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Formulation and Evaluation of Ondansetron HCl Nanoparticles for Transdermal Delivery
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Ondansetron HCl (OND) is a potent antiemetic drug used for control of nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy. It exhibits only 60 – 70 % of oral bioavailability due to first pass metabolism and has a relative short half-life of 3-5 hours. Poor bioavailability not only leads to the frequent dosing but also shows very poor patient adherence. Hence, in the present study an approach has been made to develop OND nanoparticles using eudragit® RS100 and eudragit® RL100 polymer to control release of OND for transdermal delivery and to improve patient compliance.

Six formulas of OND nanoparticles were prepared using nanoprecipitation technique. The particles sizes and zeta potential were measured using zeta-plus analyzer. The particle morphology was also studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The in-vitro release of the drug from the nanoparticles was carried out in phosphate buffer saline pH 7.4.

The particle size of the prepared NPs were in nano size which ranged from (95.34 to 275.84 nm) with positive zeta potential. The drug entrapment efficiency was varied with the drug polymer ratio from 41.87% to 78.45%. The SEM showed uniform shape and regularly distributed particle sizes. The in-vitro drug release study exhibited the sustained release of OND with burst release. The cumulative percentage released after 12 hr. were between were 77.89 and 96.01%.

Also the transdermal permeation study show that nanoparticles permeate more efficiently than aqueous solution of the drug through the skin by approximately two fold. OND nanoparticles were prepared successfully using nanoprecipitation method. The controlled drug release aimed for transdermal drug delivery could be obtained by using eudragit RS100 and eudragit RL100 polymers which can reduce dosing frequency, decrease side effects and improve patient compliance.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Curing of concrete is the maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature for a
period of time immediately following placing so the desired properties are developed. Accelerated
curing is advantages where early strength gain in concrete is important. The expose of concrete
specimens to the accelerated curing conditions which permit the specimens to develop a significant
portion of their ultimate strength within a period of time (1-2 days), depends on the method of the
curing cycle.Three accelerated curing test methods are adopted in this study. These are warm water,
autogenous and proposed test methods. The results of this study has shown good correlation
between the accelerated strength especially for

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Advances In Materials Physics And Chemistry
The Effect of Zn Concentration on the Optical Properties of Cd<sub>10–x</sub>Zn<sub>x</sub>S Films for Solar Cells Applications
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
level of awareness of mental health among the students of the Universities of Palestine Technical and Jerusalem open
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The study aimed to identify the level of awareness of mental health among the students of the Universities of Palestine Technical and Jerusalem open in the city of Tulkarem from the perspective of the students and the population of the study ( 8091 ) students at the two universities , and selected intentional sample size was ( 445 ) students , and used the tool questionnaire to measure responses of subjects , and the results showed that there are differences depending on the variable sex and was in favor of females , and depending on the variable University , and was in favor of the Al-Quds Open / variable Study level for the benefit of students of second year , did not show statistical differences depending on the variables of c

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 17 2021
Journal Name
Canadian Journal Of Physics
Synthesis, characterization, photoluminescence, and antibacterial activities of silica-graphene oxide composites
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In this research, a novel thin film Si-GO10 and nanopowders Si-GO30 of silica-graphene oxide (GO) composite were prepared via the sol–gel method and deposited on glass substrates using spray pyrolysis. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed a relatively strong peak in the graphite layer that corresponds to the (002) plane. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images showed that SiO2 nanoparticles were randomly distributed on the surface of GO plates, and the particle size in these nanopowders was below 50 nm. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) analysis demonstrated that silica nanoparticles on the surface of GO plates exhibited almost spherical and rod-like nanoparticle shape, which in turn confirmed the formation of Si

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
2018 2nd Ieee Advanced Information Management,communicates,electronic And Automation Control Conference (imcec)
Hybrid Regressor and Approximation-Based Adaptive Control of Piezoelectric Flexible Beams
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 18 2020
Journal Name
Hal Open Science
Adaptive Approximation Control of Robotic Manipulators: Centralized and Decentralized Control Algorithms
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The regressor-based adaptive control is useful for controlling robotic systems with uncertain parameters but with known structure of robot dynamics. Unmodeled dynamics could lead to instability problems unless modification of control law is used. In addition, exact calculation of regressor for robots with more than 6 degrees of freedom is hard to be calculated, and the task could be more complex for robots. Whereas the adaptive approximation control is a powerful tool for controlling robotic systems with unmodeled dynamics. The local (partitioned) approximation-based adaptive control includes representation of the uncertain matrices and vectors in the robot model as finite combinations of basis functions. Update laws for the weighting matri

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Thin Solid Films
Physico-chemical properties of CrMoN coatings-combined experimental and computational studies
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n this study, Cr−Mo−N thin films with different Mo contents were synthesised via closed field unbalanced magnetron sputtering ion plating. The effects of Mo content on the microstructure, chemical bonding state, and optical properties of the prepared films were investigated by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), field emission scanning electron microscopy, and ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry. XRD results determined the face centered cubic (fcc) structure of pure CrN film. The incorporation of molybdenum (Mo) in the CrN matrix was confirmed by both XRD and XPS analyses. The CrMoN coatings demonstrate various polycrystalline phases including CrN, γ-Mo2N, Cr with oxides layers of MoO3, CrO3,

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 16 2013
Journal Name
No Journal
Synthesis and Characterisation of Metal Complexes with Mixed Azido-Carboxylato Bridges
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The research on coordination polymers chemistry based on organic-metal framework with bridging ligands has accelerated during the past two decades. It is an interested hot topic in the synthetic inorganic chemistry, which allowed the fabrication of a variety of interested materials. These materials have shown a range of applications including light harvesting and magnetic properties. The thesis is divided in three chapters. The first chapter gives a general introduction on the development of self-assembled polymeric species based on transition metal. It is also covered a summary of the literature review on the current state of the art on self-assembled coordination ploymers. Furthermore, it includes a description on various relevant topics

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials Science And Chemical Engineering
Extraction and Modelling of Oil from Eucalyptus camadulensis by Organic Solvent
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This work was conducted to study the extraction of eucalyptus oil from natural plants (Eucalyptus camadulensis leaves) by organic solvents. the effects of the main operating parameters were studied; type of solvent (n-hexane and ethanol), time to reach equilibrium, the temperature (45°C to 65°C) for n-hexane and (45°C to 75°C) for ethanol, solvent to solid ratio (5:1 to 8:1 (v/w)), agitation speed (0 to 900 rpm) and the particle size (0.5 to 2.5 cm) of fresh leaves to find the best processing conditions for the achieving maximum oil yield. The concentration of eucalyptus oil in solvent was measured by using UV-spectrophotometer. The results (for n-hexane) showed that the agitation speed of 900 rpm, temperature 65°C with solvent to soli

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Numerical and Experimental Study of Winglet Effect with Different Cant Angles
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The present work aims to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of the winglet cant angle of Boeing 737-800 wing numerically and experimentally. The wing contain two swept angles 38.3o and 29.13o respectively, taper ratio 0.15 and aspect ratio 8.04. The wing involves three types of airfoils sections. Four cant angles for blended winglet have been considered (0o, 34o, 60o, 83.3o). The winglet has been analyzed to find the best cant angle for the wing without and with winglet. These models have been tested theoretically at Reynolds number of 2.06 x106 in order to study the winglet aerodynamic characteristics which consist of coefficient of Drag, coefficient of lift and Lift to drag ratio, pitching moment coefficient and bending moment co

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