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Gender Differences of Serum Leptin Hormone Levels in Iraqi Population
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To evaluate and compare serum Leptin hormone level between Iraqi male & female and the relation between this hormone & BMI in these two groups.

A total of 44 normal male & female subjects were included in this study

{Group 1 : 22 female } , { Group 2 : 22 male}.

Serum Leptin hormone ,BMI &fasting blood glucose were measured for both groups.

   Serum Leptin level in group 1 was (8.82 + 2.9 μg/L) where as in group 2 it was (4.65 + 3.2 μg/L) . These changes were statistically significant. Fasting blood glucose levels were technically within the normal value (116.43 + 3.4mg /dl) for group 1 & (118.52 + 2.9 mg /dl) for group 2 . BMI levels were comparable in both groups during the study, with slight elevation in group 1  [ 24 + 1.73 kg /m2 for group 1 &  23 + 1.98 kg /m2for group 2 ] which within the  acceptable limit as far as safety concern.

  Leptin, an adipocyte-derived hormone known to play an important role in body-weight regulation, the result of this study shows that Leptin is presented differentially in Iraqi men and women ; in which it is significantly higher in women than in men serum . These observations are potentially important for the understanding of differences between men and women in regulation of food intake, weight gain, and body fat distribution.The relation between Leptin & the BMI in male and female in this study may open another approach for this hormone to be involved  in –fertility &  in pubertal development.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Localization of the Optic Disc in Retinal Fundus Image using Appearance Based Method andVasculature Convergence
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Optic Disc (OD) localization is a basic step for the screening, identification and appreciation of the risk of diverse ophthalmic pathologies such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.In fact, the fundamental step towards an exact OD segmentation process is the success of OD localization. This paper proposes a fully automatic procedure for OD localization based on two of the OD most relevant features  of high-intensity value and vasculature convergence. Merging ofthese two features renders the proposed method capable of localizing the OD within the variously complicated environments such as the faint disc boundary, unbalanced shading, and the existence of retinal pathologies like cotton wall and exudates,which usually share the same

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Steering Wheel Vibration on drivers Hands in a Two-Wheel Drivers Hand tractor
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The paper presents research results of the vibration transmitted from the steering wheel of the tractor with a 2-wheel drive to the driver’s hands. The vibration measurements were carried out on the tractor randomly chosen from the collage of agriculture / university of Baghdad. Before testing the tractor was examined and adjusted following the producer’s recommendations. The vibration levels were measured during the operation tillage at idling and at full load .The field was 31.7 m above level sea. Soil was treated at soil constant moisture (17-20 %) with depth of plowing (17 cm). During operation the weather temperature was measured (15 C) and humidity was ( 27 % ) The vibration level on the steering wheel was measured and analyzed .T

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Municipal Solid Waste Generation Models Using Artificial Neural Network in Baghdad city, Iraq
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The importance of Baghdad city as the capital of Iraq and the center of the attention of delegations because of its long history is essential to preserve its environment. This is achieved through the integrated management of municipal solid waste since this is only possible by knowing the quantities produced by the population on a daily basis. This study focused to predicate the amount of municipal solid waste generated in Karkh and Rusafa separately, in addition to the quantity produced in Baghdad, using IBM SPSS 23 software. Results that showed the average generation rates of domestic solid waste in Rusafa side was higher than that of Al-Karkh side because Rusafa side has higher population density than Al-Karkh side. T

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation of Oxygen Mass Transfer in an Internal Loop Airlift Reactor with Axial Dispersion Model
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The effect of superficial gas velocity within the range 0.01-0.164 m/s on gas holdup (overall, riser and down comer), volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient, liquid circulation velocity was studied in an internal loop concentric tubes airlift reactor (working volume 45 liters). It was shown that as the usg increases the gas holdup and also the liquid circulation velocity increase. Also it was found that increasing superficial gas velocity lead to increase the interfacial area that increases the overall oxygen mass transfer coefficient. The hydrodynamic experimental results were modeled with the available equations in the literature. The predicted data gave an acceptable accuracy with the empirical data.

The final

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effectiveness of Barman model in acquiring the historical concepts among fourth-grade literary students
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The researcher attempts to examine Barman model in acquiring the historical concepts among fourth-grade students at literary classrooms. To this end, the researcher held the null hypothesis, there is no significant difference between the experimental groups who was taught based on Barman model and the control group that taught based on the traditional method in acquiring the historical concepts on the post-test. To testify the effectiveness of Barman model, the researcher administered a questionnaire included (60) items on bunch of female-students who were selected from al-khamaeal preparatory school in al-hurriyah district in Baghdad. The author utilized different statistical tools to analyze the collected data.    &

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of Visfatin Level in Patients with Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy as Early Predicted Factor
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Peripheral neuropathy represents one of the common diabetic complications in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2). Peripheral neuropathy affects the feet, legs, hands, and arms. It was found that one-third to one-half of diabetics have peripheral neuropathy. The current study aimed to evaluate the level of visfatin in diabetic patient groups with or without peripheral neuropathy in comparison with healthy subjects to knowledge whether visfatin can be applied as a predictor factor for this type of disease complication. The study included 120 males and females ranging in age from 40 to 97 years old. (40 patients with type 2 diabetes, 40 patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and 40 healthy people served as the control group

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Alcoholic Catechin Extract on Hyperglycemia, Hyperlipidemia and Liver Functions in Alloxan Diabetic Mice
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The objective of this study is to estimate the effect of the hydro-ethanolic catechin extract toward blood glucose, lipid profile and liver functions in alloxan diabetic mice. 50 healthy mice (25-30 g) were divided into five groups of ten animals for each. Group A received normal saline as normal control group. To induce diabetes, alloxan (150 mg/kg), intraperitoneal (i.p.) single dose was injected to groups B, C, D and E. Group B represents diabetic control group. Groups C, D and E received ethanolic catechin extract (30 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg) for different periods of 1, 2 and 3 weeks as treated groups. Blood glucose, serum lipids [Total Cholesterol (TC), Triglycerides (TGs) and High Density Lipoproteins (HDL)], asparagine transaminase (AST),

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
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The Theory of knowledge And Their Repercussions On the Journalistic Image In Electronic Designs Websites
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represent websites link support of human communicate and cohesion of cultures different depending on their languages and their environments around, it was the evolution of one of the most important means of communication of services for electronic networks, the Internet active role in containing the world Bbodqh science and knowledge to Taatlaqah cultures from which derives its intellectual and cognitive cupboards continuity and as a link language for each those environmental Altdadat, linguistic, religious, political, economic . We all know that these electronic means difficult promise ring intellectual and mental connectivity for the masses polarized without being of the image as an element Kravekaa supporter of the electronic media an

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
The Effect of UV and Combined Chlorine/UV Treatment on Coliphages in Drinking Water Disinfection
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Scopus (37)
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
“They’ve damaged your uniqueness”: Technology as a Source of Dystopia in Caryl Churchill’s A Number
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This study focuses on the impact of technology on creating a dystopian world as presented by the English playwright Caryl Churchill in her play A Number (2002). This dramatic work came as a reaction to the most crucial and valuable turning point in the scientific achievements of human engineering, namely, the cloning of the sheep called Dolly. Therefore, A Number is a play that presents an analytical stage for imagining the biotechnological and scientific future. This dramatic vignette captures the playwright’s fears towards the abnormal progress of technology and science and how far such technological progress affects human relationships and identity. It also portrays how technological progress results in the feeling of a lack of

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