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Association of Age, Parity and Body mass Index with Hemoglobin and Serum Ferritin Levels in Pregnant Women in Baghdad City
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Hemogloin (Hb) and serum ferritin levels are used to assess anemia in pregnancy. Some studies referred to the influence of maternal age, body mass index (BMI) and parity on Hb and serum ferritin levels. The study aimed to examine the possible association of maternal Hb and serum ferritin with maternal age, parity, and BMI in a sample of pregnant women in Baghdad.

 Ninety healthy pregnant women, grouped in three equal groups according to the pregnancy trimester, and thirty apparently healthy non-pregnant women from Baghdad were enrolled in this observational study.  Blood and serum samples were obtained for the estimation of Hb and serum ferritin levels.

The pooled data of participants showed a negative correlation between parity and each of blood Hb concentrations (r= -0.147, P=0.046) and plasma ferritin levels (r= -0.186, P= 0.038). The negative correlation of parity with blood Hb concentration was reported in participants in the third trimester of pregnancy (r= -0.270, P=0.048); and between parity and plasma ferritin levels in the second (r= -0.088, P= 0.046) and third (r= -0.398, P=0.029) trimester pregnant. The study did not report a significant correlation between age and BMI with blood Hb concentrations or serum ferritin levels in pregnant women at any trimester of pregnancy.

There is a negative correlation between parity and each of blood Hb concentration and serum ferritin levels in pregnant women in Baghdad. While, there is no such correlation with maternal age and BMI at any trimester of pregnancy.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorous Levels in Serum of Iraqi Women with Fibromyalgia
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         Fibromyalgia (FM) is a common, debilitating, and chronic pain syndrome. The women are more likely to have more tender points on examination than are their male counterparts. Iraqi study showed that FM occur in 1.5% among adolescents of Iraqi population. In compare to normal healthy women, present study was revealed that Iraqi women with FM have significant elevation of calcium (p = 0.003) with significant reduction of magnesium (p = 0.001), whereas the inorganic phosphorous was not differs (p = 0.31). In conclusion, magnesium and calcium would play a crucial role in etiopathogenesis of fibromyalgia.

Key words: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, Fibromyalgia.

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Publication Date
Thu May 05 2022
Journal Name
Alkindy College Medical Journal
Correlation between Body Mass Index and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
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Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disorder globally. The prevalence is 25% worldwide, distributed widely in different populations and regions. The highest rates are reported for the Middle East (32%). Due to modern lifestyles and diet, there has been a persistent increase in the number of NAFLD patients. This increase occurred at the same time  where there were also increases in the number of people considered being obese all over the world. By analyzing fatty liver risk factors, studies found that body mass index, one of the most classical epidemiological indexes assessing obesity, was associated with the risk of fatty liver. Objectives: To assess age, sex, and body mass index (BMI) as

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Serum Leptin levels in ovarian polycystic disease and its correlation to body weight
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Background: Poly cystic ovary syndrome is a common disorder in women of reproductive age, it is associated with disturbance of reproductive, endocrine and metabolic functions. The pathophysiology of PCOS appears to be multifactorial and polygenic. Leptin seems to play an important role in pathophysiology of PCOS especially in women with BMI ≥25kg/m2. Objectives: To assess leptin level in both PCOS and healthy women and explore the relation to their body weight and body mass index. Patient and Methods: A total of 120 women were enrolled in this study, 60 women (50%) had PCOS (study group) and the reminder 60 women (50%) were healthy women and considered as control group. BMI was calculated first. Both groups were further sub

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of the Nutritional Behavior and Body Mass Indexes for Students of Age (17-25) Years In Baghdad, Iraq.
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The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status for samples at the age of 17-15 years. These samples were taken from secondary schools and universities in Baghdad area, 123 of them were male and 261 were female. Data on weight, height and body mass index (BMI) were determined in each individual. Smaller sample of 215 individuals (male and female) from the original sample was taken in order to record their nutritional behavior and daily food intake during the 24 hours prior to the visit through personal meeting using special questionnaire. The results showed that the weight and the height were within the range of the people of neighboring Arab countries, who are in the same age. Beside 44.4- 55.95% of these samples were within t

