DBN Rashid, International Journal of English Linguistics, 2019 - Cited by 2
PDBN Rashid, International Journal of Professional Studies, 2023
This paper deals with the nations of British American Struggle in Caribbean. It
explains British Navy attitude of American expansion in Caribbean. Then continuation of
American expansion in the same place and Britain failure to limit it. This paper high lights the
beginning of acceptance between Britain's and United state, especially after British
submission to United States in Caribbean. Then we study the Anglo – American harmony and
the affection on the Anglo – American relation.
This paper concludes that American influences in Americans which is a truth.
BN Rashid…, Special Education, 2022
Words worth and the Intention of AL. Sayyab Discourse
The feature that prevails in spoken political discourse - especially with regards to the fact
that it is otherwise used in the written one - is relatively high degree of formality. It is then just
logical that formality is usually accompanied with more polite forms and higher degree of
impersonality. Such discourse is characterized by the choice of specific vocabulary and syntactic
structures as well. However, there are some tendencies to bring political speech nearer to the
everyday discourse and that is why political speeches have been becoming more informal and
personal. Like any other types of discourse, the American political speeches are loaded with
deictic expressions that form an essential complementary
Abstract Infinitives and gerunds are non-finite verb forms which cannot be indicated by tense, number, or person. The construction of non-finite verbs is intricate because of their nature of meanings, forms, and functions. The major problem is that both infinitival and gerundial complements have identical functions and occupy identical positions in the sentences. Thus, there is a confusion in using an infinitival and gerundial forms after aspectual verbs. The selection of either one of these two forms as complements is controlled syntactically or semantically. Moreover, both forms can be used usually with similar predicate but with neat difference in meaning. In addition, there are problems with controlling the use of aspect, since aspectua
Dell Hymesin 1964coined The Ethnography of Communication in an attempt to explain the ways in which people use the language to interact. It hypothesizes that ethnography is less applicable among participants who have the same sociocultural background. It was proven that all the basic speech components occur whenever there is an interactional situation. The elements of (SPEAKING) schema are closely connected. However, the findings establish the fact that these elements take place effectively among participants who have the same sociocultural background.One of the most outstanding conclusions is the capability of the (SPEAKING) model to analyze not only an interaction between two or more participants, but also any event which consists of a mo
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