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Possible Effects of Vitamin D3 and Levofloxacin on Selected Hematology Parameter of Rats
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Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant and DNA protecting properties , Levofloxacin is a member of the fluoroquinolone drug class, Its broad-spectrum bactericidal effect affects both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

The goal of the study is to analyze the haematology analysis in rats received levofloxacin and show the preventive impact of vitamin D3 by analyzing the haematology parameters: packed cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration(MCHC),haemoglobin (HB), red blood cell (RBC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV),meancorpuscular haemoglobin(MCH), WBC ,differential WBC, and Platelets.

The study included 42 rats divided into 6 groups each group 7 rats. group I negative control : healthy animals received normal saline 0.9%, group II: received levofloxacin LFX dose of 50mg/kg/day (IP) for fourteen days, group III : received LFX 100mg/kg/day (IP) for fourteen days, group IV : received vitamin D3 500 IU/day orally by oral gavage for twenty one days, group V received vitamin D3 500 IU/day orally for twenty one days and levofloxacin 50 mg/kg/day IP injected at day 8 for fourteen days, group VI received vitaminD3 500IU/day for twenty one days orally and levofloxacin 100 mg/kg/day IP injected at day 8 for fourteen days.

  Blood samples taken from rats treated with levofloxacin, showed a decrease in the values of RBC, HB, PCV, MCH, MCHC, as well as a decrease in total white blood cells, then returned approximately to normal levels in the groups IV ,group V and group VI .

from the result of the study conclude that some haematological  changes caused by levofloxacin ameliorated by vitamin D3 may be due to indirect effect of vitamin D3 on haematology parameters.


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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Aesthetic values of the decorations heterogeneities in Islamic architecture: وسام كامل عبد الامير، أشرف كامل عبد الامير
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Covariance technique represents a design to bring out the decorative components And organized in unfamiliar a manner Turn to custom patterned to make a qualitative difference in the pattern of the general composition of the implicit overall,question research problem emerges Based on the above, (Is the aesthetic values of the property heterogeneities in Islamic architecture configurations decorations?). Detect it through the knowledge of the species and decorative components containing heterogeneities And his methods within each of Iraq and Iran and theoretical framework try to monitor the opinions and threads aesthetic perception in the Islamic and Construction decorative art formations in Islamic architecture and features of heterogenei

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Photodecomposition of Chloro – oho ( Bis (Ortho - Hydrxohy Penzaldehyde) Ortho - Phenylene Piiminatio) Vanadium (v) Complex Organic Solvents
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    A new Schiff base complex was prepeard and characterized: Chloro –Oxo (bis(Ohydroxy benzaldehyde) O-phenylene di imination ) Vanadium (V) with general  formula (VOLCL). Complex was studied by using Three different organics Organic The photo chemistry of this  solvent with different polarity . These solvents were ( Acetone,pyridinest chloro form) . It was found that the chelate Vanadium (V) complex decomposed photochemically in these solvents during . In the tra oxidation –reduction reaction leading to free radical derived in the ligand of shiff base â„“ .Vanadium IV chelate complex . It was also found that the quantum yield of photo decomposition (Ñ„d) and Activity ratio did  not de

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Electrochemical behavior of Anodized AA7075 Aluminum Alloy in 0.1M NaCl Solution as Investigated by Potentiostatic Polarization Ttechnique
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A comparative study to determine the native eye lens protein in the some types of Iraqi vertebrates
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This study showed that the lens in baloot muluki fish Chondrostoma regium is transparent, spherical shape, and solid in textures, while in the tree frog Hyla arborea savignyi, freshwater turtles Clemmys caspia caspia, white–eared bulbul Pycnonotus leucotis and brown rat Rattus norvegicus are transparent, soft and biconvex, it is very soft in white–eared bulbul. There are many significant differences have been recorded between the average weight lens and the total concentration of the protein in the lens all studied animals. Electrical migration process for lens proteins showed that there is one bundle of crystalline –? and one bundle also crystalline–? in all studied species, either crystalline–? may represent one bundle character

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
An Educational Model in Journalistic Production Course to Develop the Creative Thinking Skills of Printing Design Students
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The printing designer's creative thinking is a deliberate  mental process based on specific skills that stimulate the motivation of  the student to learn and call for  new information for the investigation and research to discover the problems and attitudes and through reformulating the experience in new patterns depending on the active imagination and the flexible scientific thinking through providing the largest number possible  of various unfamiliar  printing design models, and testing their suitability and then readjusting the results with the availability of  suitable educational, learning and academic atmosphere.

