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Assessment of the Clinical Pharmacists' Role by Physicians at Baghdad Hospitals
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In Iraq, there is a limited research work exploring the clinical pharmacists' role from the point of view of other healthcare professionals.

 To investigate physicians' assessment of clinical pharmacy services at Baghdad hospitals, and compare junior physicians with senior physicians' point of view.

The study was conducted in twelve governmental hospitals in Baghdad, Iraq. Data was collected from a sample of two hundred physicians, and through a validated, self-administered questionnaire, which comprised twenty statements in addition to a non-personal information form that precedes the questionnaire 

The study findings reveal a somewhat positive point of view towards clinical pharmacists' performance in Baghdad hospitals. Physicians are satisfied with clinical pharmacists' recommendations regarding their prescriptions, and their availability for consultation. However, they are dissatisfied with or unaware of the unconventional services that are not directly related to the medical prescription. Junior physicians are more appreciative of the clinical pharmacist's role than senior physicians.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarzmi Engineering Journal
Dynamic response analysis for the parabolic trough of solar collector
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parabolic trough

Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Ieee Xplore
The Internet of Everything Based Smart Systems: Applications and Challenges
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Smart systems are the trend for modern organizations and should meet the quality of services that expect to produce. Internet of Everything (IoE) helped smart systems to adopt microcontrollers for improving the performance. Analyzing and controlling data in such a system are critical issues. In this study, a survey of IoE systems conducted to show how to apply a suitable model that meets such system requirements. The analysis of some microcontroller boards is explored based on known features. Factors for applying IoE devices have been defined such as connectivity, power consumption, compatibility, and cost. Different methods have been explained as an overview of applying IoE systems. Further, different approaches for applying IoE technology

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
The Asian Efl Journal
The Habits of Mind in Constructing Typical EFL Teacher's Stereotypes
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation of The Zenith Path Delay using RTK-DGPS measurements
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In this paper, the method of estimating the variation of Zenith Path Delay (ZPD) estimation method will be illustrate and evaluate using Real Time Kinematic Differential Global Positioning System (RTK-DGPS). The GPS provides a relative method to remotely sense atmospheric water vapor in any weather condition. The GPS signal delay in the atmosphere can be expressed as ZPD. In order to evaluate the results, four points had been chosen in the university of Baghdad campus to be rover ones, with a fixed Base point. For each rover position a 155 day of coordinates measurements was collected to overcome the results. Many models and mathematic calculations were used to extract the ZPD using the Matlab environment. The result shows that the ZPD valu

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
The Anonymous Identity of Forced Migrants: A Post-Colonial Study
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Colonialism invades the Third World countries, physically and psychologically. This article exposes but sample of the physical and psychological consequences of colonialism. The Beekeeper of Aleppo (2019) by the British novelist, Christy Lefteri is a typical novel to diagnose the harsh circumstances of individuals within and after the disaster. Since it depicts characters from Asian countries, it would be a best representative for all Asian people who suffer colonialism. Migration toward anonymity is the mere option for the colonized people. Aftermath, they experience displacement, trauma, and the loss of identity.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Biomimetics, Biomaterials And Biomedical Engineering
Optimizing the Surface Properties of Zirconium Implants with Germanium Coating
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Background: zirconium (Zr) implants are known for having an aesthetically pleasing tooth-like colour Unlike the grey cervical collar that develops over time when titanium (Ti) implants are used in thin gingival biotypes. However, the surface qualities of Zr implants can be further improved. This present study examined using thermal vapour deposition (TVD) to coat Zr implants with germanium (Ge) to improve its physical and chemical characteristics and enhance soft and hard tissue responses. Materials and methods: Zr discs were divided into two groups; the uncoated (control) group was only grit-blasted with alumina particles while the coated (experimental) group was grit-blasted then coated with Ge via TVD. Field emission scanning ele

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 12 1995
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم الزراعية العراقية 26 (1), 88-92
The Possible Use Of Pollen Radiation in Date Palm Breeding‏
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Anatomical study of the Carissa macrocarpa (Apocynaceae family) in Iraq
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This study was conducted to examine the anatomical aspects of Carissa macrocarpa, of stem, leaf and leaf venation. The results obtaind showed that the tissue of the studied parts have important anatomical characteristics in terms of the shape of the cross-sectional of stem and vertical-sectional of leaves. The stem section appeared in circular and the midrib was crescent shape and the stomata appeared on the upper surface of the leaf only, Tetracytic in type. Druses crystals and Aleurone granules appeared on both surfaces of leaves. The venation type was Brochidodromous in which the secondary veins do not end at the edge of the leaf, and each secondary race is connected with the higher rac

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
The effect of using Nano iron oxide in radiological shielding
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Abstract<p>In this study, some attenuation parameters of gamma shields were studied. This shields consisting of composite materials of Unsaturated polyester as a base material and Nano iron oxide (Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) and, micro iron (Fe) as reinforcement materials at different percentages (1, 3,5,7and 9)wt%, and with different thickness (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5and 4) cm. The results showed that the use of nanoparticles is better than the microparticales in the field of radiation shielding. It has been shown that the values of attenuation parameters of gamma it bitter in the case of nanoparticles than case of the use of micro material.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue May 05 2020
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Study the inhibitory effect of miswak extract on biofilm gene.
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This book presents the problem of tooth decay due to bacteria Streptococcus mutans one of methods of treatment using 3 extracts of S. persica (miswak) (aqueous, acetone and methanol) and prove its effectiveness and its impact on the gtf (B, C, and D) genes that code the glucosyltransferase (Gtf) enzymes that cause decay membrane compared to the usual means used for the prevention of tooth decay