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An Overview of Some Plant Based Products With Hepatoprotective Activity
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In folk medicine there are various medicinal amalgamation possessing hepatoprotective activity. This activity is of significance because several toxins cause liver injury. Hence, many pharmaceutical companies are targeting herbal medicines for the treatment of liver abnormalities and towards evolving a safe and effective formulation with desired route of administration. In current review we have focused on the studies showing hepatoprotective effect using marine compounds and plant derived compounds. Liver disorder, a global health problem, usually include acute or chronic hepatitis, heptoses, and cirrhosis. It may be due to toxic chemicals and certain antibiotics. Uncontrolled consumption of alcohol also affects liver in an unhealthy way. To cure liver disorders several formulations of medicinal plants are being used. It is observed that hepatoprotective effect of plant is mostly due to flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids, and glycoside. A single drug cannot be useful for all the types of liver disorders. Several plant extracts for liver illness results from poisonous chemicals, viruses, extra alcohol consumption, and repeated administration of medication. By using standards of protection and efficacy, manufacture of plant products need to be ruled out. Current review provides an understanding of ethnopharmocology, toxicology of several medicinal plants manifesting hepatoprotective potential. Despite of varied database analysis new discoveries and their probabilities, evidences on viral hepatitis treatment or liver cirrhosis is inadequate.  Further information about phytotherapy, toxicology, quality control studies shall be endorsed. Further in depth studies are required to discover quality trait like SAR, MOA, safety and toxicity and therapeutic potential of phytoconstituents in clinical settings.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Applied Sciences
Comparison between Expert Systems, Machine Learning, and Big Data: An Overview
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Today, the science of artificial intelligence has become one of the most important sciences in creating intelligent computer programs that simulate the human mind. The goal of artificial intelligence in the medical field is to assist doctors and health care workers in diagnosing diseases and clinical treatment, reducing the rate of medical error, and saving lives of citizens. The main and widely used technologies are expert systems, machine learning and big data. In the article, a brief overview of the three mentioned techniques will be provided to make it easier for readers to understand these techniques and their importance.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Effect of Spraying with Plant Extracts on Some Growth Characteristics and Active Ingredients of Basil Plant
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Abstract<p>Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), a leafy plant used for fresh food, medicinal purposes, and aromatic purposes (including the extraction of volatile essential oil and active compounds), was the subject of a worker experiment at the College of Education for Pure Sciences Ibn Al-Haitham / University of Baghdad during the 2023 growing season. The experiment aimed to determine the effects of spraying the basil plant’s vegetative system with aqueous extracts of watercress and parsley on the plant’s growth characteristics and the production of active compounds. The experiment included two factors, the first factor, the aqueous extract of the watercress plant in three concentrations (0, 5, 10</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Activity- Based Costing technology and its role in Cost Guidance: An Applied Study at the General Company for Textile and Leather Industries - Leather plant - Factory No. (7)
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Iraqi industrial units face strong competition due to many problems including1- high production costs2- weak interest in studying the market3- lack of government support for their products4- dumping the market with imported products with specifications and a competitive price as well as adopting the traditional cost system in calculating costs that do not provide appropriate information for pricing decisions Which requires studying and analyzing these problems and dealing with them by adopting modern technologies so that they can compete, so the research aims to show the knowledge bases of technology Activity- Based Costing, with an indication of the role of technology Activity- Based Costing in rationalizing the tax In, and the

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Rhizopus Stolonifer Metabolic Products on Serum Vitamin C , some elements and catalase in albino male rats
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 The present study was designed to investigate the effect of R. stolonifer metabolic products on some antioxidant defenses and some elements (Cu, Fe, Ca) . The experiment was performed using 25 mature male rats, their age average was about (3-3.5) months and their weight average was about (200-225) gm. The animals were randomly divided into 5 equal groups (five animals for each): control (treated orally with normal saline) and four treatment groups were drenched orally with four concentrations of R. stolonifer metabolic products (15, 30, 60,120) μl/kg body weight. The animals were treated with one single dose of the previously described concentrations then left for 15 days. Animals of different groups were sacrificed under light

