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Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Hormonal Alteration
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Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is known as carbohydrate intolerance first detected during pregnancy. Pregnancy is periods of intense hormonal changes. The aim of the present study was to investigate a possible relation between the changes in serum hormones such as Luteinizing hormone (LH) , follicle stimulating hormone(FSH), Progesterone, and Prolactin with gestational diabetes mellitus. Thirty patients with gestational diabetes mellitus aged (22 -40) year attending the national center for treatment and research of diabetes/ AL-Mustansiriya University in Baghdad and 29 controls aged (20-39) year were participated. Hormonal tests including, FSH, LH, Progesterone, and Prolactin were detected by using Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA) kits. The demographic characteristics of gestational diabetes mellitus indicated  that the most commonly affected age at (20-29) year (50%) ,60% of patients had Body Mass Index(BMI)  at ≥ 30kg/m2+, 76.6% of patients at  first trimester of pregnancy, 23.3% had previous abortion,60% at the first pregnancy ,and 46.6%  of patients  had urine protein with one plus. A highly significant increase (p≤0.001) in Fasting serum glucose(FSG), LH, FSH, progesterone, and prolactin were observed in sera of gestational diabetes mellitus patients in comparison to that of control pregnancy group. A non-significant correlation of FSG with age, BMI, LH, FSH, and progesterone were demonstrated. While a significant positive correlation of FBS with prolactin was found. It is conclude that higher prolactin level in pregnancy possibly played a role in gestational diabetes mellitus partly by impairing the functions of insulin, and result in hyperglycemia.

Keyword: Gestational diabetes, FSH, LH, Progesterone, Prolactin.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Caries experience in relation to salivary physicochemical and immunological changes among asthmatic patients in Mosul city / Iraq
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Background: Asthma is a pulmonary disorder characterized by reversible stenosis of the peripheral bronchi. This disease could affect the oral health; as a result asthmatic patients may have a higher risk of developing dental diseases. This study was conducted to evaluate the caries experience and salivary elements among asthmatic patients using Ventoline inhaler. Materials and methods: The study group consisted of 30 male asthmatic patients with an age range 20-24years (under Ventoline inhaler). The control group includes 30 subjects matching with study group in age and gender. Plaque and DMFS index were used for recording caries experience. Stimulated salivary samples were collected and then salivary flow rate, S-IgA and salivary elements

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Multiphase Flow Behavior Prediction and Optimal Correlation Selection for Vertical Lift Performance in Faihaa Oil Field, Iraq
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In the petroleum industry, multiphase flow dynamics within the tubing string have gained significant attention due to associated challenges. Accurately predicting pressure drops and wellbore pressures is crucial for the effective modeling of vertical lift performance (VLP). This study focuses on predicting the multiphase flow behavior in four wells located in the Faihaa oil field in southern Iraq, utilizing PIPESIM software. The process of selecting the most appropriate multiphase correlation was performed by utilizing production test data to construct a comprehensive survey data catalog. Subsequently, the results were compared with the correlations available within the PIPESIM software. The outcomes reveal that the Hagedorn and Brown (H

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Oxidative Stress, Some Biochemical and Hematological Parameters in patients with agout at AL-Ramadi city
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This study aims to study the effect of gout disease on complete blood picture and biochemical parameters and some non-enzymatic antioxidants, some tracing elements and lipid peroxidation ,in outpatients with gout disease at Al-Ramadi Teaching-Hospital ,Al-Razi Hospital and the study duration from Octo.2013-to May 2014.(50) blood samples were collected from patients with age groups (30-80 years) from both sexes (28 males,22 females),a (30) blood samples (15 males,15 females) were collected from normal individuals as a control group with age groups (27-75 years). Hematological measurement showed no significant differences in size compressed blood cells, the percentages in ( 45.15 +4.99 and 46.87+6.30) % in patient and control groups respect

