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Role of Fasting Mimicking Diet in Farnesoid x Receptor for Suppressing Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition, Cell Cycle Progression, and Viability of Prostate Cancer Cells
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The systemic and resistant nature of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancers (mCRPC) renders it largely incurable even after intensive multimodal therapy. Proliferation, survival, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) are three fundamental events that are deeply linked to carcinogenesis.  Hence, it is necessary to find a new combination of several therapies, targeting those vital mechanisms without causing side effects. Significant research works have shown differential low expression of the metabolic Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) in primary and metastatic prostate cancer suggesting their importance in prostate pathogenesis. Obticholic acid (INT 747), a potent FXR agonist is widely used in primary biliary cholangitis, and Fasting mimicking Diet (FMD) both were drastically showed effects on different cancer progression. We hypothesized that FXR and FMD may inhibit proliferation and the metastatic phenotype in PC-3 prostate cancer cells. Analyses of the cell viability, cell cycle, migration, and matrigel invasion assays were performed to elucidate how INT 747 and /or FMD functions in prostate cancer. In this study, INT 747 treatment caused apoptotic morphological changes and significantly reduced the survival of PC-3 cells incubated in normal mediums.  Furthermore, we showed that the combination of the INT 747 and FMD was much more harmful to cancer cells than the treatment with INT 747 or FMD alone. Moreover, our study showed that INT 747 either alone or combined with FMD robustly induced cell cycle arrest at the S phase. Interestingly, the combination treatment on PC-3 cells not only showed several lines of evidence of apoptotic cells death but also inhibited carcinogenic potential as evaluated by impairment of spheroid formation capacity and delayed wound healing and matrigel invasion. At the cellular level, FXR activation resulted in down-regulation of procaspase -3, vimentin, and MMP9, which triggers apoptotic cell death, cell cycle arrest, and switch from mesenchymal to an epithelial phenotype. Collectively, FXR activation alone markedly decreases, and when combined with FMD abrogates the survival and carcinogenic potential of metastatic prostate cancer cells.


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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Steady State Performance Investigation of a Three Phase Induction Motor Running Off Unbalanced Supply Voltages
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The objective of this work is to investigate the performance of a conventional three phase induction motor supplied by unbalanced voltages. An effort to study the motor steady state performance under this disturbance is introduced. Using per phase equivalent circuit analysis with the concept of symmetrical components approach, the steady state performance is theoretically calculated. Also, a model for the induction motor with the MATLAB/Simulink SPS tools has been implemented and steady state results were obtained. Both results are compared and show good correlation as well. The simulation model is introduced to support and enhance electrical engineers with a complete understanding for the steady state performance of a fully loaded induc

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Corrosion Effective of Condensed Synthetic Automotive Solution Containing Selective Organic Component Mixtures on Al-alloys
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 This work involves studying the effect of adding some selective organic component mixture on corrosion behavior of pure Al and its alloys in condensed synthetic automotive solution (CSAS) at room temperature. This mixture indicates the increasing of octane number in previous study and in this study show the increasing in corrosion resistance through the decreasing in corrosion rate values.

Electrochemical measurements were carried out by potentiostat at 3 mV/sec to estimate the corrosion parameters using  Tafel extrapolation method, in addition to cyclic polarization test to know the pitting susceptibility of materials in tested medium.

The cathodic Tafel slope

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Fire Flame (High Temperature) on the Self Compacted Concrete (SCC) One Way Slabs
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Experimental work was carried out to investigate the effect of fire flame (high temperature) on specimens of one way slabs using Self Compacted Concrete (SCC). By using furnace manufactured for this purpose, twenty one reinforced concrete slab specimens were exposed to direct fire flame. All of specimens have the same dimensions. The slab specimens were cooled in two types, gradually by left them in the air and suddenly by using water. After that the specimens were tested under two point loads, to study, the effect of
different: temperature levels (300ºC, 500ºC and 700ºC), and cooling rate (gradually and sudden cooling conditions) on the concrete compressive strength, modulus of rupture, flexural strength and the behavior of reinf

