In folk medicine there are various medicinal amalgamation possessing hepatoprotective activity. This activity is of significance because several toxins cause liver injury. Hence, many pharmaceutical companies are targeting herbal medicines for the treatment of liver abnormalities and towards evolving a safe and effective formulation with desired route of administration. In current review we have focused on the studies showing hepatoprotective effect using marine compounds and plant derived compounds. Liver disorder, a global health problem, usually include acute or chronic hepatitis, heptoses, and cirrhosis. It may be due to toxic chemicals and certain antibiotics. Uncontrolled consumption of alcohol also affects liver in an unhealthy way. To cure liver disorders several formulations of medicinal plants are being used. It is observed that hepatoprotective effect of plant is mostly due to flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids, and glycoside. A single drug cannot be useful for all the types of liver disorders. Several plant extracts for liver illness results from poisonous chemicals, viruses, extra alcohol consumption, and repeated administration of medication. By using standards of protection and efficacy, manufacture of plant products need to be ruled out. Current review provides an understanding of ethnopharmocology, toxicology of several medicinal plants manifesting hepatoprotective potential. Despite of varied database analysis new discoveries and their probabilities, evidences on viral hepatitis treatment or liver cirrhosis is inadequate. Further information about phytotherapy, toxicology, quality control studies shall be endorsed. Further in depth studies are required to discover quality trait like SAR, MOA, safety and toxicity and therapeutic potential of phytoconstituents in clinical settings.
Array antennas have an interesting role in the radio astronomy field. The array antennas allow astronomers to obtain high-resolution signals with high sensitivity to weak signals. This paper estimates the meteors' positions entering the Earth's atmosphere and develops a simulation for array antenna radar to analyze the meteor's echoes. The GNU radio software was used to process the echoes, which is a free open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement in radio projects. Then, the simulation determines the azimuth and elevation of the meteors. An improved Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm has been suggested to analyze these echoes. The detected power of each meteor echo has
... Show MoreThe genic variation analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa after filtering the spurious variation appeared that 222 variable loci out of 5572 loci were detected. The type of variation analysis revealed that single nucleotide polymorphism was highly significant compared with other types of variation due the fact that the genome variation was achieved on the level of microevolution. Moreover, the proportional effect of functional scheme showed that genes responsible for environmental information were the highest comparable to another scheme. The genes of environmental information processing locate on outer membrane and face the defense strategy of the host therefore change in proteins coded by these genes lead to escape the immune system defense
... Show MoreIn this study 737 stool specimens were collected from people attending some primary health care centres and hospitals in North of Baghdad, during the period from beginning of April 2009 till the end of March 2010. Different factors were examined to be related with the prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis which were (number of family member, travelling history, source of drinking water and domestic animal present). Significant relations (p≤0.05) were observed between infection rate and the following factor: -Number of family member: The high percentage of Cryptosporidium spp positive cases were seen in families composed of (15-19) and (more than 20) individual which were 28.32% and 16.37% respectively when compared with other family clusters -T
... Show MoreThe bacterial isolates were obtained from Al-Kindi Hospital were diagnosed by the Vitek-2 system and re confirm by 16srRNA gene as S. aurous, the results were shown 20 isolates (66.7%) out of 30 isolates were positive to protease production. All bacterial isolates (100%) were sensitive to Gentamicin and Levofloxacin. but resistant (100%) to aztreonam. The best temperature for enzyme production from bacteria was 37 °C, and the best pH for enzyme production was 7. Partial purification of the bacterial enzyme (protease) was carried out using short steps included ammonium sulfate 65% saturation, ion exchange using DEAE- cellulose column and then applied on gel filtration chromatography using Sephadex G-200 column. The enzymatic activit
... Show MoreIn the last few years, the use of artificial neural network analysis has increased, particularly, in geotechnical engineering problems and has demonstrated some success. In this research, artificial neural network analysis endeavors to predict the relationship between physical and mechanical properties of Baghdad soil by making different trials between standard penetration test, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, cohesion, angle of internal friction, and bearing capacity. The analysis revealed that the changes in natural water content and plastic limit have a great effect on the cohesion of soil and the angle of internal friction, respectively. . On the other hand, the liquid limit has a great impact on the bearing capacity and
... Show MoreThe Mesopotamian marshlands faced a massive destruction from many years and this lead to effect to ecosystem. In this study a survey was made on the physical chemical and heavy metals characteristics and microbiological analysis of AL Chibaish marsh during the two months. Water analyses revealed unacceptable values for almost all physiochemical and biological properties, according to WHO standard limits for drinking water. Almost all major ions and heavy metal concentrations in water showed a distinct decreasing trend at the marsh outlet station compared to other stations. In general, major and minor ions, as well as heavy metals exhibit higher concentrations in location 1 than in location 3. The concentrations of heavy metals in water show
... Show MoreEM International
In the present study, we have reported investigations on the effect of simultaneous substitution of Tl at the Hg site in the oxygen deficient HgOδ layer of Hg1-xTlxBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ δ cuprate superconductor. Bulk polycrystalline samples were prepared by the two-step solid state reaction process. It was observed that the grown Hg1-xTlxBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ δ corresponds to the 1223 phase. Electrical resistivity, using four probe technique, is used to find the transition temperature Tc. The highest Tc(0ffset) were 108, 102,113, 118, 125 and 121K for Hg1xTlxBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ δ with x = 0.0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 respectively. The optimum Tc(off) of ~ 125 K and Tc(onset) ~ 136K was fo
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