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G Protein-Coupled Receptors: Undervalued Targets for Cancer Therapy

Despite the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) being the largest family of signalling proteins at the surface of cells, their potential to be targeted in cancer therapy is still under-utilised. This review highlights the contribution of these receptors to the process of oncogenesis and points to some likely challenges that might be encountered in targeting them. GPCR-signalling pathways are often complex and can be tissue-specific. Cancer cells hijack these communication networks to their proliferative advantage. The role of selected GPCRs in the different hallmarks of cancer is examined to highlight the complexity of targeting these receptors for therapeutic benefit. Our increasing knowledge of the mechanisms governing the molecular functions of GPCRs may help to identify new targets to treat specific types of cancers.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Membranes separation process for oily wastewater treatment

Pilot-scale dead end microfiltration membranes were carried out to determine the feasibility of the process for treating the oily wastewater which discharge from some Iraqi factories such as power station of south of Baghdad and the general company of petrochemical industries. Polypropylene membranes (cylindrical shape) with different pore diameters (1 and 5 micron) were used to conduct the study on micromembrane process. The variables studied are oil concentration (100 – 1000 ppm), feed flow rate (20 – 40 l/h), operating temperature (31 – 50°C) and time (0 – 3 h). It was found that the flux increases with increasing feed flow rate, temperature and pore size of membrane, and decreases with increasing oil concentration and operating

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Publication Date
Thu May 06 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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2nd International Conference On Mathematical Techniques And Applications: Icmta2021
Review of clustering for gene expression data

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
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Un Published
Search Engine for Identification of Personal Images

Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
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Journal Of Economic And Administrative Science
On Shrinkage Estimation for Generalized Exponential Distribution

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 21 2021
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The 3rd Al-noor International Conference Of Science And Technology 2021 Muscat-oman
Gama Platform Survey for Agent-Based Modelling

The agent-based modeling is currently utilized extensively to analyze complex systems. It supported such growth, because it was able to convey distinct levels of interaction in a complex detailed environment. Meanwhile, agent-based models incline to be progressively complex. Thus, powerful modeling and simulation techniques are needed to address this rise in complexity. In recent years, a number of platforms for developing agent-based models have been developed. Actually, in most of the agents, often discrete representation of the environment, and one level of interaction are presented, where two or three are regarded hardly in various agent-based models. The key issue is that modellers work in these areas is not assisted by simulation plat

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
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Applied Mechanics And Materials
Artistic Techniques for Developing Creativity in Design

The design of future will still be the most confusing and puzzling issue and misgivings that arouse worry and leading to the spirit of adventures to make progress and arrive at the ways of reviving, creativity and modernism. The idea of prevailing of a certain culture or certain product in design depends on the given and available techniques, due to the fact that the computer and their artistic techniques become very important and vital to reinforce the image in the design. Thus, it is very necessary to link between these techniques and suitable way to reform the mentality by which the design will be reformed, from what has been said, (there has no utilization for the whole modern and available graphic techniques in the design proce

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Modern Applied Science
New Combined Technique for Fingerprint Image Enhancement

This paper presents a combination of enhancement techniques for fingerprint images affected by different type of noise. These techniques were applied to improve image quality and come up with an acceptable image contrast. The proposed method included five different enhancement techniques: Normalization, Histogram Equalization, Binarization, Skeletonization and Fusion. The Normalization process standardized the pixel intensity which facilitated the processing of subsequent image enhancement stages. Subsequently, the Histogram Equalization technique increased the contrast of the images. Furthermore, the Binarization and Skeletonization techniques were implemented to differentiate between the ridge and valley structures and to obtain one

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Novel Approximate Solutions for Nonlinear Blasius Equations

The method of operational matrices based on different types of polynomials such as Bernstein, shifted Legendre and Bernoulli polynomials will be presented and implemented to solve the nonlinear Blasius equations approximately. The nonlinear differential equation will be converted into a system of nonlinear algebraic equations that can be solved using Mathematica®12. The efficiency of these methods has been studied by calculating the maximum error remainder ( ), and it was found that their efficiency increases as the polynomial degree (n) increases, since the errors decrease. Moreover, the approximate solutions obtained by the proposed methods are compared with the solution of the 4th order Runge-Kutta meth

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 05 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Isosorbide mononitrate versus mesoprostol for cervical ripening