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G Protein-Coupled Receptors: Undervalued Targets for Cancer Therapy

Despite the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) being the largest family of signalling proteins at the surface of cells, their potential to be targeted in cancer therapy is still under-utilised. This review highlights the contribution of these receptors to the process of oncogenesis and points to some likely challenges that might be encountered in targeting them. GPCR-signalling pathways are often complex and can be tissue-specific. Cancer cells hijack these communication networks to their proliferative advantage. The role of selected GPCRs in the different hallmarks of cancer is examined to highlight the complexity of targeting these receptors for therapeutic benefit. Our increasing knowledge of the mechanisms governing the molecular functions of GPCRs may help to identify new targets to treat specific types of cancers.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
Daftardar-Jafari method for solving nonlinear thin film flow problem

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 14 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Second Order Sliding Mode Controller Design for Pneumatic Artificial Muscle

In this paper, first and second order sliding mode controllers are designed for a single link robotic arm actuated by two Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAMs). A new mathematical model for the arm has been developed based on the model of large scale pneumatic muscle actuator model. Uncertainty in parameters has been presented and tested for the two controllers. The simulation results of the second-order sliding mode controller proves to have a low tracking error and chattering effect as compared to the first order one. The verification has been done by using MATLAB and Simulink software.


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Partial Level Densities for Neutron Induced Pre-equilibrium Nuclear Reactions

The state and partial level densities were calculated using the corresponding formulas that are obtained in the frame work of the exciton model with equidistant spacing model (ESM) and non-ESM (NESM). Different corrections have been considered, which are obtained from other nuclear principles or models. These corrections are Pauli Exclusion Principle, surface effect, pairing effect, back shift due to shell effect and bound state effect . They are combined together in a composite formula with the intention to reach the final formula. One-component system at energies less than 100 MeV and mass number range (50-200) is assumed in the present work. It was found that Williams, plus spin formula is the most effective approach to the composite

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Publication Date
Thu May 01 2008
Journal Name
2008 International Conference On Computer And Communication Engineering
A binary Particle Swarm Optimization for attacking knapsacks Cipher Algorithm

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The content of intermediate stage biology books for multiple intelligences

The aim of current study is to analyze the content of intermediate stage biology books based on multiple intelligences. To do this, the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach. To analyze the three books of the intermediate stage, the author adopted content analysis tool and area unit. They were exposed to group of experts in methods of teaching biology, and measurement and evaluation. The findings of the study have shown a significant difference between what was expected and the observation of the multiple intelligences for the three biology books excluded the (social, musical, and kinetic intelligence), and there is no significant difference between the analysis' result of the biology books and the expectations of b

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological pressure for students who are subject to physical education.

The current research involves psychological pressure (educational,environment andemotionly) for secondary level to 2013-2014.This research includes comparison among students who are trained and not trained  in physical education .The sample is(126) students from each gender from first education.Al-Karkh and the research found out that physical education  has an effect in lessing emotional and educational in a big degree in student in secondary  which affect them  positively in their  study.                                     &n

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Scientific Visualization
Shadow Detection and Elimination for Robot and Machine Vision Applications

Shadow removal is crucial for robot and machine vision as the accuracy of object detection is greatly influenced by the uncertainty and ambiguity of the visual scene. In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm for shadow detection and removal based on different shapes, orientations, and spatial extents of Gaussian equations. Here, the contrast information of the visual scene is utilized for shadow detection and removal through five consecutive processing stages. In the first stage, contrast filtering is performed to obtain the contrast information of the image. The second stage involves a normalization process that suppresses noise and generates a balanced intensity at a specific position compared to the neighboring intensit

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Phase Behavior Compositional Model for Jambour Cretaceous Oil Reservoir

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Local Dependence for Bivariate Weibull Distributions Created by Archimedean Copula

In multivariate survival analysis, estimating the multivariate distribution functions and then measuring the association between survival times are of great interest. Copula functions, such as Archimedean Copulas, are commonly used to estimate the unknown bivariate distributions based on known marginal functions. In this paper the feasibility of using the idea of local dependence to identify the most efficient copula model, which is used to construct a bivariate Weibull distribution for bivariate Survival times, among some Archimedean copulas is explored. Furthermore, to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed procedure, a simulation study is implemented. It is shown that this approach is useful for practical situations and applicable fo

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Compensation for Psychological Damage Caused by Negligence - A Comparative Study

Psychological damage is one of the damages that can be compensated under the fault of negligence in the framework of English law, where the latter intends to include an enumeration of civil errors on the basis of which liability can be determined, and aims under each of these errors to protect a specific interest (for example, defamation protects Among the damage to reputation and inconvenience are the rights contained on the land), and the same is true for the rest of the other errors. Compensation for psychological damage resulting from negligence has raised problems in cases where the psychological injury is "pure", that is, those that are not accompanied by a physical injury, which required subjecting them to special requirements by the

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