורה – עלי מוחמד רשיד The Holocaust and its impact on Aharon Bielefeld - A Study in Three Short Stories
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מטרת המחקר הזה היא לבדוק את שלושה סיפורים קצרים מהקובץ הראשון של אהרון אפלפלד , שנחשב ההצהרה הרשמית על היותו סופר השואה הראשון בישראל , המשותף לשלושת הסיפורים הוא הנימה של הגיבורים היוצאים למסע פיזי ונפשי לגלות את אשר אירע להם , מגמתו של המחקר היא לבדוק את הצורה המיוחדת שבה אפיין אפלפלד את גיבוריו שמעידים על כך , כי השואה היא החוויה המרה והקשה בקרב היהודים והשלכותיה נשארה טמונה בקרבם גם אחרי המלחמה ואחרי שנים

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessing the Potentiality of Using CXCL9 as A Predictive Biomarker for Acute and Chronic Toxoplasmosis, and Study the Correlation Between CXCL9, Toxoplasmosis and Thyroid Disorder in These Cases
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     Background:  Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand (CXCL9) has an important role recruiting the T-lymphocytes and immune response after infection by inducing T-cells accumulation around the areas associated with infections. However, this role is poorly known in relation with Toxoplasma gondii infection and also in association with thyroid hormones, which the present study is focused on. Methods: Eighty-seven women were included in this study for the period between September 2021 and February 2022. Blood samples of uninfected healthy pregnant, in addition to aborted and pregnant women infected with toxoplasmosis, were collected. Sera were then obtained and stored at -10°C. Toxo-latex agglutination test was done, followed by detec

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Accounting Thought Direction of Fair value on the Relevance: An Applied Study of a Sample of the Listed Banks Listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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In accounting studies, more than one method is used to measure income and balance sheets elements. One of these methods is called the fair value, which use to determine the assets and liabilities ad it includes the benefits or self-satisfaction ability. This paper aims to focus on the importance of fair value as a basis of accounting measurement and its effects to achieve the relevant characteristics by using the equation is used by (Kythreotis) in his research, And Also , Editing this equation depending on the financial data and information of Iraqi Banks as a case.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of managing employees' performance in building intellectual capital Analytical study of the views of a sample of heads of scientific departments At the University of Kirkuk
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The research aims to identify the impact of managing performance's employees in building intellectual capital, Because employing the practice of managing the performance of employees may acquire familiar skills to improve their performance and reflect on the construction of intellectual capital in the surveyed area, Especially that the independent dimension represented by the management of the performance of employees is one of the important topics that has received attention in the world of management in general and human resource management in particular.  While the adopted dimension was represented by Intellectual capital in the important practice of human resource management in the increasing of  their knowledge, to

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Iraq's Image in the British Press An analytical study of the Guardian and The Daily Telegraph for 1 / 1- 31/3/2019: Research extracted from a master's thesis
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The topic of the research dealt with the image of Iraq in the British press based on a sample of the newspapers (The Guardian and the Daily Telegraph), which are among the most important and largest newspapers in the United Kingdom and the world, because of its active role in guiding local and international public opinion towards important issues and events, Since these two newspapers are interested in the accuracy of sensitive political topics, the message aimed at knowing the media image that these two newspapers painted about Iraq in the period that was limited to the first quarter of 2019, and also to know the nature of the contents promoted by these newspapers about the Iraqi reality, The method of content analysis was used as an ap

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Planning For Reducing the Phenomenon of Tax EvasionBy Developing the Role of the Equitable: Distribution of TaxBurdens on TaxpayersAn Applied Research in the General Commission Of Taxes
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 The tax base is one of the bases of the technical organizing of taxes,   and that a good selection of the tax base effects the outcome of the tax and its fairness, and with the expansion of the tax range results a dangerous phenomenon called tax evasion, which became threaten the economies of countries and this phenomenon prevents the achievement of the state to its economic, political and social objectives which seeks to resolve this phenomenon and identifying all human and material potential and realize the real reasons that lie behind it.   The researcher found that tax authorities are weak in terms of it the technical material and financial abilities, the analysis of data show that then is a significant reve

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Magazine Of College Administration&economics For Economic & Administration & Financial Studies
The Design of Optimal Layout Using Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique (CRAFT) - Applied Research in Al-M'ammon Factory / The General Company for Vegetable Oils Industry
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