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Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Hormonal Alteration
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Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is known as carbohydrate intolerance first detected during pregnancy. Pregnancy is periods of intense hormonal changes. The aim of the present study was to investigate a possible relation between the changes in serum hormones such as Luteinizing hormone (LH) , follicle stimulating hormone(FSH), Progesterone, and Prolactin with gestational diabetes mellitus. Thirty patients with gestational diabetes mellitus aged (22 -40) year attending the national center for treatment and research of diabetes/ AL-Mustansiriya University in Baghdad and 29 controls aged (20-39) year were participated. Hormonal tests including, FSH, LH, Progesterone, and Prolactin were detected by using Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA) kits. The demographic characteristics of gestational diabetes mellitus indicated  that the most commonly affected age at (20-29) year (50%) ,60% of patients had Body Mass Index(BMI)  at ≥ 30kg/m2+, 76.6% of patients at  first trimester of pregnancy, 23.3% had previous abortion,60% at the first pregnancy ,and 46.6%  of patients  had urine protein with one plus. A highly significant increase (p≤0.001) in Fasting serum glucose(FSG), LH, FSH, progesterone, and prolactin were observed in sera of gestational diabetes mellitus patients in comparison to that of control pregnancy group. A non-significant correlation of FSG with age, BMI, LH, FSH, and progesterone were demonstrated. While a significant positive correlation of FBS with prolactin was found. It is conclude that higher prolactin level in pregnancy possibly played a role in gestational diabetes mellitus partly by impairing the functions of insulin, and result in hyperglycemia.

Keyword: Gestational diabetes, FSH, LH, Progesterone, Prolactin.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
toxic and accumulation effects of cadmium and lead on microeystis
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The study included a statement toxicity of some heavy metals individually and collectively and the existence of plant nutrients in the center Agirenk bluish green moss growth and Askhaddm biomass as an indicator of the study, in addition to portability moss on the accumulation of the metal

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 08 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Formulation and Evaluation of Sustained and Raft Forming Antacid Tablet
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Antacids have been widely used in the treatment of various gastric and duodenal disorders such as heartburn, reflux esophagitis, gastritis, irritable stomach, gastric and duodenal ulcers. A pH-responsive of bi-polymer of sodium alginate and pectin have been studied as raft-forming polymers using sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate as gas-generating and calcium ion sources. The aim of study was to formulate and evaluate mono and bilayer tablets of floating and sustained release antacid delivery systems using sodium carboxy methyl cellulose as a gel forming substance, calcium and magnesium carbonate as sources of acid neutralizing and carbon dioxide gas generators agents upon contact with acidic solution. The effect of the formulation

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Obese Women and Choosing Ready-made Clothes: Difficulties and Choices
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Thisstudy aims to determine the specifications of obese women accordingto the heightand type of obesity. It also aimstoidentify the significance of differences in choosing ready-made clothes for the research sample. Finally, the significance of differences in choosing ready-made clothes according to the variable of binaryclassification ofobesity is also identified.The study sample includes obese women: employees, non-employees and students with the age group (18-50) years.The weights and lengths of the sample have been taken to suit the group of obese women.Aquestionnaire in the form of an open question was distributed among (50) obese womenso as to extract the items of the questionnaire. After that, the questionnaire was distributed amo

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 02 2024
Journal Name
Plant Protection
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The present study aimed to assess the impact of seed Rhizobia treatment and potyvirus inoculation on bacterial nodulation and nitrogen fixation in cowpeas. The plants were infected with the virus two weeks post-germination. Nodules were present on the roots of plants treated with Rhizobia; however, almost no nodules were detected on untreated plants. The average number of nodules per plant on virus-inoculated plants was significantly lower than the average number per noninoculated plant. The virus caused a substantial decrease in the weight of nodules also. The study revealed that the presence of Rhizobia resulted in a significant rise in nitrogen content in the foliage. Specifically, the nitrogen percentage increased from 1.29% in plants n

