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The Relationship between ABO Blood Group Distribution and the incidence of Upper Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer in Iraqi Patients
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The relationship between blood group antigens and peptic ulcer disease has been widely evaluated in the past, but only one study relating H pylori seroprevalence to ABO blood groups among Iraqi patients with peptic ulcer disease is available. We aimed to evaluate the frequency of peptic ulcer disease among different ABO blood groups in Iraqi patients, and we thought it was worthwhile to try to determine whether these components take some part in disease etiology. One hundred and six patients with peptic ulcer disease (PUD) (43 male and 63 female; mean  age: 48 ± 18 years) who attended Baghdad teaching hospital and Al- Yarmouk teaching hospital endoscopy centers were enrolled , and 238 control Subjects.  Finger blood samples were used for ABO/Rhesus (Rh) blood group antigen typing. The ABO blood group phenotype frequency in peptic ulcer patients was as follows: 18.9% for blood group A, 15.1% for blood group B, 57.5 % for blood group O and 8.5% for blood group AB.  Rh positivity was found in 100% of patients. Significant higher percentage of patients with both gastric and duodenal ulcer disease are those holding  blood group O compared to other blood group phenotypes  (57.5%)( p= 0.003) .The present study show higher incidence of doudenal ulcer( DU) in patients  with blood group O+ compared to gastric ulcer( GU)   patients (65.6%vs 54.1%) , although no  statistical difference between both diseases was found,( p ˃ 0.05) in respect to other blood  group phenotypes.   Peptic ulcer disease is predominant in patients aged between 50-59 years represents with higher percentage (26.4%) compared to other age groups.  Patients with blood group O+ phenotype presented with a highly significant percentage of Peptic ulcer disease, since those individuals may express a higher inflammatory responses to H. pylori with higher levels of lymphocyte infiltration in the gastrointestinal mucosa   , and a higher frequency of secretor status  . In addition, they do not produce the substance on the surface of blood group O+ cells that may protect the lining of the duodenum .According to these results, probably ABO/Rh blood group (mainly blood group O+)   has an important role in patients with peptic ulcer disease as additional risk . The functional significance of ABO blood group distribution might be associated with biological behavior of Peptic ulcer disease. The impact of blood group on Peptic ulcer disease may be a focus for further studies.

Keywords:  ABO/ Rh Blood group system - Upper gastrointestinal disorders –Age &  Gender distribution

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Establishment of the possible association between the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the saliva and gastric biopsy by using polymerase chain reaction technique in association with oral manifestation of peptic ulcer disease
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Background: Helicobacter pylori are important gastrointestinal pathogen associated with gastritis, peptic ulcers, and an increased risk of gastric carcinoma. There are several popular methods for detection of H. pylori (invasive and non-invasive methods) each having its own advantages, disadvantages, and limitations, and by using PCR technique the ability to detect H. pylori in saliva samples offers a potential for an alternative test for detection of this microorganism. Materials and methods: The study sample consists of fifty participants of both genders, who undergo Oesophageo-gastrodudenoscopy at the Gastroenterology Department of Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital Baghdad/ Iraq, during five months period from January 2014 to May 2014. They we

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Relationship Between Blood Types And The Kind Of Food Intake And Its Impact on Human Health
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This Study aimed To know The relation between Types of blood and health problems which human Suffered from , and the effect of food intake on health.
Samples of study contained 269 person aged between 30 – 70 years which choiced randomly for sex , we are take all in formation about samples of study by form paper contian sex , age, type of blood , weight (kg) , height (cm) , smoking or.not , sporting or not, problems in digestive tract , sensitivity for foods , heart problems , ratio of cholesterol in blood , Sinusitis , Asthma , diabetic meliuts , arritable bowel syndrome , diaherra , problems in kidney and urination , hypertension , anemia , alternation in liver function , arthritis with form record in daily food intake and its ade

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 17 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Relationship Between TLR 2 and 4 with Microbiota of Mouth and Nose in Hypersensitivity Type 1 Iraqi Patients
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Hundreds of commensal bacteria are existed in the mouth and nose, and the interactions between these microbiotas and the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in different parts of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and immune cells maty assist to maintain the homeostasis of the immune system. Thus, it is important
to study the relationship between type one hypersensitivity and normal flora in the mouth and nose. Blood and saliva or sputum samples of seventy-one allergic patients were collected randomly in Baghdad/ Al- Zahraa center for asthma and allergies. Those patients were suffering from different types of hypersensitivity type1 such as skin and respiratory tract allergy (e.g, asthma and

