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Assessment of Quality of Life in a Sample of Iraqi Patients with Psoriasis.
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Psoriasis is a dermatological, chronic, immune-mediated condition. Psoriasis symptoms are not associated with physical burden only, but it may also have psychosocial effects on patients, diminished cognitive control, poor body image and impairments in everyday life. The value of quality of life is important since improving it is the principal goal for non-curative disease. The aim of the current study was to evaluate quality of life in a sample of Iraqi patients with psoriasis. This study is a cross-sectional study that involved 300 already diagnosed psoriasis patients who attended to the center of Dermatology and Venereology, Medical City/Baghdad. The mean age of patients was (35.156 ±10.549 years). The Arabic version of Dermatology Life Quality Index was used to assess quality of life.  The mean total score is 11.29± 5.45 and the majority of the patients (53.7%) had a total score of more than 10, which indicates a significant deterioration in patients’ quality of life. The greatest impact was found in symptoms and feelings (mean = 1.66 ± 0.75) while the lowest impact was noted in personal relationships (0.51± 0.65). Increasing age and monthly income as well as vulgaris type of psoriasis associated significantly better quality of life. While Psoriasis Area and Severity Index associated significantly worse quality of life. In conclusion, psoriasis exerts significant, negative impact on patients’ quality of life, especially among those with younger age, lower monthly income, high disease activity, and types of psoriasis other than vulgaris.   

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Using the Water Quality Index as a Powerful Tool to Assess the Water Quality for Drinking Purposes in Al-Salam, Western Region of Baghdad City, Iraq
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Background: Tap waters play an important role in fulfilling the people needs for drinking and domestic purposes. Contaminate the tap water with different pollutants has become an issue of great concern for 90% of people who are depended on the tap water as the main source of drinking. Pollutants can make their way easily into the delivering pipes which suffer from the leaking resulting in decreasing the quality of water. Objective: Therefore, assess the water quality for drinking purpose by calculating the water quality index is an important tool to ascertain whether the water is suitable for human consumption or not. Methods: In the present work, the water quality of the Al-Salam, western region of Baghdad city, Iraq was investigated for 7

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Credit Structure Patterns And Their Reflection In The Value Bank Applied Research on a Sample of the Iraqi Private Banks
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The study seeks to determine the levels of credit structure (independent variable) depending on its components (loans, credit disseminate, other facilities) To get the eight patterns of the structure of bank credit for the purpose of assessing the relationship between changes in levels of each style of structure credit (increase or decrease) and reflected in maximizing the value of the Bank(The adopted a measured variable depending on the approximate equation of simple Tobin's Q) to determine the style that achieves the highest value of the Bank, to take advantage of it in management, planning and control by knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the historical distribution of the facilities . the sample of the

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Benford’s law to detecting earnings management Application on a sample of listed companies in the Iraqi market for securities
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The net profit reported in the annual financial statements of the companies listed in the financial markets, is considered one of the Sources of information relied upon by users of accounting information in making their investment decisions. At the same time be relied upon in calculating the bonus (Incentives) granted to management, therefore the management of companies to manipulate those numbers in order to increase those bonuses associated to earnings, This practices are called earnings management practices. the manipulation in the figures of earnings by management will mislead the users  of financial statements who depend on reported earnings in their deci

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Immune-protective effect of topical paquinimod administration against imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like inflammation in mice
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Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory condition that primarily affects the skin, hair, and joints and is associated with significant humanistic and economic consequences. This work induced psoriasis in mice using an imiquimod 5% cream, an immune response modifier that can cause psoriasis-like skin inflammation when given orally. Paquinimod is prepared as an ointment and has been topically given to mice before imiquimod application. In this study, albino mice were allocated into five groups and treated as follows: the control group received only a daily application of cream based on shaved back (62.5mg/2cm) with a daily topical dose of ointment for 14 consecutive days with the oral vehicle. The Imiquimod group received a daily topical

