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Lornoxicam-Loaded Cubosomes: - Preparation and In vitro Characterization.
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Cubosomes are nanosized structures self-assembled nanostructured materials used for controlling the release of the entrapped drug molecule. Lornoxicam (LXM) is a potent analgesic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug with a short half-life (3-4) hours. The present study aims to prepare LXM-loaded cubosomes with well-defined morphology, particle size, PDI, high entrapment efficiency, sustained drug release, and high zeta potential value, as a transdermal drug delivery system.

      Twelve formulas of LXM-loaded cubosomal dispersions were prepared by a solvent dilution method using Glyceryl monooleate ( GMO) as polar lipid with different stabilizers as Pluronic® F127 or tween 80 and different types of hydrotrope as ethanol or propylene glycol. These formulas were evaluated for their particle size analysis & PDI, E.E. %, and in-vitro drug release to select a group of the optimum formulas, that further characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and zeta potential analyzer to select the optimum dispersion. FTIR study was used to investigate the compatibility of the drug with excipients.

The obtained results indicated that F3, composed of GMO, Pluronic® F127, ethanol, drug, and phosphate buffer solution pH 7.4 in the following per cents 7.28%, 1.82%, 8%, 2%, and 80.9% w/w, respectively, prepared in 20min agitation period, as the optimum formula for its high E.E. % (94.30±0.002%), small particle size (16.3±0.19nm), low PDI          (0.06±0.02), and high zeta potential value (-65.9±0.05mV), and well-defined cubic structure. FTIR study indicated no interaction between LXM and other formulas components.

This study's conclusion illustrated that LXM-loaded cubosomal dispersion could be considered a promising nano-carrier for transdermal drug delivery.

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Temperature Effect on Power Drop of Different Photovoltaic Modules
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Solar module operating temperature is the second major factor affects the performance of solar photovoltaic panels after the amount of solar radiation. This paper presents a performance comparison of mono-crystalline Silicon (mc-Si), poly-crystalline Silicon (pc-Si), amorphous Silicon (a-Si) and Cupper Indium Gallium di-selenide (CIGS) photovoltaic technologies under Climate Conditions of Baghdad city. Temperature influence on the solar modules electric output parameters was investigated experimentally and their temperature coefficients was calculated. These temperature coefficients are important for all systems design and sizing. The experimental results revealed that the pc-Si module showed a decrease in open circuit v

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of π-conjugated molecules on electronics properties of benzene-diamine derivatives
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The present work shows a theoretical results that have been used the functional Hybrid of three parameters Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP) of the quantum mechanical approach for density functional theory with (Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms) SIESTA code. All calculations were carried out employing the used method at the Gaussian 09 package of programs. It was reported the main point for research on dominance of the bandgap of elongated pi-conjugated molecules by using different chemical groups replacing hydrogen atom in the most molecules that used in this work. The side groups creates another factor that controls the value of the band gap. The dihedral angle between the two pheny

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences (ijas)
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This study was aimed to determine a phytotoxicity experiment with kerosene as a model of a total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPHs) as Kerosene pollutant at different concentrations (1% and 6%) with aeration rate (0 and 1 L/min) and retention time (7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days), was carried out in a subsurface flow system (SSF) on the Barley wetland. It was noted that greatest elimination 95.7% recorded at 1% kerosene levels and aeration rate 1L / min after a period of 42 days of exposure; whereas it was 47% in the control test without plants. Furthermore, the percent of elimination efficiencies of hydrocarbons from the soil was ranged between 34.155%-95.7% for all TPHs (Kerosene) concentrations at aeration rate (0 and 1 L/min). The Barley c

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 19 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Secure Image Steganography Through Multilevel Security
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The concealment of data has emerged as an area of deep and wide interest in research that endeavours to conceal data in a covert and stealth manner, to avoid detection through the embedment of the secret data into cover images that appear inconspicuous. These cover images may be in the format of images or videos used for concealment of the messages, yet still retaining the quality visually. Over the past ten years, there have been numerous researches on varying steganographic methods related to images, that emphasised on payload and the quality of the image. Nevertheless, a compromise exists between the two indicators and to mediate a more favourable reconciliation for this duo is a daunting and problematic task. Additionally, the current

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nanostructural study of Ti-Ni binary alloy prepared by mechanical alloying
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In the present study, a powder mixture of elements Ti and Ni was mechanically alloyed in a high energy ball mill. Microstructure of the nanosized amorphous milled product in different stages of milling has been characterized by X- ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and differential thermal analysis. We found that time of mechanical alloying is more significant to convert all crystalline structure to the amorphous phase. Nanocrystalline phase was achieved as a result of the mechanical alloying process. The results also indicates that the phase transformation and the grain size occurs in these alloys are controlled by ball milling time

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rotating Ceramic Water Filter Discs System for Water Filtration
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This work aimed to design, construct and operate a new laboratory scale water filtration system. This system was used to examine the efficiency of two ceramic filter discs as a medium for water filtration. These filters were made from two different ceramic mixtures of local red clay, sawdust, and water.  The filtration system was designed with two rotating interfered modules of these filters.  Rotating these modules generates shear force between water and the surfaces of filter discs of the filtration modules that works to reduce thickness of layer of rejected materials on the filters surfaces. Each module consists of seven filtration units and each unit consists of two ceramic filter discs.    The average measured hy

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
System Identification Algorithm for Systems with Interval Coefficients
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In this research a new system identification algorithm is presented for obtaining an optimal set of mathematical models for system with perturbed coefficients, then this algorithm is applied practically by an “On Line System Identification Circuit”, based on real time speed response data of a permanent magnet DC motor. Such set of mathematical models represents the physical plant against all variation which may exist in its parameters, and forms a strong mathematical foundation for stability and performance analysis in control theory problems.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad University College Of Education Ibn Al-haitham
Numerical Solution of Linear System of Fredholm Integral Equations Using Haar Wavelet Method
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The aim of this paper is to present the numerical method for solving linear system of Fredholm integral equations, based on the Haar wavelet approach. Many test problems, for which the exact solution is known, are considered. Compare the results of suggested method with the results of another method (Trapezoidal method). Algorithm and program is written by Matlab vergion 7.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving of the Quadratic Fractional Programming Problems by a Modified Symmetric Fuzzy Approach
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The aims of the paper are to present a modified symmetric fuzzy approach to find the best workable compromise solution for quadratic fractional programming problems (QFPP) with fuzzy crisp in both the objective functions and the constraints. We introduced a modified symmetric fuzzy by proposing a procedure, that starts first by converting the quadratic fractional programming problems that exist in the objective functions to crisp numbers and then converts the linear function that exists in the constraints to crisp numbers. After that, we applied the fuzzy approach to determine the optimal solution for our quadratic fractional programming problem which is supported theoretically and practically. The computer application for the algo

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Pathological Mechanisms of Obesity-Related Glomerulopathy: A review article
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The rising prevalence of obesity-related glomerulopathy (ORG) occurs in accordance with the rising prevalence of obesity worldwide. Clinically ORG is manifested by slowly progressing microalbuminuria that may develop to clinically evident proteinuria. Pathological characteristics of ORG include glomerular hypertrophy in the presence or absence of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). ORG can develop into clinically overt chronic renal insufficiency or even end-stage kidney disease. This article reviews the most important mechanisms for the development of ORG; that are abnormal renal hemodynamics, stimulation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), impairment of insulin sensetivity, ectopic lipid deposition, adipose tissue cy

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