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Comparative Effects of Fentanyl, Medazolam, Lignocaine and Propranolol on Controlling the Hemodynamic Pressor Response during Laryngoscopy and Intubation
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Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation are considered the most invasive stimuli in anesthesia. They provoked cardiovascular responses that include hypertension, tachycardia and dysrhythmias. Various pharmacological approaches have been used to blunt or attenuate such pressor responses. The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of medazolom, lignocaine and propranolol as a valuable adjuvant to fentanyl in attenuating hemodynamic responses to endotracheal intubation in normotensive patients. Thirty two patient with physical status I or II according to the score of American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA), scheduled for elective surgery under standard general anesthesia, were randomly allocated into four groups (8 patients in each group), assigned as F, M, L and P groups. Each patient in the four groups received 1 µg/kg i.v fentanyl. Patients in groups M, L and P are treated with 0.2 mg/kg i.v medazolam, 1.5mg/kg i.v lignocaine and 0.01mg/kg i.v propranolol respectively. Induction of anesthesia was then accomplished with 2mg/kg thiopental sodium followed by1.5mg/kg succinylcholine. Tracheal intubation was performed 2 minutes after induction of anesthesia. Heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure and rate pressure product were measured before induction, after induction and at 2, 4, 6 and 8 minutes after intubation. The results indicated no significant variation in the hemodynamic pressor response in all four groups with tracheal intubation. In conclusion, a minimum effective dose of i.v pre-medications (fentanyl, medazolom, lignocaine and propranolol) were found to be individually successful in attenuating and providing a reliable control of all hemodynamic response changes accompanied the process of laryngoscopy and intubation. Therefore, all are proved effective premedication and no one being superior.

Key words:  fentanyl, medazolom, lignocaine, propranolol, endotracheal intubation, hemodynamic response.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch
The evolutionary effects of bacillin and s-pyocin bacteriocin and their effects on propionibacterium acnes and fungi
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ABSTRACT : Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the ability to produce a wide antimicrobial active compounds (Bacillin and S-Pyocin) against pathogenic microorganism. In vitro assay with the antagonists of both crude bacteriocin and partial by precipitation 75% ammonium sulfate showed that the effectively inhibited growth of the following (Candida kefyer and Fusarium spp) and Propionibacterium acnes. The results showed the inhibition zone of reached Bacillin (9-13 mm), while Pyocin (13 - 16mm) in solid medium.

Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Cloud Manufacturing framework for controlling and monitoring of machines
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Due to the development that occurs in the technologies of information system many techniques was introduced and played important role in the connection between machines and peoples through internet, also it used to control and monitor of machines, these technologies called cloud computing and Internet of Things. With the replacement of computing resources with manufacturing resources cloud computing named converted into cloud manufacturing.

In this research cloud computing was used in the field of manufacturing to automate the process of selecting G-Code that Computer Numerical Control machine work it, this process was applied by the using of this machine with Radio Frequency Identification and a AWS Cloud services and some of py

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2010
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparative study of the renoprotective effects of captopril and aminophylline against cainst cisplatin – induced nephrotoxicty in rats
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Background: Cisplatin is one of the most
commonly used anti-cancer drugs , but its
clinical use was limited by its nephrotoxicity .
Methods: In this study we try to investigate the
renoprotective effect of captopril and
aminophylline against cisplatin induced
nephrotoxicity .For this purpose a 36 Sprague
Dawley rats was divided randomly to 6 groups ,
each group consist of 6 rats. The first group
given normal saline and act as control group,
while the other 5 groups given cisplatin ( 7.5
mg/kg ) , captopril ( 60 mg/kg ) , aminophylline
( 24 mg/kg ) , captopril with cisplatin and
aminophylline with cisplatin respectively. All
drugs are given as single dose through
intraperitonial route. After 6

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Comparative Investigation of Different Ionospheric Models to Predict the MUF Parameter During Severe Geomagnetic Storm on 17th March 2015.
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The present work aimed to make a comparative investigation between three different ionospheric models: IRI-2020, ASAPS and VOACAP. The purpose of the comparative study is to investigate the compatibility of predicting the Maximum Usable Frequency parameter (MUF) over mid-latitude region during the severe geomagnetic storm on 17 March 2015. Three stations distributed in the mid-latitudes were selected for study; these are (Athens (23.50o E, 38.00o N), Jeju (124.53o E, 33.6o N) and Pt. Arguello (239.50o W, 34.80o N). The daily MUF outcomes were calculated using the tested models for the three adopted sites, for a span of five-day (the day of the event and two days preceding and following the event day). The calculated datasets were co

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Raised excessive consumption on environment and price levels during the period 2005- 2013.: Raised excessive consumption on environment and price levels during the period 2005- 2013.
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When the financial resources of individuals and groups available, this will lead to increase the consumption ranges and sometimes reached to excessive especially to the categories that have little awareness about economic importance and its reflections. it seems that consumerism has increased in many countries including Iraq because of many factors, and the most important one is the availability of financial resources as a result of the increase in oil exports as well as the spread of consumption media department at various levels especially.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effects of various beverages on the shear bond strength of light-cured orthodontic composite (An in vitro comparative study)
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Background: This study was conducted to assess the effects of various beverages on the shear bond strength of light-cured orthodontic composite used to bond stainless steel orthodontic brackets on human teeth and to determine the site of bonding failure of this material. Materials and Methods: Fifty extracted human premolars were selected and randomly divided into five equal groups each with 10 teeth according to the beverage type (Control, One Tiger, Milk, Green tea and Coffee). After bonding, the teeth were immersed in specific beverages for 5 minutes twice daily with equal intervening intervals then washed and stored in distilled water at 37º C for the reminder of the day. The process was carried out for 30 days. The samples were then

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The effects of devitrification on the lithium glass surface and microstructure
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Causes and Effects of Earnings Management on Stock Prices
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This study uses the performance of the discretionary estimation models by using a sample of listed companies in the Netherlands and Germany. The actual accounting framework provides a wide opportunity for managers to influence data in financial reporting. The corporate reporting strategy, the way managers use their discretionary accounting, has a significant effect on the company's financial reporting. The authors contribute to the literature through enhancement to these models to accomplish better effects of identifying earnings management as well as to present evidence that is particular to the Dutch and German setting.

For this, we followed the methodology of Dechow, Sloan, and Sweeney (1995) and Chan

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Tue Jul 02 2019
Journal Name
Sudan Journal Of Medical Sciences
Positive and Negative Effects of the Commensal Bacteria on Carcinogenesis
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Background: Cancer is a lethal disease that results from a multifactorial process. Progression into carcinogenesis and an abnormal cell proliferation can occur due to the micro and macro environment as well as genetic mutations and modifications. In this review, cancer and the microbiota – mainly bacteria that inhabit the tumour tissue – have been discussed. The positive and negative impacts of the commensal bacteria on tumours being protective or carcinogenic agents, respectively, and their strategies have also been described. Methods: Related published articles written in English language were searched from Google Scholar, PubMed, Mendeley suggestions, as well as Google search using a combination of the keywords ‘Microbiota, commens

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Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 12 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Medical Science
A comparative study between the side effects of copper intrauterine device in women with non-scarred and scarred uterus
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