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 30 2007
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Plagiarism in Theses and Dissertations: Methods of Detecting and Avoiding
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The present study aims at identifying the styles, procedures of Iraqi universities to avoid plagiarism and evaluate these steps, also to evaluate the form prepared by the Directory of Scientific Supervision and Evaluation, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The study uses documentary style, 150 teachers in the following colleges (Education Ibn Rushd, Languages and Arts) in university of Baghdad whom already used the aforementioned list were the sample of the study and they asked to give their opinions about the list.The study consists of five sections, first one deals with general view, second explains plagiarism and its types, shapes and reasons,third tackles with ways of detecting plagiarism, its programs, consequences

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
The Asian Esp Journal
A Linguistic Study of ''and'' (و) in Arabic and English.
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The conjunctive ''and'' and its Arabic counterpart ''و'' are discourse markers that express certain meanings and presuppose the presence of other elements in discourse. They are indispensable aids to both the text writers and readers. The present study aims to show that such cohesive ties help the writer to organize his main argument and communicate his ideas vividly and smoothly. They also serve as explicit signals that help readers unfold text and follow its threads as realized in the progression of context. The researcher has utilized the Quirk Model of Semantic Implication for data analysis. A total of 42 (22 for English and 20 for Arabic) political texts selected from different elite newspapers in both Arabic and English for the analy

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 27 2023
Journal Name
Korean Journal Of Materials Research
Preparation and Structure Properties of LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 Perovskites
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In this study we examine variations in the structure of perovskite compounds of LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 synthesized using the solid state reaction method. The samples’ compositions were assessed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The La: Ba: Ca: Cu ratios for samples LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 were found by XRF analysis to be around 1:2:0:2, 1:2:1:3, and 1:2:2:5, respectively. The samples’ well-known structures were then analyzed using X-ray diffraction. The three samples largely consist of phases 1202, 1213, and 1225, with a trace quantity of an unknown secondary phase, based on the intensities and locations of the diffraction peaks. According to the measured parameters a, b, and c, every sa

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Prepare and Study Wear Rate of Single and Hybrid Composites
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   This research  studyies  wear  rate  of  composite  materials  by using Epoxy Resin and Polyurethane Rubber as a matrix  of weigt percentage (90:10) (Ep/Pu) and reinforced by PVC fibers and Aluminum fibers two dimension knitted mat with fractional volume(15 %), in different conditions like: lab conditions and after submerge the samples in water for different periods of time. . four kinds of materials were prepared: (Ep+pu), (Ep+Pu+PVC), (Ep+Pu+Al.F), (Ep+Pu+PVC+Al. F) .And the results have shown that the best wear resistance are for the hybrid composite material    (Ep + Pu+ PVC + Al. F) and wear rate of  all samples increased when it was submerged in water

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Scientific Visualization
Shadow Detection and Elimination for Robot and Machine Vision Applications
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Shadow removal is crucial for robot and machine vision as the accuracy of object detection is greatly influenced by the uncertainty and ambiguity of the visual scene. In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm for shadow detection and removal based on different shapes, orientations, and spatial extents of Gaussian equations. Here, the contrast information of the visual scene is utilized for shadow detection and removal through five consecutive processing stages. In the first stage, contrast filtering is performed to obtain the contrast information of the image. The second stage involves a normalization process that suppresses noise and generates a balanced intensity at a specific position compared to the neighboring intensit

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 20 2020
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Predicting Phosphorus and Potato Yield Using Active and Passive Sensors
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Applications of remote sensing are important in improving potato production through the broader adoption of precision agriculture. This technology could be useful in decreasing the potential contamination of soil and water due to the over-fertilization of agriculture crops. The objective of this study was to assess the utility of active sensors (Crop Circle™, Holland Scientific, Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA and GreenSeeker™, Trimble Navigation Limited, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) and passive sensors (multispectral imaging with Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs)) to predict total potato yield and phosphorus (P) uptake. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications and six P treatments, ranging from 0 to 280 kg P ha−1, as

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