The designer's creative thinking depends on main skills. Fluency skill is to put t

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving the Direction of Arrival Estimation Using the Parasitic Subspace Generated by Active-Parasitic Antenna (APA) Arrays
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The improvement in Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation when the received signals impinge on Active-Parasitic Antenna (APA) arrays will be studied in this work. An APA array consists of several active antennas; others are parasitic antennas. The responses to the received signals are measured at the loaded terminals of the active element. The terminals of the parasitic element are shorted. The effect of the received signals on the parasites, i.e., the induced short-circuit current, is mutually coupled to the active elements. Eigen decomposition of the covariance matrix of the measurements of the APA array generates a third subspace in addition to the traditional signal and noise subspaces generated by the all-active ante

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Augmentation of the localized bony defects with synthetic bone substitute in simultaneous dental implant surgery(Clinical study)
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Background: Simultaneous and staged guided bone regeneration (GBR) is one of the several surgical techniques that have been developed in the past two decades to regenerate bone and thus to allow implant placement in compromised sites (fenestration and dehiscence). It is a surgical procedure that consists of the placement of a cell-occlusive physical barrier between the connective tissue and the alveolar bone defect. The treatment concept advocates that regeneration of osseous defects is predictably attainable via the application of occlusive membranes, which mechanically exclude non-osteogenic cell populations from the surrounding soft tissues, thereby allowing osteogenic cell populations originating from the parent bone to inhabi

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2024
Journal Name
Eximia Journal
Forecasts some of functional indicators nervous system for dribbling skills in young basketball players from Baghdad Governorate
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The research study is important since it establishes predicted rates for various nervous system functional indicators.In terms of performing the skill of Dribbling in basketball for young players in Baghdad Governorate in order to reach scientific results that serve researchers, coaches, and players uniformly. The study's goal is to create predictive equations for specific functional indicators of the nervous system in relation to the Dribbling skill performance of young basketball players in Baghdad Governorate. The researchers used a descriptive approach with a survey method on (8) youth basketball league clubs in Baghdad Governorate for the 2022-2023 sports season, totaling (96) players . Three tests were used to measure the nervous sy

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using a hybrid SARIMA-NARNN Model to Forecast the Numbers of Infected with (COVID-19) in Iraq
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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an acute disease that affects the respiratory system which initially appeared in Wuhan, China. In Feb 2019 the sickness began to spread swiftly throughout the entire planet, causing significant health, social, and economic problems. Time series is an important statistical method used to study and analyze a particular phenomenon, identify its pattern and factors, and use it to predict future values. The main focus of the research is to shed light on the study of SARIMA, NARNN, and hybrid models, expecting that the series comprises both linear and non-linear compounds, and that the ARIMA model can deal with the linear component and the NARNN model can deal with the non-linear component. The models

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Big Data applications in forecasting corporate bankruptcy: Field analysis in the Saudi Business Environment
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This study aimed to investigate the role of Big Data in forecasting corporate bankruptcy and that is through a field analysis in the Saudi business environment, to test that relationship. The study found: that Big Data is a recently used variable in the business context and has multiple accounting effects and benefits. Among the benefits is forecasting and disclosing corporate financial failures and bankruptcies, which is based on three main elements for reporting and disclosing that, these elements are the firms’ internal control system, the external auditing, and financial analysts' forecasts. The study recommends: Since the greatest risk of Big Data is the slow adaptation of accountants and auditors to these technologies, wh

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