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Metaphor and difficulties of its translation from Russian into Arabic

This article discusses a discussion of trends and patterns of understanding and application of the concept of metaphor to various subjects that may interfere with the perspective of metaphors in translation theory, an attempt was made to use the principles and characteristics of metaphors and their fundamental tradition in translation theory, and to uncover the perspective of considering metaphor as a conceptual process. presenting its merits, since it is still considered an eccentric expression of linguistics.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Research
Synthesis and biological activity of new esters derived from D-fructose-containing isoxazole moiety

Background: Isoxazoles are an important class of five-membered unsaturated heterocyclic compounds. They show several applications in diverse areas such as pharmaceuticals, agrochemistry and industry. Isoxazoles are also found in natural sources showing insecticidal, plant growth regulation and pigment functions. Current study was conducted for synthesis of twenty five new Isoxazole derivatives and to evaluate the in vitro antibacterial activities of these derivatives. Methods: Benzaldoxime and their substituted [I] ae were prepared via addition-elimination reactions between aromatic aldehyde and hydroxylamine hydrochloride. In a second step, para-or meta-substituted benzaldoximes [I] ae were reacted with N-chlorosucceinimide in DMF to yield

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the effect of temperatures and humidity rates on the mean weight loss from developement

The effect of some environmental factors in the loss rate for high weights virgins are full to the screwworm fly of the ancient world and included temperatures 15,20,25,30,35,40 study showed that the rate of loss in weight virgins advanced to full participants at a temperature of 15 C while notgets evolution

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adsorption of Congo Red Dye from Aqueous Solution onto Natural and Modified Bauxite Clays

The adsorption behavior of congo red dye from its aqueous solutions was investigated onto natural and modified bauxite clays. Both bauxite and modified bauxite are primarily characterized by using, FTIR, SEM, AFM, and XRD. Several variables are studied as a function of adsorption including contact time, adsorbent weight, pH, ionic strength, particle size and temperature under batch adsorption technique. The absorbance of the solution before and after adsorption was measured spectrophotometrically. The equilibrium data fit with Langmuir model of adsorption and the linear regression coefficient R2 is found to be 0.9832 and 0.9630 for natural and modified bauxite respectively at 37.5°C which elucidate the best fitting isotherm model. The gene

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Mathematical Modelling of Zinc Removal from Wastewater by Using Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membranes

The present work aimed to study the efficiency of nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) process for treatment of heavy metals wastewater contains zinc. In this research, the salt of heavy metals were zinc chloride (ZnCl2) used as feed solution.Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes are made from polyamide as spiral wound module. The parameters studied were: operating time (0 – 70 min), feed concentrations for zinc ions (10 – 300 mg/l), operating pressure (1 – 4 bar).The theoretical results showed, flux of water through membrane decline from 19 to 10.85 LMH with time. Flux decrease from 25.84 to 10.88 LMH with the increment of feed concentration. The raise of pressure, the flux increase for NF and RO membranes.The maximum

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Adsorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) Ions from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon

Heavy metal consider as major environmental pollutants. Many of industrial wastewater effluents contain a wide range of these heavy metals. The adsorption of Cd2+ and Pb2+ metal ions from aqueous solution by activated carbon was studied. The results showed that maximum adsorption capacity occurred at 486.9×10-3 mg/kg for Pb2+ ion and 548.8×10-3 mg/kg for Cd2+ ion. The adsorption in a mixture of the metal ions had a balancing effect on the adsorption capacity of the activated carbon. The adsorption capacity of each metal ion was affected by the presence of other metal ions rather than its presence individually. The study showed the presence of other heavy metals attribute to the reduction in the activated carbon capacity, and the adsorp

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Taking Over The Judiciary By Women And The Position Of Law From That: مثالا


     الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيد الأنبياء والمرسلين نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى  واصحابه أجمعين  ومن تبعهم وأهتدى بهداهم الى يوم الدين اما بعد :

        فوظيفة القضاء وظيفة سامية يراد منها اقامة العدل ولا يستقيم حالهم الا به دفعاّ للظلم ، ولقد اولى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ومن بعده الخلفاء الراشدون

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Sorption of Lead, Zinc and Copper from Simulated Wastewater by Amberlite Ir-120 Resin

The presence of heavy metals in the environment is major concern due to their toxicity. In the present study a strong acid cation exchange resin, Amberlite IR 120 was used for the removal of lead, zinc and copper from simulated wastewater. The optimum conditions were determined in a batch system of concentration 100 mg/L, pH range between 1 and 8, contact time between 5 and 120 minutes, and amount of adsorbent was from 0.05 to 0.45 g/100 ml. A constant stirring speed, 180 rpm, was chosen during all of the experiments. The optimum conditions were found to be pH of 4 for copper and lead and pH 6 for zinc, contact time of 60 min and 0.35 g of adsorbent. Three different temperatures (25, 40 and 60°C) were selected to investigate the effect

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Characterization and Cytotoxic Activity of Cytosine Deaminase Enzyme Purified from Locally Isolated Escherichia coli

This research was aimed to the purification and characterization of cytosine deaminase as a medically important enzyme from locally isolated Escherichia coli; then studying its cytotoxic anticancer effects against colon cancer cell line. Cytosine deaminase was subjected to three purification steps including precipitation with 90% ammonium sulfate saturation, ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose column, and gel filtration chromatography throughout Sephadex G-200 column. Specific activity of the purified enzyme was increased up to 9 U/mg with 12.85 folds of purification and 30.85% enzyme recovery. Characterization study of purified enzyme revealed that the molecular weight of cytosine deaminase produced by E. coli was about 48 KDa,

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Prevalence and Characterization of Some Colibactin Genes in Clinical Enterobacteriaceae isolates from Iraqi Patients

The members of the family of Eentrobacteriaceae harbour a gene cluster called polyketide synthase (pks) island. This cluster is responsible for the synthesis of the genotoxin colibactin that might have an important role in the induction of double-strand DNA breaks, leading to promote human colorectal cancer (CRC). Eleven out of the eighty eight isolates (12.5%) were pks+, distributed as 7 (8%) isolates of E. coli, 2 (2.25%) of K. pneumoniae and 2 (2.25%) of E. aerogenes. The cytotoxic effects of selected pks+ isolates (E. coli and E. aerogenes) on HeLa cells were represented by decreasing cell numbers and enlarged cell nuclei in comparison to the untreated cells. Cyt

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modeling and Simulation of Cadmium Removal from the Groundwater by Permeable Reactive Barrier Technology

The removal of cadmium ions from simulated groundwater by zeolite permeable reactive barrier was investigated. Batch tests have been performed to characterize the equilibrium sorption properties of the zeolite in cadmium-containing aqueous solutions. Many operating parameters such as contact time, initial pH of solution, initial concentration, resin dosage and agitation speed were investigated. The best values of these parameters that will achieved removal efficiency of cadmium (=99.5%) were 60 min, 6.5, 50 mg/L, 0.25 g/100 ml and 270 rpm respectively. A 1D explicit finite difference model has been developed to describe pollutant transport within a groundwater taking the pollutant sorption on the permeable reactive barrier (PRB), which i

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