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Formulation and Evaluation of Nystatin Microparticles as a Sustained Release System
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Nystatin is the drug of choice for treatment of cutaneous fungal infections with main disadvantage that is the need for multiple applications to achieve complete eradication which may reduce patient compliance. Microparticles offer a solution for such issue as they are one of sustained release preparations that achieve slow release of drug over an extended period of time. The objectives of this study were to fabricate nystatin-loaded chitosan microparticles with the ultimate goal of prolonging drug release and to analyze the influence of polymer concentration on various properties of microparticles. Microparticles were prepared by chemical cross-linking method using glutaraldehyde as cross-linking agent. Five formulas, namely N1C1, N1C2, N1C3, N1C4 and N1C5, were prepared and the effect of drug to polymer ratio was studied with respect to drug loading, encapsulation efficiency, particle size and morphology. Furthermore the prepared microparticles were subjected to various physico-chemical studies, such as drug- polymer compatibility by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and in-vitro drug release characteristics. Microparticles obtained from N1C1, N1C2 and N1C3 formulas were regular in shape with mean particle size ranging between 1µm and 10µm. N1C5 formula was resulted in particles with irregular shape while N1C4 showed a blend of microparticles and deformed particles. The effect of chitosan concentration on drug loading and entrapment efficiency was studied. The results showed increment in these parameters that was directly proportional to the increment in polymer concentration. Percentage yield showed a significant increment which was related to the increment in the ratio of chitosan used during the study. FTIR results showed no interactions between nystatin and chitosan. DSC studies proved the crystalline nature of nystatin and chitosan. On other hand, the thermogram of loaded microparticles showed the absence of endothermic peak corresponding to nystatin which may indicate the loss of the crystalline nature of the drug presented inside the microparticles. In- vitro release studies resulted in 95.6% release of nystatin for N1C1 after 15 hours. N1C1 appeared to be promising in formulating microparticles that provide nearly complete release of the drug within15 hours. This formula can be selected in future work to be formulated as topical gel that prolongs the release of nystatin.

Keywords: Nystatin, Chitosan, Glutaraldehyde, Chemical cross-linking.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Spectroscopic Study of the Forbidden Lines [OIII] and [SII] of Crab Nebula Supernova Remnant
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As a star explode as a supernova its ejecta will directly interact with relativelylow density interstellar medium with high shock wave velocity, and due to thisinteraction many of forbidden emission lines will give a raise from both theexcitation and ionization of the atom in the region. So, the study of these emissionlines can reveal many physical properties of the region, in this case the remnant ofthe supernova, such as temperature, density, composition, and many other importantphysical processes. In this paper the optical spectrum of the young galacticsupernova remnant which is the Crab Nebula has used, in order to calculate it’selectron temperature (Te) and electron density (ne) by using the [OIII] and [SII]forbidden lines. From the

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research - Granthaalayah
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With the advancement of modern radiotherapy technology, radiation dose and dose distribution have significantly improved. as part of Natural development, interest has recently been renewed by treatment, especially in the use of heavy charged particles, because these radiation types serve theoretical advantages in all biological and physical aspects. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with Bone Tissue were calculated by using Zeigler’s formula and SRIM software, also the Range for this particle were calculated by using Mat lab language for (0.01-1000) MeV alpha energy.

Publication Date
Sun Apr 28 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This study was aimed to reduce the amount of the sprayed solution lost during trees spraying.  At the same time, the concentration of the sprayed solution on the target (tree or bush) must be ensured and to find the best combination of treatments. Two factors controls the spraying process: (i) spraying speed (1.2 km/h, 2.4 km/h, 3.6 km/h), and (ii) the type of sensor. The test results showed a significant loss reduction percentage. It reached (6.05%, 5.39% and 2.05%) at the speed (1.2 km/h, 2.4 km/h, 3.6 km/h), respectively. It was noticed that when the speed becomes higher the loss becomes less accordingly. The interaction between the 3.6 km/h speed and the type of Ultrasonic sensor led to a decrease in the percentage of the spray