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Ameliorating Effect of Oral Paquinimod Administration against Imiquimod Induced Psoriasis-like Inflammation in Mice
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               Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory condition that primarily affects the skin, hair, and joints and is associated with significant humanistic and economic consequences. Psoriasis was induced in mice in this work using an imiquimod 5% cream, an immune response modifier that can cause psoriasis-like skin inflammation when given orally. Paquinimod is prepared as a suspension and has been orally given to mice before imiquimod application. The current study found that paquinimod suspension reduced psoriasis area and severity index, spleen index, skin thickness ,TNF-α,IL-23,IL17 level and gene expression of TN

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences
Prevalence of prediabetes and metabolic syndrome and their association in an Iraqi sample
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Abstract: Background: Prediabetes and are increasing in prevalence all over the world, they each carry risks to the future development of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. These risks will be greatly exaggerated if they occur together in the same individual. The aim of the study was to find the prevalence and the association of prediabetes and metabolic syndrome, in addition to analyzing the correlation of the risk factors that lead to their development. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, simple random study that included 300 Iraqi individuals, aged between 30-75 years, who accepted to take part in this study were recruited. Result: Prevalence of prediabetes and metabolic syndrome was (33.66%) and (42%) r

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Metabolic Syndrome; Comparing the Results of Three Definition Criteria in an Iraqi Sample
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Background: Different diagnostic definition and criteria have been recommended by different expert groups for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, however, it’s prevalence in the same population could differ depending on the definition used yielding different results. In Iraq, there is a lack of research comparing these different diagnostic definitions. Objective: To find out the most suitable metabolic syndrome definition to be used for Iraqi people.  Methods: 320 participants were recruited for this study, 53.4% men and 46.6% women, aged between 25-85 years, visiting Baghdad Teaching Hospital, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to different definitions were compared and the agreement was assessed by the Kappa st

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Dental arches dimensions, forms and its association to facial types in a sample of Iraqi adults with skeletal and dental class II-division 1 and class III malocclusion(A cross sectional study)
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Background: The association between facial types and dental arches forms has considerable implications in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. The aim was to establish the maxillary and mandibular dental arches width and length in skeletal and dental class II division 1 and class III malocclusion groups, find out the most frequent dental arch form and facial type and the association between them and to check the gender differences. Materials and Methods: Frontal and lateral facial photographs and maxillary and mandibular occlussal photographs for 90 iraqi subjects with age 18-25 years old (45 males and 45 females) divided equally into three groups, the 1st group with class II division 1malocclusion (overjet more than 3mm but less t

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 11 2021
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Visfatin as a biomarker of obesity in iraqi adolescences with metabolic syndrome
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The present study aims to study the correlation between visfatin levels and metabolic syndrome in Iraqi obese adolescence (with and without metabolic syndrome) and its relation with other studied biochemical parameters. Sixty obese adolescences were depended in this study (with and without metabolic syndrome), compared with (30) non-obese children as control group. This study was done in the period from April 2020 until the end of December 2020, in the National Diabetes Centre/Mustansiriya University, Baghdad/Iraq. There were no significant differences in age, height, waist circumferences (WC), and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in the patients' groups. In contrast, a significant increase differs (p<0.05) was recorded in the values of

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Aquatic Oligochaeta (Annalida:Clitellata) as Bio Indication for Sediment Quality Assessment in Tigris River Within Baghdad City /Iraq
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Aquatic Oligochaeta is an important group of Macroinvertebrates that has been very remarkable as bioindicators for assessing water pollution and determining its degree in water bodies. Hence, the idea of the current study aims at studying the impact of Baghdad effluents on the Tigris River by using oligochaetes community as bioindicators . For this purpose, four sites along the inside of Baghdad has been chosen. Site S1 has been located upstream, site S2 and S3 has been at midstream and site S4 at the downstream of the River.This investigation has used different types of biological indicators, including the  percentage of oligochaeta  within benthic invertebrates, which ranged from 49.2-51.28%. The highest percentage of the tubificid w

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