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Some Pro and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines in Children with Tonsillitis and their Correlations with Vitamin D Deficiency
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Inflammation of the tonsils could be described as acute tonsillitis, mainly due to infection. Recurrent tonsillitis could be defined as 3-7 episodes during the first 3 years of age. Vitamin D, which is a neuro-hormone with pleiotropic biological activities may modulate the immune response by alleviation, and stimulation of Th1 and Th2 cell proliferation, respectively, that influence the stimulation, synthesis, and secretion of both pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. In this study we aimed to shed light on the levels of vitamin D in children with different episodes of tonsillitis in association with levels of interleukins (TNFα, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10). Blood samples were collected from 48 participants in 3 groups: control, acute tonsillitis (1-2 episodes/year), chronic tonsillitis (more than 7 episodes/year), serum was separated and the levels of Vitamin D, TNFα, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 were estimated using ELISA technique. Vitamin D decreased significantly as the episodes of tonsillitis increased, with level of 16.38± 2.41ng/ml in acute and, 14.13± 2.15 ng/ml in chronic tonsillitis as compared to control (30.91± 2.31 ng/ml), while pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα and IL-2) significantly increased (46.88± 14.05 and 44.55± 9.24, 1267.25± 111.85 and 1191.72± 121.52 ng/ml, respectively) as compared to control (9.45 and 138.48 ng/ml respectively). Anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10) cytokines in control group were (243.08± 28.72 and 24.27± 1.83 ng/ml, respectively), which increased non-significantly in acute and chronic tonsillitis (302.76± 38.93, 290.12± 44.69 and 28.16± 2.01, 26.29± 1.99 ng/ml, respectively). Significant direct correlation was observed between the levels of vitamin D and anti-inflammatory cytokines in chronic tonsillitis (P<0.05). In conclusion, deficiency of vitamin D may affect the number of episodes of tonsillitis in children by modulation of the secretion of some cytokines.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Iraqi national identity: the past and the present crises .. The causes and treatments
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لخلاصة تشغل قضايا الهوية محور اهتمام الكثير من الباحثين والدارسين في بنية المجتمعات ومستقبل الدول, وفي كثير من الدراسات التي كتبها هؤلاء كان هناك ميل نحو دراسة الهوية وعلاقتها بحركة الدول تقدما وتراجعا ,فهناك من عزا تقدم دولة ما إلى نجاح نخبها السياسية في صناعة هوية جامعة لحالة التنوع الذي يميز مجتمعها, ويمكن ان تشير الى الولايات المتحدة الامريكية كأنموذج للنجاح في هذا الاطار.وهناك من ارجع

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Physiological and Hormonal Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on Thyroid and Kidney Functions
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           Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) are generally used in different types of applications such as the industry of plastics, paper industry, paints, toothpaste, cosmetics, sunscreens, and in various lifestyles, because of the vast range of applications and our daily exposure to these nanoparticles and a lack of information on animal and human health this study was designed to reveal dose and time-dependent effects of TiO2-NPs on the thyroid gland and kidney functions in male rats.

For this study 54, Sprague-Dawley albino adult male rats were classified into three main groups each of 18 rats treated for a particular duration (1,2, and 4) weeks respectively. Each group was subdivided i

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Publication Date
Mon May 30 2022
Journal Name
The Journal Of Infection In Developing Countries
SARS-CoV-2 viral shedding and susceptibility: perspectives on gender and asymptomatic patients
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Despite efforts to contain and manage the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak which was declared a public health emergency of international concern in January 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO), the COVID-19 pandemic still remains a major global challenge. Patients who display the classical symptoms of the infection are easily identified, tested, isolated and monitored. However, many cases of infected asymptomatic patients have been documented. These patients are not easily identified even though many evidences suggest that they can spread the virus to others. How and why these COVID-19 asymptomatic presentations occur remain unclear. The many theories and views are conjectural, and supporting evidences are still needed. In this review, we

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 05 2018
Journal Name
Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking
Positioning and guiding educational robots by using fingerprints of WiFi and RFID array
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Formation of Orientalist discourse, the tendency within the force, and metadata, and power.
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Began research of the foundations of Orientalist discourse based on force and metadata and authority, and the possibility of turning the West's view of the East as if made ​​radical changes in the structure of the West or in a relationship of power and authority between it and the east. We have adopted in our paper on the research categories of Edward Said and visions in the field of Orientalism in general, and especially his book entitled the name of this area, not forgetting, or leave the expansion to other sources, a researcher in this field, to enrich the research.

We went to Orientalism as a concept and based cognitive, and the work of the Orientalist, and the meanings of Orientalism, which suggests Balastala which was c

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study Properties (Compressive And Tensile And Wear) For The Composite Materials Hybried
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  This study included prepared samples of epoxy reinforced by the novolac , aluminum , glass powder and epoxy reinforced by aluminum , glass powder and epoxy alone .They are used as reinforced materials of volum fraction amounting 40% .  The mechanical properties inclouded ( tensile , compressive and wear) where the wear test inclouded different applied loads (5,10,15) . From the results showed the epoxy reinforced by aluminum and glass powder has higher compressive strength (56.91) Mpa and higher tensile strength (132.2) Mpa .But the epoxy alone has higher wear rate and the epoxy reinforced by aluminum and glass powder which have higher elasticity of modulus from the tensile test (315.7) Mpa

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of inconsistency and measuring the inverse relationship between overlap and contrast.
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The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between the concept of  inconsistency and the measurement of the inverse relationship of overlap and contrast. The study will address the following points:

  1. Explaining the true nature of inconsistency and contrast, as understanding their relationship is essential for determining them.
  2. Examining the view of the scholars regarding their significance as approaches to understanding the relationship.
  • Identifying the relationship between inconsistency and contrast in terms of overlap and contrast.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison of Groundwater Quality and Quantity between Al-Rahbah and Al-Haydariyah Regions
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This study focused on two areas in AL-Najaf city, AL-Ruhbah and Al-Haydariyah regions because of the importance and widespread use of groundwater in these areas. The two areas were compared quantitatively and qualitatively. For the quantitative approach, the GMS software was used in conjunction with the GIS software to simulate the groundwater flow behavior. The solid model for both areas was created, the geological formation was determined, and the hydraulic properties were identified using GMS software. To test the quantity of groundwater in both areas, the wells have been redistributed to a distance of 2000 m between them, and a period of 1000 days was chosen. When a discharge of 10 l/s and operation times of 4, 8, an

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation of Classical Sliding Mode Controller for Ball and Plate System
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Ball and Plate (B&P) system is a benchmark system in the control engineering field that has been used to verify many control methods. In this paper the design of a sliding mode . controller has been investigated and verified in real-time via implementation on a real ball and plate system hardware. The mathematical model has been derived and the necessary parameters have been measured. The sliding mode controller has been designed based on the obtained mathematical model. The resulting controller has been implemented using the Arduino Mega 2560 and a ball and plate system built completely from scratch. The Arduino has been programmed by the Arduino support target for Simulink. Three test signals has been used for verification purposes

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Finite Element Neural Network And Its Applications To Forward And Inverse Problems
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In this paper, first we   refom1Ulated   the finite   element  model

(FEM)   into   a   neural   network   structure   using   a   simple   two   - dimensional problem. The structure of this neural network is described

, followed  by its   application   to   solving  the forward    and  inverse problems. This model is then extended to the general case and the advantages and  di sadvantages  of  this  approach  are  descri bed  along with an analysis  of  the sensi tivity   of

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