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The role of historical memory on social and Cultural mobility of Hilla Old city
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As long as the place in which a person lives has a meaning and temporal dimensions , memory is the main axis of these dimensions , today , city centers and old historical sectors of cities are abandoned , and began to turn into slums , the contradiction between old and historical sectors led cities to lose their identity while people lost their sense of belongingness to the old sectors where their ancestors used to live . The old city of Hilla used to have social , historical and cultural role on determining the identity . The study problem can be summarized as the ( lack of studies regarding the impact of historical memory related to Hilla old city on social and cultural mobility ) , the study hypothesis claims that the social , histori

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preparation, Characterization and Study of Biological Activities of New Organozinc Compounds Drived from Cytosine
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The novel heterocyclic organozinc compounds were prepared from the reaction of diazonum salt cytosine zinc chloride with thymol and vanilin as coupler components. The prepared compounds were characterized by elemental analysis and UV-Vis, FTIR and 1HMNR spectroscopic techniques. The biological activity was also studied for all prepared compounds. 

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement of the Hydrodynamic Behavior and Water Quality Assessment of Al-Chibayish Marshes, Iraq
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Al-Chibayish Marsh (CM)  is considered as the major part of Central Marshes area of this marsh is 1050 Km². The water quality of these marshes is suffering from salt accumulation due to intensive dam construction, limited supply of water from sources,  climate change impacts, and the absence of outlet flow from these marshes, specifically at low flow periods. So, the current research aims to assess and improve these marshes' hydraulic behavior and water quality and define the best location for outlet drains.  Field measurements and laboratory tests were conducted for two periods (November 2020 and February 2021) to define the (TDS) concentrations at nine different locations. Samples were also examined for water's phy

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement of the Rheological and Filtration Properties of Drilling Mud Using the Syrian Clay
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Drilling fluid properties and formulation play a fundamental role in drilling operations. The Classical water-based muds prepared from only the Syrian clay and water without any additives((Organic and industrial polymers) are generally poor in performance. Moreover, The high quantity of Syrian clay (120 gr / l) used in preparing drilling fluids. It leads to a decrease in the drilling speed and thus an increase in the time required to complete the drilling of the well. As a result, the total cost of drilling the well increased, as a result of an increase in the concentration of the solid part in the drilling fluid. In this context, our study focuses on the investigation of the improvement in drilling mud   Prepa

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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The Semantic Displacement of the Sign and the Visual Formation of the Postmodern Theater
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This research focuses on the field of theatrical production, and focuses on the semantic displacement of the sign in the visual formation of the theater show, so the research has been entitled: "The semantic displacement of the sign and the visual formation of the postmodern theater ". Its importance is to illustrate the aesthetics produced by the semantic displacement of the theatrical sign and it is specialized in postmodern theater. The purpose of the research can be delimited to revealing the aesthetic work of the semantic displacement of the sign and the visual formation in the postmodern theatre.   The study temporal boundary is 2017 and the capital of Baghdad is its spatial boundaries. The research sample was "Striptease

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2023
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The 1st International Conference On Frontier Of Digital Technology Towards A Sustainable Society
Effect of thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of Sb2Se3 thin films
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In this paper the effect of thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of Antimony Selenide (Sb2Se3) is investigated. Sb2Se3 powder is evaporated on clean amorphous glass substrates at room temperature under high vacuum pressure (4.5×10-6 mbar) to form thin films. The structural investigation was done with the aid of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The amorphous to polycrystalline transformation of these thin films was shown by X-ray diffraction analysis after thermal annealing. These films' morphology is explained. (UV-Vis ) spectra in ranges from 300 to 1100 nm was used to examine the optical properties of the films .The absorption coefficient and optical energy gap of the investigated films are

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Effects of Magnetic Field on Growth and Electrical Characteristics of Tornado Gliding Arc Discharge
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This study investigates the characterization and growth dynamics of a Magnetically Stabilized Gliding Arc Discharge (MSGAD) system, generating non-thermal plasma with argon gas under atmospheric pressure and flow rates of 1-5 L/min. The electrical properties and growth patterns concerning gas flow rates and applied voltages were examined utilizing a magnetic field for stability. Using a digital oscilloscope, a correlation between voltage reduction and increased current was uncovered. An algorithm analyzes digital images to compute arc length, area, and volume. Results reveal how gas flow rate and applied voltage directly impact arc growth. Furthermore, the magnetic field's role in guiding and stabilizing the plasma discharge was explored. T

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