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Effect of pharmacist interventions on pulmonary function parameters of Iraqi asthmatic patients: A comparative study: Effect of pharmacist interventions on pulmonary functions tests
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Background: Despite the fact that asthma is a long-term disease that may be treated, many people are unable to control their symptoms due to a lack of knowledge about their condition. The study's purpose was to find out if a pharmacist intervention improved asthma management because of this.

Objective: this study designed to assess the effect of pharmaceutical care on pulmonary functions test.

Method: The study was completed in three months. The patients who were enrolled were divided into two groups: Group 1 consists of 23 asthma patients who were randomly assigned to receive conventional therapy for chronic bronchial asthma based on disease stage and severity, as well as a pharmaceutical care plan that includes patient care and education, for three months. Group 2: Included in the study were 21 asthma patients who were randomly randomized to receive only conventional therapy for chronic bronchial asthma based on illness stage and severity for three months. All individuals included in this trial had their ACT and PFT levels checked at the start and three months later.

Result: the conclusion of the study, patients who received a verbal and written pharmaceutical implementation plan significantly improved their asthma control by increasing medication adherence, which was accompanied by an improvement in mean ACT and PFT scores for the interventional group when compared to the control group after 3 months of follow up.

Conclusion: The results of the study approved the important role of the pharmacist in asthma control to improve medication adherence and enhancing PFT and this mean increase asthma control

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Antibacterial Inhibitor as an Expired Metoclopramide in 0.5M Phosphoric Acid
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Expired drug Metoclopramide was investigated as an antibacterial corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in 0.5M H3PO4 solution using the electrochemical method at 30oC and 60oC. The results showed that this drug is an efficient inhibitor for carbon steel and the efficiency reached to 82.244 % for 175 ppm at 30oC and 76.146% for 225 ppm at 60oC. The adsorption of drug on carbon steel surface follows Langmuir adsorption isotherm with small values of adsorption-desorption constant. The polarization plots revealed that Metoclopramide acts as mixed-type inhibitor. Some parameters of inhibition process were calculated and discussed. The surface morphology of the carbon steel speci

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
حولیات أداب عین شمس
وظیفة العبارة الاصطلاحیة فی المقال السیاسی مقالات بن درور یمینی نموذجاً دراسة تحلیلیة - تداولیة
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Abstract This research sheds lights on one of the important rhetorical linguistics methods, which is the idioms phrase and its use in the Israeli political article. By the studying of its most prominent types and different grammatical structures, and its deliberative function. The application of this study was the articles of the Israeli journalist Ben-Dror Yemini. Which were published on the website of Israeli newspaper " Maariv" in (2011-2012). This research is divided into two devotions: theoretically and practically. The theoretical side included an introduction to identify the article generally, and the political article. Practically with a review of the most important definitions concerned with the idioms phrase and showing i

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fuzzy Semi Pre Homeomorphism in Fuzzy Topological Spaces
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   The aim of this paper is to introduce and study new class of fuzzy function called fuzzy semi pre homeomorphism in a fuzzy topological space by utilizing fuzzy semi pre-open sets. Therefore, some of their characterization has been proved; In addition to that we define, study and develop corresponding to new class of fuzzy semi pre homeomorphism in fuzzy topological spaces using this new class of functions.

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
System Identification Algorithm for Systems with Interval Coefficients
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In this research a new system identification algorithm is presented for obtaining an optimal set of mathematical models for system with perturbed coefficients, then this algorithm is applied practically by an “On Line System Identification Circuit”, based on real time speed response data of a permanent magnet DC motor. Such set of mathematical models represents the physical plant against all variation which may exist in its parameters, and forms a strong mathematical foundation for stability and performance analysis in control theory problems.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 16 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Business And Manegement
Causality Relation between FDI Inflows and Economic Growth in Qatar
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These years Qatar has emerged as an important regional destination of foreign direct investment (FDI), which demonstrates the recent success of several smaller economies in attracting FDI. This paper aims to investigate the causal relationships between inward FDI and economic growth in the particular case of Qatar featured as oil production country. Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Impulse Responses and Granger Causality Tests were adopted as major research methods. Annual data set was used covering from 1990 to 2010. The main results demonstrated the bi-directional causality and long-run relationships between FDI inflows and economic growth in Qatar. And to attract FDI inflows into Qatar, the government shall continue its efforts in const

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biomedical Analysis
An optoelectronic flow-through detectors for active ingredients determination in the pharmaceutical formulations
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An optoelectronic flow-through detector for active ingredients determination in pharmaceutical formulations is explained. Two consecutive compact photodetector’s devices operating according to light-emitting diodes-solar cells concept where the LEDs acting as a light source and solar cells for measuring the attenuated light of the incident light at 180˚ have been developed. The turbidimetric detector, fabricated of ten light-emitting diodes and five solar cells only, integrated with a glass flow cell has been easily adapted in flow injection analysis manifold system. For active ingredients determination, the developed detector was successfully utilized for the development and validation of an analytical method for warfarin determination

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Publication Date
Wed May 03 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Time Series Forecasting by Using Box-Jenkins Models
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    In this paper we introduce a brief review about Box-Jenkins models. The acronym ARIMA stands for “autoregressive integrated moving average”. It is a good method to forecast for stationary and non stationary time series. According to the data which obtained from Baghdad Water Authority, we are modelling two series, the first one about pure water consumption and the second about the number of participants. Then we determine an optimal model by depending on choosing minimum MSE as criterion.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modified Weighted Pareto Distribution Type I (MWPDTI)
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In this paper, the Azzallini’s method used to find a weighted distribution derived from the standard Pareto distribution of type I (SPDTI) by inserting the shape parameter (θ) resulting from the above method to cover the period (0, 1] which was neglected by the standard distribution. Thus, the proposed distribution is a modification to the Pareto distribution of the first type, where the probability of the random variable lies within the period  The properties of the modified weighted Pareto distribution of the type I (MWPDTI) as the probability density function ,cumulative distribution function, Reliability function , Moment and  the hazard function are found. The behaviour of probability density function for MWPDTI distrib

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Organic Solid Waste in Vessel Composting System
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Low-level microbial activity due to the production of organic acids is a recognized problem during the initial phase of food waste composting. Increasing such activity levels by adjusting the pH values during the initial composting phase is the primary objective to be investigated. In this study, sodium acetate (NaoAc) was introduced as an amendment to an in-vessel composting system. NaoAc was added when the pH of the compost mixture reached a low level (pH < 5), the addition increased pH to 5.8. This had a positive effect on the degradation of organic materials i.e. the formation of methane gas compared to the results without NaoAc addition.

The results also proved that anaerobic-aerobic in-vessel composting could reduce the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Back stepping-Based-PID-Controller Designed for an Artificial Pancreas model
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Artificial pancreas is simulated to handle Type I diabetic patients under intensive care by automatically controlling the insulin infusion rate. A Backstepping technique is used to apply the effect of PID controller to blood glucose level since there is no direct relation between insulin infusion (the manipulated variable) and glucose level in Bergman’s system model subjected to an oral glucose tolerance test by applying a meal translated into a disturbance. Backstepping technique is usually recommended to stabilize and control the states of Bergman's class of nonlinear systems. The results showed a very satisfactory behavior of glucose deviation to a sudden rise represented by the meal that increase the blood glucose


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