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Extracellular Enzyme of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Ziziphus spina Leaves as Medicinal Plant
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Endophytic fungi live inside plants or any part of them without creating any visible pathogenic signs. Endophytic fungi are found within medicinal plants and have shown strong biologic activity, such as anticancer and antioxidant activities, as well as producing extracellular enzymes. In this study, different fungal strains were isolated from the leaves of the medicinal plant Ziziphus spina, including Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sp., Rhizopus sp., and Mucor sp. Extracellular enzymes have been quantified using agar plate-based methods in which fungi were grown in specified growth media to detect the enzymes produced. The results showed that A. niger has the highest ability to produce amylase, Cladosporium sp. has the highest ability to produce protease and pectinase, Rhizopus and Mucor sp. have the highest ability to produce cellulase, and A. niger and Cladosporium sp. have the same ability to produce lipase and laccase. The ability of medicinal plant endophytic fungi to produce extracellular enzymes has great therapeutic potential in clinical microbiology. Some of the isolates showed great activity in secreting particular enzymes, indicating that the enzymes of these fungi could be used in a variety of applications.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Antimicrobial activity of petroleum ether extracts from leaves, seeds and roots of Zygophyllum fabago L. towards some microorganisms
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The  study  was  aims  to  evaluate  the  antimicrobial  acttvtty  of petroleum  ether extracts from  leaves , seeds and root of Zygophyllum fabago   , against   several   microorganisms  including   gram   negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa  & Escherichia coli), gram positive bacteria  (Staphylluwccus aureus  & Bacillus  subtilis),  in addition  to yeast (Candida  albicans).

While the results of sensitivity of the microorganisms to words petroleum  ether extracts  showed different activity , petrolewn  ether extract of seeds showed  more antimicrobial

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solvent Extraction of Phenolic Compounds and Determination Total Phenolic Content from Teucrium Polium Plant
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       A direct solvent extraction was used for the determination of phenolic compounds from Teucrium polium . Methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol, butanol and D.W  were used as an extractants and study  the affecting extraction factors including : the type and solvent concentration, temperature, extraction time and number of batch extraction, by  using Folin-ciocalteu method to determine the Total Phenolic Content (TPC) and measurement of the absorbance at λmax 765nm. The accuracy and precision of this method were determined by preparing laboratory samples of Gallic acid , the results showed relative errors ranging from ±0.5 – 1.49 % and the standard deviation equal to 1.2

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic and Theoretical Study of Removal Gentian Violet from Aqueous Solution Using Stachy Plant
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     The main parameters and methods influencing the removal of Gentian Violet (GV) dye from aqueous media were investigated using a stachy plant in this study. The surface of the stachy plant was determined using FTIR spectra. Adsorption is influenced by the adsorbent's characteristic groups. The research took into account the usual conditions for GV dye adsorption by the stachy plant, such as the impact of contact time. Mass dosage , after 0.3 g the amount of adsorbed dye declines. Study pH and ionic strength, the results obtained showed that at pH 3 the largest adsorption of (GV) was seen, while at pH 9, the lowest adsorption was observed  at 298 K, the adsorption kinetics and equilibrium constants were achieved, and the equilibr

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2000
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Minimization of Chloride and Sulphate Ions Concentrations in the Effluents from an Elctroplating Plant
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 22 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic and Theoretical Study of Removal Gentian Violet from Aqueous Solution Using Stachy Plant
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     The main parameters and methods influencing the removal of Gentian Violet (GV) dye from aqueous media were investigated using a stachy plant in this study. The surface of the stachy plant was determined using FTIR spectra. Adsorption is influenced by the adsorbent's characteristic groups. The research took into account the usual conditions for GV dye adsorption by the stachy plant, such as the impact of contact time. Mass dosage , after 0.3 g the amount of adsorbed dye declines. Study pH and ionic strength, the results obtained showed that at pH 3 the largest adsorption of (GV) was seen, while at pH 9, the lowest adsorption was observed  at 298 K, the adsorption kinetics and equilibrium constants were achieved, and the equ

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Biotechnology Research Center
Molecular screening of the entA gene of Enterococcus faecium isolated from Food and clinical sources
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Background: The microbial production of substances that have the potency to suppress the growth of other microorganisms is probably one of the prevalent defense strategy developed in nature, microorganisms produce a variable bunch of microbial defense systems, which include antibiotics, metabolic by-products, lytic agents, bacteriocins and others. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to isolate and identify Enterococcus faecium isolates then detecting its ability of carrying the gene responsible for enterocin production in this species. Materials and methods: Out of 50 samples from different sources (food and clinical sources) were collected for the Enterococcus faecium isolation, and the isolated bacteria Enterococ

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of some effective factors on the production of garamicidin from locally isolated Bacillus brevis
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The optimum cultural conditions for garamicidin production by local isolate B.brevis were studied.Best result was obtained when the isolate B.brevis was grown on media composed of 1%glucose as carbon source,1% ammonium chloride as a nitrogen source ,0.5% Dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate as a phosphate source and after 48 hours of incubation at 30C .Garamicidin has been extracted and purified through acid precipition and then extracted by organic solvent (ether& acetone ).Using HPLC the garamicidin antibiotic showed three types A,B and C garamicidin .

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi J Of Agricultural Science
Determination of Beta Lactam Resistance of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolated from Clinical Specimens and Water Samples
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of Alcoholic Extracts of Zingiberofficinale Anti-E.Coli Isolates Isolated from Urinary Tract Infection
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The Escherichia coli isolated from UTIs, were identified with biochemical tests and vitek test.The ethanolic extracts of Zingiberofficinale(Z.officinale) were tested against E.coli by using the good agar diffusion test, the alcoholic extracts from (25 -100) mg/ml showed antimicrobial activity against tested microorganism. The diameter of inhibition zone increase at high concentrations and rang from (18-20mm) , and these results compared with antibiotics  sensitivity discs were used by discs diffusion method against E.coliisolates, they were resisted to all antibiotics used in this study. It could be concluded that alcoholic extract of Z.officinalehad good antimicrobial effects, and may be able to use for treatment UTIs caused by E.c

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
pvl-carried methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from hospitalized patients in Baghdad, Iraq
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Out of 150 different specimens, 67 S. aureus isolate were isolated. However, 16sRNA gene was located only in 60 isolates. Moreover, mecA gene was located in 48 isolates; thereby MRSA covered 80% of all S. aureus isolates. Of considerable interest, pvl gene was detected in only six isolates (10%). Hence, the present work emphasizes the notion suggested that pvl is not an indicative of CA-MRSA.