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Evaluating Patient Safety Culture in Iraqi Community Pharmacies
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Patient safety is the main issue in health care organization, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality defines it as, “freedom from accidental or preventable injuries produced by medical care. Thus, practices or interventions that improve patient safety are those that reduce the occurrence of preventable adverse events”. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Iraqi pharmacist perception about the culture of patient safety. As well as estimate whether safety is a principal issue in their pharmaceutical practice this study was carried out on 435 pharmacists who are working in community pharmacies in various Iraqi provinces. A survey was distributed via the internet during the period from May to June 2020. A community pharmacy questionnaire was used to evaluate the awareness of pharmacists regarding the culture of patient safety. A result of this study shows that the patient counseling field was the most positive one  among the studied domains with score 68.8%  of positive awareness and 70.4% of the pharmacists indicated that they inform patients with needed information about their new prescriptions.  In contrast, staffing and work pressure scored the lowest positive response (36.55%). Although 66.7% of the participants stated they have the appropriate number of staff in their pharmacies to deal with the workload.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Lark Journal
The problem of synonyms and similar words in the translation of the Holy Quran into Russian (based on the translation by Elmir Kuliev) اشكالية الترادف والكلمات المتقاربة في المعنى في ترجمة القران الكريم الى اللغة الروسية (بناءا على ترجمة إلمير كولييف) Проблема синонимов и близких по значению слов в переводе Священного Корана на русский язык (на материале перевода Эльмира Кулиева)
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In our research, we dealt with one of the most important issues of linguistic studies of the Holy Qur’an, which is the words that are close in meaning, which some believe are synonyms, but in the Arabic language they are not considered synonyms because there are subtle differences between them. Synonyms in the Arabic language are very few, rather rare, and in the Holy Qur’an they are completely non-existent. And how were these words, close in meaning, translated in the translation of the Holy Qur’an by Almir Kuliev into the Russian language.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
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Theoretical calculation of the electronic current at N 3 contact with TiO 2 solar cell devices ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Theoretical studies of electronic transition characteristics of senstizer molecule dye N3-SnO 2 semiconductor interface AIP Conference. Available from: [accessed May 01 2023].

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