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
Intellectual Reflections of the Cubical Arts on the Iraqi Contemporary Pottery Art: أحمد جعفر حسين
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The current study discusses one of the most important modern schools in art, and it studies its impact on contemporary Iraqi art, particularly in the art of pottery because of its association to the utilitarian function. However, this study demonstrated that pottery is a unique art, which has exceeded the limits of this function. In addition, pottery has a great role in changing the view and understanding of it. Therefore, this art assists in achieving the concepts, philosophies, and values among other fine arts branches.The most prominent issues in this article is dealing with reflections of the cubical arts on the Iraqi contemporary pottery art by through the works of the most prominent contemporary artists such as (Saad Shakir, SHania

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Molecular diagnosis of E.coliO157:H7 Which Isolated from Children with Diarrhea by using Multiplex PCR
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A total of 96 stool samples were collected from children with bloody diarrhea from two hospitals in Baghdad. All samples were surveyed and examined for the presence of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 and differentiate it from other Non -Sorbitol Fermenting Escherichia coli (NSF E. coli). The Bacterial isolates were identifed by using morphological diagnostic methods, Samples were cultured on liquid enrichment medium, incubated at 37C? for 24 hrs, and then cultured on Cefixime Tellurite -Sorbitol MacConkey Agar (CT- SMAC). 32 non-sorbitol fermenting bacterial isolates were obtained of which 11 were identified as Escherichia coli by using traditional biochemical tests and API20E diagnostic system without differentiation between

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete T-Beams with Multiple Web Openings under Impact Loading
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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Improvement the efficiency of SnO2/n-Si detector by engraving method using a CNC machine
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Tin oxide was deposited by using vacuum thermal method on silicon wafer engraved by Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) Machine. The inscription was engraved by diamond-made brine. Deep 0.05 mm in the form of concentric squares. Electrical results in the dark were shown high value of forward current and the high value of the detection factor from 6.42 before engraving to 10.41 after engraving. (I-V) characters in illumination with powers (50, 100, 150, 200, 250) mW/cm2 show Improved properties of the detector, Especially at power (150, 200, 250) mW/cm2. Response improved in rise time from 2.4 μs to 0.72 μs and time of inactivity improved 515.2 μs to 44.2 μs. Sensitivity angle increased at zone from 40o to 65o.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effective quality control of a municipal wastewater treatment plant using Geographic information systems: A Review
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Inefficient wastewater disposal and wastewater discharge problems in water bodies have led to increasing pollution in water bodies.  Pollutants in the river contribute to increasing the biological oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (SS), total dissolved solids (TDS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and toxic metals render this water unsuitable for consumption and even pose a significant risk to human health. Over the last few years, water conservation has been the subject of growing awareness and concern throughout the world, so this research focused on review studies of researches that studied the importance of water quality of wastewater treated disposal in water bodies and modern technology to management w

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Serviceability behavior of High Strength Concrete I-beams reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer bars
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Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars are anisotropic in nature and have high tensile strength in the fiber direction. The use of High-Strength Concrete (HSC) allows for better use of the high-strength properties of FRP bars. The mechanical properties of FRP bars can yield to large crack widths and deflections. As a result, the design of concrete elements reinforced with FRP materials is often governed by the Serviceability Limit States (SLS). This study investigates the short-term serviceability behavior of FRP RC I-beams. Eight RC I-beams reinforced with carbon-FRP (CFRP) and four steel RC I-beams, for comparison purposes, were tested under two-point loading.
Deformations on the concrete and crack widths and spacing are measured and

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Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Genome Announcements
Complete Genome Sequence of Lytic Bacteriophage VPUSM 8 against O1 El Tor Inaba Vibrio cholerae
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ABSTRACT<p> The complete genome sequence of bacteriophage VPUSM 8 against O1 El Tor Inaba <named-content content-type="genus-species">Vibrio cholerae</named-content> is reported here. The isolated VPUSM 8 has potential use in future phage therapy or as a biocontrol agent for the prevention and treatment of cholera. </p>
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