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Experimental Parasitology
The association of IL-3, IL-17A, and IL 27 serum levels with susceptibility to toxoplasmosis in recurrent abortion of Iraqi women
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Cytokines are a group of immunomodulatory proteins leading to a variety of immune reactions in the human; these cytokines play a significant role in the development of appropriate immune responses against T. gondii. This study aims to reveal the association of toxoplasmosis with serum levels of IL-3, IL-17A, and IL-27 in aborted women. The blood samples of patients and controls were collected from Al-Alawiya Maternity Teaching Hospital/Baghdad/Iraq from 2019 to 2020 for detecting anti-T. gondii antibodies (IgG and IgM) and the level of interleukins by ELISA. The results of TORCH by rapid test for recurrent abortion recorded 25.3% seropositive for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies, and 31.5% seropositive for one or more cases of TORCH test (Cytomeg

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fat Mass and Obesity Association gene Polymorphism in PCOS Iraqi Women
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             Polycystic syndrome (PCOS) is a considerable infertility disorder in adolescents and adult women in reproductive age. Obesity is a vigorous risk factor related to POCS.  This study aims to evaluate the association of obesity and PCOS by investigating several parameters including:  anthropological, biochemical (lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, glucose tolerance test, and hormone levels (LH, FSH, LH/FSH ratio, Estradiol2 and Testosterone),and genetic parameters (Fat mass and Obesity associated gene (FTO) polymorphism at rs17817449) in 63 obese and non-obese PCOS women. The biochemical tests were investigated by colorimetric methods while FTO gene polymorphism was detected by PCR–RFLP.  Lipid profile, F

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fat Mass and Obesity Association gene Polymorphism in PCOS Iraqi Women
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             Polycystic syndrome (PCOS) is a considerable infertility disorder in adolescents and adult women in reproductive age. Obesity is a vigorous risk factor related to POCS.  This study aims to evaluate the association of obesity and PCOS by investigating several parameters including:  anthropological, biochemical (lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, glucose tolerance test, and hormone levels (LH, FSH, LH/FSH ratio, Estradiol2 and Testosterone),and genetic parameters (Fat mass and Obesity associated gene (FTO) polymorphism at rs17817449) in 63 obese and non-obese PCOS women. The biochemical tests were investigated by colorimetric methods while FTO gene polymorp

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fat Mass and Obesity Association gene Polymorphism in PCOS Iraqi Women
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             Polycystic syndrome (PCOS) is a considerable infertility disorder in adolescents and adult women in reproductive age. Obesity is a vigorous risk factor related to POCS.  This study aims to evaluate the association of obesity and PCOS by investigating several parameters including:  anthropological, biochemical (lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, glucose tolerance test, and hormone levels (LH, FSH, LH/FSH ratio, Estradiol2 and Testosterone),and genetic parameters (Fat mass and Obesity associated gene (FTO) polymorphism at rs17817449) in 63 obese and non-obese PCOS women. The biochemical tests were investigated by colorimetric methods while FTO gene polymorphism was detected by PCR–RFLP.  Lipid profile, F

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Salivary vitamin D3 in relation to dental caries among pregnant women in Baghdad city
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Background: Vitamin D deficiency is a problem for pregnant women, and it affects general and oral health. This problem increases as vitamin D requirements increase during pregnancy. This study was conducted among pregnant women in urban and rural areas in order to assess the relation between salivary vitamin D3 and dental caries. Materials and methods: In this comparative cross-sectional study, all women participating were attending the primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad city in AL-Karkh sector, they were with age ranged from (15-44) years old. The total number 90 pregnant women in the second trimester only which include: The first group consists of (45) pregnant women attendance seeking dental treatment in urban areas, The second gr

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Almustansiriyah Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences (ajps)
Levels of Some Pro-inflammatory Cytokines in Pregnant Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
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The objective of this study is to determine levels of some pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-12 and SIL-2R) in pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and also to determine incidence of spontaneous abortion during first trimester in pregnant women with PCOS compared with non-PCOS pregnant women. This Study was performed on (93) women, consisted of: 1- (63) pregnant women during the first trimester, which included:A- (33)PCOS pregnant women and subdivided into the following groups: (20) successful pregnant PCOS, (7) blighted Ovum PCOS and (6) missed abortion PCOS. B- (30) non-PCOS pregnant women, which included: (27) successful pregnant control and (3) non-PCOS pregnant women were withdrawn from this study because of their abortion

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