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicine And Life
An overview of neuro-ophthalmic disorders at Jenna Ophthalmic Center, Baghdad, Iraq (2021-2022)
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Neuro-ophthalmic disorders are often documented individually for each illness, with little data available on their overall incidence and pattern. The overall incidence of neuro-ophthalmic illnesses in Iraq is still not recorded. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical, demographic, and etiological features of patients seeking consultation at an Iraqi neuro-ophthalmology clinic. A prospective cross-sectional observational research was conducted at the Janna Ophthalmic Center in Baghdad, Iraq. The center serves a diverse patient population from various governorates. All newly diagnosed patients with neuro-ophthalmic disorders who visited the neuro-ophthalmological clinic, regardless of gender or age group, were included. The neuro-ophthalmo

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 27 2019
Journal Name
Environmental Science And Pollution Research
Application of emulsion and Pickering emulsion liquid membrane technique for wastewater treatment: an overview
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Hepatoprotective Potentials of Menaquinone Doxorubicin Associated Hepatotoxicity 7 against
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Dox, is still widely used in modern cancer treatments for different type of malignancy despite the advent of targeted therapy. However, its beneficial effect was limited by its toxicity on various organs. The objective of this study was to investigate the hepatoprotective effect of menaquinone-7 against hepatotoxicity induced by doxorubicin in rats. Sixty adult rats of both sexes were used in this study; the animals were randomly enrolled into six groups of 10 animals each. Group I: negative control; Group II: Menaquinones-7 at a dose of 16µg/kg; Group III: Menaquinones-7 at a dose of 48µg/kg; Group IV: positive control (Doxorubicin 15mg/kg); Group V: Menaquinones-7 at a dose of 16µg/kg administered prior to a single dose of Doxorubicin

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Smart grid in the context of industry 4.0: an overview of communications technologies and challenges
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The recent advances in technology, the increased dependence on electrical energy and the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) were all factors in the increased need for smart, efficient and reliable energy systems. This introduced the concept of the Smart Grid (SG). A SG is a potential replacement for older power grids, capable of adapting and distributing energy based on demand. SG systems are complex. They combine various components and have high requirements for real time reliable operation. This paper attempts to provide an overview of SG systems, by outlining SG architecture and various components. It also introduces communication technologies, integration and network management tools that are involved in SG sys

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of Serum GOT(Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase) Activity and Some kinetic Parameters in Patient with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
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   In the present study, serum GOT(Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase) was purified, the purified enzyme showed the maximum activity at 37ºC and pH 7.5. During purification of serum GOT ion exchange chromatography lead to four separate forms (termed I, II, III and IV). GOT II with  the highest specific activity was pure after chromatography on Sephacryl S300. . S.GOT levels were investigated in serum samples from patient with pulmonary tuberculosis .The S.GOT levels were determined at and 37ć .The study revealed that the serum GOT activity was higher in patient of tuberculous pulmonary than in control subjects.The mean serum GOT activity in the patients group was(90±8 IU/L) as compared to control group (27±0.65I

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Assembling [email protected] nanocomposites with an enhanced photocatalytic activity
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Herein, an efficient inorganic/organic hybrid photocatalyst composed of zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-67) decorated with Cd0.5Zn0.5S solid solution semiconductor was constructed. The properties of prepared ZIF- [email protected] nanocomposite and its components (ZIF-67 and Cd0.5Zn0.5S) were investigated using XRD, FESEM, EDX, TEM, DRS and BET methods. The photocatalytic activity of fabricated [email protected] nanocomposite were measured toward removal of methyl violet (MV) dye as a simulated organic contaminant. Under visible-light and specific conditions (photocatalyst dose 1 g/l, MV dye 10 mg/l, unmodified solution pH 6.7 and reaction time 60 min.), the acquired [email protected] photocatalyst showed advanced photocatalytic activity

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