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Electrical and thermal characteristics of MWCNTs modified carbon fiber/epoxy composite films
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Abstract<p>To enhance interfacial bonding between carbon fibers and epoxy matrix, the carbon fibers have been modified with multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) using the dip- coating technique. FT-IR spectrum of the MWCNTs shows a peak at 1640 cm<sup>−1</sup> corresponding to the stretching mode of the C=C double bond which forms the framework of the carbon nanotube sidewall. The broad peak at 3430 cm<sup>−1</sup> is due to O–H stretching vibration of hydroxyl groups and the peak at 1712 cm<sup>−1</sup> corresponds to the carboxylic (C=O) group attached to the carbon fiber. The peaks at 2927 cm<sup>−1</sup> and 2862 cm<sup>−1</sup> are assigned to C–H stretching vibration of epoxy produced at the defect sites of acid-oxidized carbon fiber surface. SEM image shows a better interface bonding between the fiber and the matrix of modified composites (MWCNTs-CF/Ep) than those of unmodified composite. The loss factor curve of CF-MWCNTs/Ep composites is the narrowest compared with neat epoxy and CF/Ep composites which evinces that the length distribution range of molecular chain segments in the matrix is the narrowest. From the dependence of the AC conductivity on temperature, we can see that σ<sub>AC</sub> increases when temperature increases. The increase in electrical conductivity of the composites may be a result of the increased chain ordering due to annealing effect. The use of MWCNTs to modify the surface of carbon fiber resulted in a large amount of junctions among MWCNT causing an increase in the electrical and thermal conductivity by forming conducting paths in the matrix. The MWCNTs-CF/Ep composite shows better thermal stability than unmodified composites. The strong interaction between CF and MWCNTs can retard diffusion of small molecules from the resin matrix at high temperature and hence, result in the improved thermal stability of the modified CF/Ep composite.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Nonlinear optical properties of liquid crystal doped with different concentrations of carbon nanotubes
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Writing of a Bragg Grating on a D-shaped Optical Fiber Using the KrF Excimer Laser
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Fiber Bragg Grating has many advantages where it can be used as a temperature sensor, pressure sensor or even as a refractive index sensor. Designing each of this fiber Bragg grating sensors should include some requirements. Fiber Bragg grating refractive index sensor is a very important application. In order to increase the sensing ability of fiber Bragg gratings, many methods were followed. In our proposed work, the fiber Bragg grating was written in a D-shaped optical fiber by using a phase mask method with KrFexcimer. The resultant fiber Bragg grating has a high reflectivity 99.99% with a Bragg wavelength of 1551.2 nm as a best result obtained from a phase mask with a grating period of 1057 nm. In this work it was found that the rota

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 08 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design Considerations of Laser Source in a Ring Network Based on Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
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This work presents the use of laser diode in the fiber distributed data interface FDDI networks. FDDI uses optical fiber as a transmission media. This solves the problems resulted from the EMI, and noise. In addition it increases the security of transmission. A network with a ring topology consists of three computers was designed and implemented. The timed token protocol was used to achieve and control the process of communication over the ring. Nonreturn to zero inversion (NRZI) modulation was carried out as a part of the physical (PHY) sublayer. The optical system consists of a laser diode with wavelength of 820 nm and 2.5 mW maximum output power as a source, optical fiber as a channel, and positive intrinsic negative (PIN) photodiode

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the aspect of the radiation superposed on the soliton pulse propagated in single mode optical fiber
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the first part of the research involves investigate the aspect of the radiation superposed on the one bright soliton pulse propagated on ideal single mode

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Finite Element Analysis for the Damaged Rotating Composite Blade
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In this paper, the finite element method is used to study the dynamic behavior of the damaged rotating composite blade. Three dimensional, finite element programs were developed using a nine node laminated shell as a discretization element for the blade structure (the same element type is used for damaged and non-damaged structure). In this analysis the initial stress effect (geometric stiffness) and other rotational effects except the carioles acceleration effect are included.  The investigation covers the effect speed of rotation, aspect ratio, skew angle, pre-twist angle, radius to length, layer lamination and fiber orientation of composite blade. After modeling a non-damaged rotating composite blade, the work procedure was to ap

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Studying the partial substitution of barium with cadmium oxide and its effect on the electrical and structural properties of HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ superconducting compound
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Non-Linear Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates under General Out-Of-Plane Loading
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The theoretical analysis depends on the Classical Laminated Plate Theory (CLPT) that is based on the Von-K ráman Theory and Kirchhov Hypothesis in the deflection analysis during elastic limit as well as the Hooke's laws of calculation the stresses. New function for boundary condition is used to solve the forth degree of differential equations which depends on variety sources of advanced engineering mathematics. The behavior of composite laminated plates, symmetric and anti-symmetric of cross-ply angle, under out-of-plane loads (uniform distributed loads) with two different boundary conditions are investigated to obtain the central deflection for mid-plane by using the Ritz method. The computer programs is built using Ma

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of composite variance of experiments carried out according to design Latin box
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We know that the experiments which conducted by latin square in one location or in one period (season), but there are many cases that need to conduct the same experiments in many locations or in many periods (seasons) to study the interaction  between the treatments and locations or between the treatments and periods (seasons) .In this research we present  an idea for  conduct  the experiment in several locations and in many period (seasons) by using LSD , it represent  acontribution in the area of design and analysis of experiments ,we had written. we had written (theoretically)  the general plans, the mathematical models for these experiments, and finding the derivations of EMS for each component (

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the Effect of annealing temperature on the Structure of a-Se and Electrical Properties of a-Se/c-Si Heterojunction
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In this work Study effect of annealing temperature on the Structure
of a-Se and electrical properties of a-Se/c-Si hetrojunction have been
studied.The hetrojunction fabricated by deposition of a-Se film on c-
Si using thermal evaporation.
Electrical properties of a-Se/ c-Si heterojunction include I-V
characteristics, in dark at different annealing temperature and C-V
characteristics are considered in the present work.
C-V characteristics suggested that the fabricated diode was
abrupt type, built in potential determined by extrapolation from
1/C2-V curve. The built - in potential (Vbi) for the Se/ Si System
was found to be increase from 1.21 to 1.62eV with increasing of
annealing temperature

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Taibah University Medical Sciences
Impact of nano-cellulose fiber addition on physico-mechanical properties of room temperature vulcanized maxillofacial silicone material
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Objectives: Maxillofacial silicone is used to restore abnormalities due to congenital or acquired causes. However, the quality of silicone is far from ideal. This study was aimed at assessing the influence of the addition of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs; several nanometers wide and 2-5 micro m long) on the physical and mechanical characteristics of maxillofacial silicone elastomers. Methods: Two CNF weight percentages (0.5% and 1%) were tested, and 180 specimens were divided into one control and two experimental groups. Each group was subdivided into six subgroups. In each subgroup, ten specimens subjected to each of the following tests: tearing strength, Shore-A hardness, tensile strength, elongation percentage, surface roughness, and color

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