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Bioequivalence of Two Formulations of Amoxicillin in Human Healthy Volunteers on (HPLC) Technique
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Amoxicillin is commercially available in the form of capsules and tablets containing 250mg or 500mg for oral administration. It is also available in the form of suspension containing "25mg/ml” . Amoxicillin is presently used as the most common antibiotics .Ten healthy Human volunteers were characterized respected to their pharmacokinetic and bioavailability of two formulations of Amoxicillin from two sources of  industrial companies  after a single dose administration was given orally. A procedure is described for determination the concentration levels of Amoxicillin in human plasma of healthy volunteers using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with reversed-phase isocratic column at low wave length of UV-visible detection "230nm". An efficient drug extraction procedure was used for the separation of Amoxicillin after simple extraction with cold methanol using ODS-C18-DB column. The pharmacokinetic 500mg of Amoxicillin capsule orally administrated treatment through 10 hours  has been examined.  The  Amoxicillin  was eluted  for "10.0 minutes" at flow Rate "1.5ml/min." and Temperature equal to 298 K .The retention time of Amoxicillin was observed at 7.0 minutes. The mean absolute recovery of Amoxicillin in blood plasma of all healthy volunteers were 94.1% at 1.0ppm, 102% at 5.0ppm, 103% at 10.0ppm 102% at 20ppm, 99.3% at 40ppm and 104% at 50ppm respectively. The assay showed excellent relationships between area under the curve ratios and drug concentration levels (P>0.002) .Oral Amoxicillin administration in ten healthy volunteers gave maximum concentration peak plasma at two hours and decline through ten hours. Treatment with Iraqi formulation Amoxicillin produced higher area under the curve “AUC” and maximum concentration “C (max)” of Amoxicillin than Indian formulation.

Key word: Amoxicillin, Bioequivalence, ODS -DB column.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Survival estimation for singly type one censored sample based on generalized Rayleigh distribution
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This paper interest to estimation the unknown parameters for generalized Rayleigh distribution model based on censored samples of singly type one . In this paper the probability density function for generalized Rayleigh is defined with its properties . The maximum likelihood estimator method is used to derive the point estimation for all unknown parameters based on iterative method , as Newton – Raphson method , then derive confidence interval estimation which based on Fisher information matrix . Finally , testing whether the current model ( GRD ) fits to a set of real data , then compute the survival function and hazard function for this real data.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Interior Visual Intruders Detection Module Based on Multi-Connect Architecture MCA Associative Memory
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Most recent studies have focused on using modern intelligent techniques spatially, such as those
developed in the Intruder Detection Module (IDS). Such techniques have been built based on modern
artificial intelligence-based modules. Those modules act like a human brain. Thus, they should have had the
ability to learn and recognize what they had learned. The importance of developing such systems came after
the requests of customers and establishments to preserve their properties and avoid intruders’ damage. This
would be provided by an intelligent module that ensures the correct alarm. Thus, an interior visual intruder
detection module depending on Multi-Connect Architecture Associative Memory (MCA)

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Generating a Strong Key for a Stream Cipher Systems Based on Permutation Networks
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The choice of binary Pseudonoise (PN) sequences with specific properties, having long period high complexity, randomness, minimum cross and auto- correlation which are essential for some communication systems. In this research a nonlinear PN generator is introduced . It consists of a combination of basic components like Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), ?-element which is a type of RxR crossbar switches. The period and complexity of a sequence which are generated by the proposed generator are computed and the randomness properties of these sequences are measured by well-known randomness tests.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Blockchain Technology and its Potential Effect on the Banking Industry (China Case Study)
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The aim of the research is to investigate potential effects of the finance industry and block-chain to general business of financing in particular, as well as its shortcomings and difficulties. To answer the research questions, the researcher used the objective narrative-analytical descriptive approach and included a qualitative analysis of Blockchain technology. The process of Blockchain technology based on their industries, the authors were selected based on their reputation in the Blockchain field. The research found that Blockchain can improve the efficiency of the banking industry's various sections. It has the ability to upgrade and transfer wages across borders, financial reporting and compliance, as well as trade finance

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Role the media to limit from get games children instigator on the violence
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Violence is a very serious phenomenon affecting the upbringing and culture kids, are playing the most violent forms of development of these Phenomenon, the research aims to determine the role of the media in reducing violence, and conducted a field study on parents Children by 200 form, the results revealed the importance of the media in raising awareness of the risks of violence on the child  Especially television, which hugely increased Show features, as well as the role of parents in guiding the child to buy Useful because the game to play negative impact of violence on children's health, and the media play an important role in raising awareness of these Risks through educational programs and television commercials, and o

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Iraq public exposuring to foreign satellites and its effect on the cultural identity
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The summary of this study is to identify the relation ship between exposuing of the
public to foreign satellites and the degree of cultural of Iraqi public . the danger Iraqi public
exposure to foreign satellite specially some groups of the public are still own limited culture
and ideology without enough conscious to attitude of society . such people cun easily be
controlled by satellites , because these satellites may be the only cultural source for them
which may badly affect their behaviour . This study also aims to identify the level of Iraqi
people exposure to foreign satellites and the types and motivations of that exposure , then to
realize the relationship between exposing to foreign satellites and the cultur

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Geopolitical dimensions to build a dam on the downstream Renaissance (Egypt and Sudan)
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Varied uses of international rivers in the past few decades dramatically, resulting in this multiplicity of uses and all associated with it for the occurrence of freshwater scarcity activities, and thus an increase in conflicts and disputes around on the rights of each of the riparian countries to benefit from the waters of the river at various purposes, particularly the establishment of dams on some of them as is the case (Renaissance Ethiopian) big impact on downstream countries Dam (Egypt and Sudan), due to the Oukuahma at the end of the Nile Valley made them vulnerable to environmental fluctuations, political crises facing the Nile basin countries, and any reduction in the proportion of water is not only the Nile River, but for all r

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Notes On The Non Linear Operator Equation I AXAX n  *
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  Necessary and sufficient conditions for the operator equation I AXAX n  * , to have a real positive definite solution X are given. Based on these conditions, some properties of the operator A as well as relation between the solutions X andAare given.

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Retrieving Image from Noisy Version depending on Multiwavelet Soft-Thresholding with Smoothing Filter
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In this paper, we describe a new method for image denoising. We analyze properties of the Multiwavelet coefficients of natural images. Also it suggests a method for computing the Multiwavelet transform using the 1st order approximation. This paper describes a simple and effective model for noise removal through suggesting a new technique for retrieving the image by allowing us to estimate it from the noisy image. The proposed algorithm depends on mixing both soft-thresholds with Mean filter and applying concurrently on noisy image by dividing into blocks of equal size (for concurrent processed to increase the performance of the enhancement process and to decease the time that is needed for implementation by applying the proposed algorith

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Robot Arm Path Planning Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization based on D* algorithm
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Much attention has been paid for the use of robot arm in various applications. Therefore, the optimal path finding has a significant role to upgrade and guide the arm movement. The essential function of path planning is to create a path that satisfies the aims of motion including, averting obstacles collision, reducing time interval, decreasing the path traveling cost and satisfying the kinematics constraints. In this paper, the free Cartesian space map of 2-DOF arm is constructed to attain the joints variable at each point without collision. The D*algorithm and Euclidean distance are applied to obtain the exact and estimated distances to the goal respectively. The modified Particle Swarm Optimization al

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