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Extracellular Enzyme of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Ziziphus spina Leaves as Medicinal Plant
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Endophytic fungi live inside plants or any part of them without creating any visible pathogenic signs. Endophytic fungi are found within medicinal plants and have shown strong biologic activity, such as anticancer and antioxidant activities, as well as producing extracellular enzymes. In this study, different fungal strains were isolated from the leaves of the medicinal plant Ziziphus spina, including Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sp., Rhizopus sp., and Mucor sp. Extracellular enzymes have been quantified using agar plate-based methods in which fungi were grown in specified growth media to detect the enzymes produced. The results showed that A. niger has the highest ability to produce amylase, Cladosporium sp. has the highest ability to produce protease and pectinase, Rhizopus and Mucor sp. have the highest ability to produce cellulase, and A. niger and Cladosporium sp. have the same ability to produce lipase and laccase. The ability of medicinal plant endophytic fungi to produce extracellular enzymes has great therapeutic potential in clinical microbiology. Some of the isolates showed great activity in secreting particular enzymes, indicating that the enzymes of these fungi could be used in a variety of applications.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
On the use of Aluminium as a plasmonic material in polarization rotators based on a hybrid plasmonic waveguide
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: The Aluminium (Al) material emerged as a plasmonic material in the wavelength ranges from the ultraviolet to the visible bands in different on-chip plasmonic applications. In this paper, we demonstrate the effect of using Al on the electromagnetic (EM) field distribution of a compact hybrid plasmonic waveguide (HPW) acting as a polarization rotator. We compare the performance of Al with other familiar metals that are widely used as plasmonic materials, which are Silver (Ag) and Gold (Au). Furthermore, we study the effect of reducing the geometrical dimensions of the used materials on the EM field distributions inside the HPW and, consequently, on the efficiency of the polarization rotation. We perform the study based o

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modifying Plaque assay and Clearance test as tools in determination of phage typing for E. Coli bacterial interspecies
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Bacteriophage of E. Coli interspecies from sewage samples were isolated , the phage particles were isolated from two different sewage samples . The first sample was collected from sewage sample of Baghdad university and the second sample was isolated from domestic sewage sample , first sample showed phages specialized for three E. Coli interspecies bacteria (first plate ) and two E. Coli interspecies bacteria (second plate ) , meanwhile second sample showed phage specialized for two E. Coli. interspeciesThe study of appearance of E coli phages from first sample showed three types of E. coli phages with different size of inhibition zone ( 1 , 0.7,0.5 )Cm respectively ( first plate ) , meanwhile E. Coli interspecies bacteria showed phages

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The adsorption-desorption process as a method for separation of nitrogen-carbon dioxide gas mixture using activated carbon
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Gas adsorption phenomenon on solid surface has been used as a mean in separation and purification of gas mixture depending on the difference in tendencies of each component in the gas mixture to be adsorbed on the solid surface according to its behaviour. This work concerns to study the possibilities to separate the gas mixture using adsorption-desorption phenomenon on activated carbon. The experimental results exhibit good separation factor at temperature of -40 .

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Magic Realism: The Story of "An Old Man With Enormous Wings" as An Example
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This research work considers one of the authentic and most modern modes of storytelling, as employed by Garcia Marquez in one of his famous stories "An Old ManWith Enormous Wings" (1972). Technically, the work is divided into four parts: the first serves as an introduction to his literary works, his use of magic realism, and addresses mainly the interests of Arab readers; the second handles the development of modern short story through the perspective of realism, until the emergence of magic realism as a new style; the third deals with the origin, nature and development of this style, and his mastery of it; the fourth part tries to analyze the story and its plot, thoughts, characters, symbols and metaphors, in the light of the artistic p

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Chemical Industry And Chemical Engineering Quarterly
Optimization of dye adsorption process for Albizia lebbeck pods as a biomass using central composite rotatable design model
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Albizia lebbeck biomass was used as an adsorbent material in the present study to remove methyl red dye from an aqueous solution. A central composite rotatable design model was used to predict the dye removal efficiency. The optimization was accomplished under a temperature and mixing control system (37?C) with different particle size of 300 and 600 ?m. Highest adsorption efficiencies were obtained at lower dye concentrations and lower weight of adsorbent. The adsorption time, more than 48 h, was found to have a negative effect on the removal efficiency due to secondary metabolites compounds. However, the adsorption time was found to have a positive effect at high dye concentrations and high adsorbent weight. The colour removal effi

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation and characterization of Posaconazole as a Nano-micelles using d-α-Tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS)
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It is important to note that Posaconazole (POCZ) is a newly developed extended-spectrum triazole that belongs to BCS class II and has a solubility of less than 1µg/ml. In patients with a weakened immune system, POCZ has been shown to be effective as an antifungal treatment for invasive infections caused by candida and aspergillus species. The nano-micelles technique can be used to increase POCZ solubility. In order to increase their apparent solubility in water, nano-micelles are made by combining macromolecules that self-assemble into ordered structures capable of entrapping hydrophobic drug molecules in the interior domain. Dispersed colloidal systems, of which nano-micelles are a subset, are a large and diverse group. Composed of a p

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Trends in Contemporary Ceramic Art and the Overlapping of Stylistic Concepts (Installation Art and Assemblage as a Model)
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Contemporary arts have achieved, in accordance with the transition of concepts, a new logic in presentation and expression in general, and specifically in the field of ceramic art. The shift towards the logic of rejection and subversion of prevailing methods, which have been almost a constant foundation for a long period, has directly influenced the direction of visual arts in the contemporary world.
The growth and cultural transformations that the world has witnessed after the two World Wars have produced cognitive shifts based on strategies that diverge from the dominant culture. These approaches vary according to existential needs, as the language of art has become conceptual and a medium for contemporary culture with its rapid an

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Tropical Journal Of Natural Product Research
Alterations in Biochemical Parameters and Antioxidant Enzymes in Male Mice as Biomarkers of Exposure to Pollution with Cadmium
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There is currently a significantly larger concentration of toxins in our environment than there was in the past. This is mostly attributable to the expansion of modern industry. This investigation was conducted in order to investigate various haematological and biochemical changes in order to determine the effects of Cd on the liver and kidney. Because of its long biological half-life, it is considered hazardous to human health. The effect of sub-lethal doses (40, 80 and 120 mg\Kg) of Cadmium (Cd) on male mice were evaluated for 4 weeks, and analysis was done to estimate their biochemical parameters and antioxidant enzymes. The results showed that Cd-treated mice had considerably lower packed cell volume, red blood cells, and haemoglobin. W

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Advanced Powder Technology
Modification of FAU zeolite as an active heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production and theoretical considerations for kinetic modeling
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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Results In Chemistry
Interfacial polymerization synthesis of polypyrrole and sodium metavanadate (PPy/NaVO3) composite as an excellent performance electrode for supercapacitors
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Herein, the interfacial polymerization method has been used for the synthesis of PPy/NaVO3 composites with different compositions of NaVO3 (10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 % and 50 %) as an efficient electrode material for supercapacitors. The successful formation and composition of the as-prepared composites (PV1-PV5) were confirmed by FTIR, XRD, EDX, and SEM analysis. The electrochemical properties were investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanometric charge–discharge measurement (GCD), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in 0.5 M H2SO4 electrolyte. As compared to other, the PV4 composite exhibit excellent specific capacitance of 391 F g−1 at a current density of 0.75 A/g with good cycling stability of ∼59 % after 1000 cycle

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