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Cytotoxic Assay of Nigella sativa Leaf Callus Extract (Thymol) on Hep-2 Cell Line Using ELISA Assay
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Extract from cell culture of medicinal plant like Nigella sativa have been assessed for its cytotoxic properties. Thymol is likely responsible for the theraputic effects of  Nigella sativa leaf callus extract. In this short study the inhibitory effect of Nigella sativa leaf callus extract (Thymol) has been studied on Human Lorgnx Epidrmoid Carcinoma (Hep-2) cell line during different exposure period of time (24, 48 and 72 hrs.) using different concentration of the extract (1000, 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100 µg/ml). The optical density of the Hep-2 cells has been readed on 492 nm wave length. Thymol –induced cytotoxicity was (500 µg/ml) which inhibit cell growing compared to the control and this ratio increased at the 48 hrs of exopsure and stopped at 72 hrs.

Key wards: Nigella sativa, callus extract, cell line, ELISA assay.


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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Solid State Communications
Chlorine trifluoride gas adsorption on the Fe, Ru, Rh, and Ir decorated gallium nitride nanotubes
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The impact of decorating Fe, Ru, Rh, and Ir metals upon the sensing capability of a gallium nitride nanotube (GaNNT) in detecting chlorine trifluoride (CT) was scrutinized using the density functionals B3LYP and B97D. The interaction of the pristine GaNNT with CT was a physical adsorption with the sensing response (SR) of approximately 6.9. After decorating the above-mentioned metals on the GaNNT, adsorption energy of CT changed from −5.8 to −18.6, −18.9, −19.4, and −20.1 kcal/mol by decorating the Fe, Ru, Rh, and Ir metals into the GaNNT surface, respectively. Also, the corresponding SR dramatically increased to 39.6, 52.3, 63.8, and 106.6. This shows that the sensitivity of the metal-decorated GaNNT (metal@GaNNT) increased by in

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Proposing an Analysis System to Monitoring Weightlifting Based on Training (Snatch and Clean and Jerk)
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Analysis system of sports players is very important for individuals in weightlifting. Assessment of player and strength is important for the performance of weightlifting. This paper proposes an analytical method for weightlifters with check-by-frame video. This analysis system can compute the major steps of seven positions in both snatch and clean and jerk methods in frame-video weightlifting monitoring of movements. Each user can compute the major steps of the seven positions of Hu moments among two frames in the video during training, and the Euclidian distance can be computed for the Hu moment values and lifting moment values in the snatch and clean and jerk methods during training. The outcome of the proposed system shows on efficien

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 25 2012
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition for Energy Efficient Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Access
SHE Networks: Security, Health, and Emergency Networks Traffic Priority Management Based on ML and SDN
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Recently, the increasing demand to transfer data through the Internet has pushed the Internet infrastructure to the nal edge of the ability of these networks. This high demand causes a deciency of rapid response to emergencies and disasters to control or reduce the devastating effects of these disasters. As one of the main cornerstones to address the data trafc forwarding issue, the Internet networks need to impose the highest priority on the special networks: Security, Health, and Emergency (SHE) data trafc. These networks work in closed and private domains to serve a group of users for specic tasks. Our novel proposed network ow priority management based on ML and SDN fullls high control to give the required ow priority to SHE dat

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Model Design for Combating COVID -19 Pandemic Based on SVM and CNN Approaches
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       In the current worldwide health crisis produced by coronavirus disease (COVID-19), researchers and medical specialists began looking for new ways to tackle the epidemic. According to recent studies, Machine Learning (ML) has been effectively deployed in the health sector. Medical imaging sources (radiography and computed tomography) have aided in the development of artificial intelligence(AI) strategies to tackle the coronavirus outbreak. As a result, a classical machine learning approach for coronavirus detection from      Computerized Tomography (CT) images was developed. In this study, the convolutional neural network (CNN) model for feature extraction and support vector machine (SVM) for the classification of axial

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Estimate the Parallel System Reliability in Stress-Strength Model Based on Exponentiated Inverted Weibull Distribution
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Abstract<p>In this paper, we employ the maximum likelihood estimator in addition to the shrinkage estimation procedure to estimate the system reliability (<italic>R<sub>k</sub> </italic>) contain <italic>K<sup>th</sup> </italic> parallel components in the stress-strength model, when the stress and strength are independent and non-identically random variables and they follow two parameters Exponentiated Inverted Weibull Distribution (EIWD). Comparisons among the proposed estimators were presented depend on simulation established on mean squared error (MSE) criteria.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Evaluation Tv- Image Quality for Different Cable Signal Transmission Resistance Based on Contrast Edge Algorithm
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Some degree of noise is always present in any electronic device that
transmits or receives a signal . For televisions, this signal i has been to s the
broadcast data transmitted over cable-or received at the antenna; for digital
cameras, the signal is the light which hits the camera sensor. At any case, noise
is unavoidable. In this paper, an electronic noise has been generate on
TV-satellite images by using variable resistors connected to the transmitting cable
. The contrast of edges has been determined. This method has been applied by
capturing images from TV-satellite images (Al-arabiya channel) channel with
different resistors. The results show that when increasing resistance always
produced higher noise f

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
On semi strongly (E, F)-convex functions and semi strongly (E, F)-convex optimization problems
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Abstract<p>In this paper, a new class of non-convex functions called semi strongly (<italic>E, F</italic>)-convex functions are presented. This class represents a natural extension of semi strongly <italic>E</italic>-convex functions shown in the literature. Different properties of this class of functions are discussed. Optimality properties of constrained optimization problems in which the objective function or the inequality constraints functions are semi strongly (<italic>E, F</italic>)-convex are proved for this class.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Syrian Crisis and its Impact on Russia Economically and Politically: علي طه عبدالله الجميلي
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Th paper scientifically deals with the Syrian crisis events erupted in 2011 using the historical descriptive and analytical approaches. The importance of the paper comes from the serious crisis that occurred in a region rich of historical crises, and natural resources attracting the attention of the major countries. The paper aims to show the Syrian crisis, its importance to Russia, the United States, and the regional countries, its impact on Russia economically and politically after the intervention, and Russia’s achievements on a global level holding the influential power on international decisions and other global events. The new Russian strategy has proven its worth in preserving its strategic interests as it could help the Syrian

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Laser Field Effect on Chemisorption Energy and Its Contributions for the System Na2 / W(100)
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In this study, a mathematical model is presented to study the chemisorption of two interacting atoms on solid surface in the presence of laser field. Our mathematical model is based on the occupation numbers formula that depends on the laser field which we derived according to Anderson model for single atom adsorbed on solid surface. Occupation numbers formula and chemisorption energy formula are derived for two interacting atoms (as a diatomic molecule) as they approach to the surface taking into account the correlation effects on each atom and between atoms. This model is characterized by obvious dependence of all relations on the system variables and the laser field characteristics which gives precise description for the molecule –

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