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G Protein-Coupled Receptors: Undervalued Targets for Cancer Therapy
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Despite the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) being the largest family of signalling proteins at the surface of cells, their potential to be targeted in cancer therapy is still under-utilised. This review highlights the contribution of these receptors to the process of oncogenesis and points to some likely challenges that might be encountered in targeting them. GPCR-signalling pathways are often complex and can be tissue-specific. Cancer cells hijack these communication networks to their proliferative advantage. The role of selected GPCRs in the different hallmarks of cancer is examined to highlight the complexity of targeting these receptors for therapeutic benefit. Our increasing knowledge of the mechanisms governing the molecular functions of GPCRs may help to identify new targets to treat specific types of cancers.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Remedy Efficiency through Paclitaxel on Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Brain Injury and Risk Premium of N- Diethyl nitrosamine (DEN) Injection
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The current study deals with the effect of N-Diethylnitrosamine (DEN) induced traumatic brain injury on male albino rats, as well as the outcome results of treatment with paclitaxel nanoparticles for a period of 8 weeks with two-week intervals is the concern of the present study. Mean body weight, as well as brain weight, was considered as the main parameters whereas a detailed immunohistochemical study on rat brain sections was performed. Astrocytic biomarkers for the diagnosis of astrocytes by fibrillary glial acidic protein (GFAP). Neuronal GFAP staining used for various broke sections were forwarded. Comparison and Contrast of all these parameters in all steps of the experiment had been discussed. The

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cluster Analysis of Biochemical Markers as Predictor of COVID-19 Severity
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Numerous blood biomarkers are altered in COVID-19 patients; however, no early biochemical markers are currently being used in clinical practice to predict COVID-19 severity. COVID-19, the most recent pandemic, is caused by the SRS-CoV-2 coronavirus.  The study was aimed to identify patient groups with a high and low risk of developing COVID-19 using a cluster analysis of several biomarkers. 137 women with confirmed SARS CoV-2 RNA testing were collected and analyzed for biochemical profiles. Two-dimensional automated hierarchy clustering of all biomarkers was applied, and patients were sorted into classes. Biochemistry marker variations (Ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase LDH, D-dimer, and C- reactive protein CRP) have split COVID-19 patien

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Combined DWT and DCT Image Compression Using Sliding RLE Technique
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A number of compression schemes were put forward to achieve high compression factors with high image quality at a low computational time. In this paper, a combined transform coding scheme is proposed which is based on discrete wavelet (DWT) and discrete cosine (DCT) transforms with an added new enhancement method, which is the sliding run length encoding (SRLE) technique, to further improve compression. The advantages of the wavelet and the discrete cosine transforms were utilized to encode the image. This first step involves transforming the color components of the image from RGB to YUV planes to acquire the advantage of the existing spectral correlation and consequently gaining more compression. DWT is then applied to the Y, U and V col

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Publication Date
Sat May 30 2020
Journal Name
Neuroquantology Journal
The Effect of Re-Use of Lossy JPEG Compression Algorithm on the Quality of Satellite Image
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In this study, an analysis of re-using the JPEG lossy algorithm on the quality of satellite imagery is presented. The standard JPEG compression algorithm is adopted and applied using Irfan view program, the rang of JPEG quality that used is 50-100.Depending on the calculated satellite image quality variation, the maximum number of the re-use of the JPEG lossy algorithm adopted in this study is 50 times. The image quality degradation to the JPEG quality factor and the number of re-use of the JPEG algorithm to store the satellite image is analyzed.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 24 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Securing digital documents using digital watermarking
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     The intellectual property of digital documents has been protected by using many methods of digital watermarking. Digital documents have been so much of advantages over print documents. Digital documents are less expensive and easy to store, transport, and searched compared to traditional print documents.  But it has its owner limitation too. A simple image editor can be used to modify and make a forged document. Digital documents can be tampered easily. In order to utilize the whole benefits of digital document, these limitations have to overcome these limitations by embedding some text, logo sequence that identifies the owner of the document..

In this research LSB  technique  has been used

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Estimation of pentraxin-3(PTX3)in Rheumatoid arthritis males patients with (with and without) type II diabetes mellitus in Iraq
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Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease its etiology is  unknown . The classical autoimmune diseases, have adaptive immune genetic associations with autoantibodies and major histocompatibility complex(MHC) class II such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), diabetes mellitus type two (DM II). Serum of99 males suffering from RA without DMII as group (G1), 45 males suffering from RA with DM II as group (G2) and 40 healthy males as group (G3) were enrolled in this study to estimation of alkaline phosphates (ALP),C-reactive protein(CRP) and Pentraxin-3(PTX). Results showed a highly significant increase in PTX3 levels in G1 and G2 compared to G3 and a significant decrease in G1comparing to G2. Results also revealed a si

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mobile position estimation using artificial neural network in CDMA cellular systems
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Using the Neural network as a type of associative memory will be introduced in this paper through the problem of mobile position estimation where mobile estimate its location depending on the signal strength reach to it from several around base stations where the neural network can be implemented inside the mobile. Traditional methods of time of arrival (TOA) and received signal strength (RSS) are used and compared with two analytical methods, optimal positioning method and average positioning method. The data that are used for training are ideal since they can be obtained based on geometry of CDMA cell topology. The test of the two methods TOA and RSS take many cases through a nonlinear path that MS can move through that region. The result

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mobile Position Estimation using Artificial Neural Network in CDMA Cellular Systems
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Using the Neural network as a type of associative memory will be introduced in this paper through the problem of mobile position estimation where mobile estimate its location depending on the signal strength reach to it from several around base stations where the neural network can be implemented inside the mobile. Traditional methods of time of arrival (TOA) and received signal strength (RSS) are used and compared with two analytical methods, optimal positioning method and average positioning method. The data that are used for training are ideal since they can be obtained based on geometry of CDMA cell topology. The test of the two methods TOA and RSS take many cases through a nonlinear path that MS can move through tha

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 16 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Techniques of Watermark Images using Bit Plane Slicing and Cubic-spline Interpolation
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A watermark is a pattern or image defined in a paper that seems as different shades of light/darkness when viewed by the transmitted light which used for improving the robustness and security. There are many ways to work Watermark, including the addition of an image or text to the original image, but in this paper was proposed another type of watermark is add curves, line or forms have been drawn by interpolation, which produces watermark difficult to falsify and manipulate it. Our work suggests new techniques of watermark images which is embedding Cubic-spline interpolation inside the image using Bit Plane Slicing. The Peak to Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE) value is calculated so that the quality of the original i

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
SDPLL-Based Frequency Estimation of a Sinusoid in Colored Noise
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The problem of frequency estimation of a single sinusoid observed in colored noise is addressed. Our estimator is based on the operation of the sinusoidal digital phase-locked loop (SDPLL) which carries the frequency information in its phase error after the noisy sinusoid has been acquired by the SDPLL. We show by computer simulations that this frequency estimator beats the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) on the frequency error variance for moderate and high SNRs when the colored noise has a general low-pass filtered (LPF) characteristic, thereby outperforming, in terms of frequency error variance, several existing techniques some of which are, in addition, computationally demanding. Moreover, the present approach generalizes on existing work tha

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