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A relationship study of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, blood groups, and some related factors in Iraqi patients
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Many studies of the relationship between COVID-19 and different factors have been conducted since the beginning of the corona pandemic. The relationship between COVID-19 and different biomarkers including ABO blood groups, D-dimer, Ferritin and CRP, was examined. Six hundred (600) patients, were included in this trial among them, 324 (56%) females and the rest 276 (46%) were males. The frequencies of blood types A, B, AB, and O were 25.33, 38.00, 31.33, and 5.33%, respectively, in the case group. Association analysis between the ABO blood group and D-dimer, Ferritin and CRP of COVID-19 patients indicated that there was a statistically significant difference for Ferritin (P≤0.01), but no-significant differences for both D-dimer and CRP.

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Scopus (4)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Relationship Between Hyperglycemia and the Rheumatoid Factor in the Serum of Diabetic Patients
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This study was conducted to determine the relationship between two most common diseases in Iraqis patients , which are Diabetic mellitus (DM) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA); seeking rheumatoid factor in hyperglycemic sera. The results revealed that ; 62.5% of hyperglycemic (HG) patients had positive rheumatoid factor (RF) . No difference in number between both gender of HG patients (20 males and 20 females ) , RF reaction was nearly similar in males and females of HG patients ( 12 &13 respectively ) . Only 40% out of patient controls had positive RF . None of the apparently healthy subjects had positive RF .

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2026
Journal Name
Open Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry
Relationship between chronic hepatitis B virus and pathogenecitity of Celiac disease in Iraqi patients
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the association between celiac disease and viral infection

Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gene frequencies of ABO and rhesus blood groups in Sabians (Mandaeans), Iraq
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The present study aimed to determine the frequency of ABO and Rh blood group antigens among Sabians (Mandaeans) population. This paper document the frequency of ABO and Rh blood groups among the Sabians (Mandaeans) population of Iraq.There is no data available on the ABO/Rh (D) frequencies in the Sabians (Mandaeans) population. Total 341 samples analyzed; phenotype O blood type has the highest frequency 49.9%, followed by A 28.7%, and B 13.8% whereas the lowest prevalent blood group was AB 7.6%. The overall phenotypic frequencies of ABO blood groups were O>A>B>AB. The allelic frequencies of O, A, and B alleles were 0.687, 0.2 and 0.1122 respectively. Rhesus study showed that with a percentage of 96.2% Rh (D) positive is by far the mo

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
Evaluation of the Relationship between Osteoporosis and Body Fat Mass of the Upper and Lower Extremities by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
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Background: Using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, body fat mass has been determined. The assessment of body fat mass was conducted utilizing dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis of the pelvis and vertebral column. While it is acknowledged that osteoporosis can impact both body fat mass and bone mineral density, the particulars of this relationship currently remain uncertain. Objective: The aim of the present investigation is to assess gender differences in the effects of osteoporosis on the body fat mass of the upper and lower extremities. Method: 170 individuals participated (85 males and 85 females) in this study. Patients who presented with bone discomfort consisted of 40 males and 40 females. In addition, 90 apparently he

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Scopus (1)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Incidence of Injuries to Major Blood Vessels in the Lower Limb
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Background: Blood vessels injury is one of the most
common causes of medical emergencies that admitted to
hospitals and at the same time it regarded as one of the
most important causes of death. They may represent less
than 15% of all injuries; they deserve special attention
because of their severe complications.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to assess
anatomically the injures of major arteries and veins in the
lower limb with their management.
Methods: The present study extended from April 2006 to
February 2007, in which 65 patients with lower limb
vascular injury were examined in Emergency Department
and Forensic Medicine Department of Tikrit Teaching
Hospital in Salah-Aldin governora

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Geographical distribution of the potato crop in the district of Abo – Ghraib, 2005- 2011
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Source of energy and protein Field crops considered an important needed for human
beings Due of this fact increases should appear in the quantities of their production in order to
meet the needs of continuous increasing in the population of the glope year after year ;
otherwise, an increase in the gap between the amount of production and consumption will
occur .
This study aims to reveal the geographical distribution of the potato crop in the district
of Abu – Ghraib. For this purpose, a study conducted about the cultivated areas, production
and crop yields per Dunam for period of 7 years lasted from 2005-2011.
The study shows that potato is one of the most important field crops that are grown in
the Abu –

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