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Experimental Assessment of R134a and Its Lower GWP Alternative R1234yf in an Automobile Air Conditioning System
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Reducing global warming potential (GWP) of refrigerants is needed to the decrease of ozone-depleting of refrigeration systems leakages. Refrigerant R1234yf is now used to substitute R134a inside mobile air conditioning systems. Thermodynamic properties of R1234yf are similar to R134a. Also, it has a very low GWP of 4, compared to 1430 for R134a, making it a proper choice for future automobile refrigerants. The purpose of this research is to represent the main operating and performance differences between R1234yf and R134a. Experimental analysis was carried out on the automotive air conditioning system (AACS) with 3 kW nominal capacity, to test and compare the performance of R134a with R1234yf. Experiments were accomplish

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Sustainable leadership and its impact on organizational happiness Analytical research in the General Tourism Authority in Baghdad
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      The current research aims to test the relationship of the impact of sustainable leadership as an independent variable in organizational happiness as a dependent variable, in the departments and divisions of the Tourism Authority, to come up with a set of recommendations that contribute to raising the level of organizational happiness in the authority. And based on the importance of the research topic in the General Authority, and the prominent role that this body plays in society, the researcher adopted the descriptive and analytical approach in carrying out this research, by collecting data from the departments and divisions staff of (160) respondents in an exclusively comprehensive

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Murabaha for real estate and its reflection on the profitability of Al-Nahrain Islamic Bank: applied research
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The Islamic Bank of Al-Nahrain offers a formula for financing the purchase of real estate through a deferred sale contract, through Murabaha to the order to buy, and the payment of the price is in the form of instalments that include (the purchase price of the profit and the mutual agreement on the real estate). This research aims to show the reflection of real estate murabaha on the bank's investments, by measuring the effect of real estate murabaha on the profits achieved by the Islamic Bank of Al-Nahrain Bank. The growth of 'real estate murabaha' realized from the 'amounts granted by Bank X, in addition to analyzing the financial ratios of profitability indicators, including (return on deposits Y2) and for the years (2016 - 20

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Doctrinal Complication in Al-Ash'ari’s Doctrine and its Role in Managing the Doctrinal Disputes: محمد أَرَارُو
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This research aims to clarify the concept of doctrinal rules and adjust its basic terminologies. It further aims to lay down a map for the method of rooting this science by mentioning its rooted sources, in addition to drawing a miniature picture of its history, origin, formation and development. The paper ends with practical models to highlight its importance in rooting the science of nodal rules and facilitating the mentioning of its scattered discussions in a short and comprehensive phrase. The study further illustrates the pioneering role of doctrinal rules science in managing the doctrinal disputes, combining multiple sayings, and in bringing together opposing opinions. The study follows the inductive, descriptive and analytical app

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 19 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Dialectical relationship between the civil state and the application of Sharia In contemporary Islamic political thought ج
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The political movements of Islam are among the most prominent phenomena of the popular uprisings witnessed by the Arab world. However, this rise and the rise of some movements led to many problems on the political theses of Islam, especially those associated with the ideas of Islamic ideologues and their slogan Legitimacy and the authorities as the origin of the divine, and said the application to achieve the Islamic solution, and then became the state in theses of some Islamists a tool to apply the law and then the preservation of religion.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
  Positional Accuracy Assessment for Updating Authoritative Geospatial Datasets Based on Open Source Data and Remotely Sensed Images
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OpenStreetMap (OSM) represents the most common example of online volunteered mapping applications. Most of these platforms are open source spatial data collected by non-experts volunteers using different data collection methods. OSM project aims to provide a free digital map for all the world. The heterogeneity in data collection methods made OSM project databases accuracy is unreliable and must be dealt with caution for any engineering application. This study aims to assess the horizontal positional accuracy of three spatial data sources are OSM road network database, high-resolution Satellite Image (SI), and high-resolution Aerial Photo (AP) of Baghdad city with respect to an analogue formal road network dataset obtain

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preliminary study on the phytoplankton of the marshes Al-Sallal , Al- Hwizah and Al­ Chebiaysh - South Iraq
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Phytoplankton  flora in southern marshes of govemorate Al- Basrah ( Al-SallaJ   marsh   )                                  Meissan   (Al-   Hwizah   marsh)   and   Di-qar   (Al­ Chebiaysh  marsh ) were studied from August 12005 to November /2005,

Four Stations were Chosen in each marsh. Identified  species and total

cell count were recorded . As aquality study, (35) species of algae were identified belonged to (23) genus in Al-Sallal  marsh  , (46) speci

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