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Structural and Electrochemical Characterization of ITO Electrode Modified by f- MWCNT/graphene/polypyrrole Nanocomposite Decorated by Gold Nanoparticles
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There is currently a pressing need to create an electro-analytical approach capable of detecting and monitoring genosensors in a highly sensitive, specific, and selective way. In this work, Functionalized Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, Polypyrrole, and gold nanoparticles nanocomposite (f-MWCNTs-GR-PPy-AuNP) were effectively deposited on the surface of the ITO electrode using a drop-casting process to modify it. The structural, morphological, and optical analysis of the modified ITO electrodes was carried out at room temperature using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) images, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used to assess the electroanalytical performance of the electrodes after modification. The results showed that using AuNPs and PPy for modification of ITO/f-MWCNTs-GR electrode surfaces is conducive to augmenting the electrochemical performances of the electrodes. ITO/f-MWCNTs-GR showed better results in terms of higher electroactive area formation after modification with PPy and AuNPs. This work aims to figure out how to develop electrochemical biosensors for improved genosensor monitoring.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of hot aqueous extract of seeds and leaves of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) on embryonic development in swiss albino mice
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The present study has conducted to investigate the effect of hot aqueous extract of seeds and leaves of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) on embryonic development in Swiss albino mice morphologically , the results is showed throught dosage pregnant female orally after period 4, 8, 12days at the beginning of pregnancy by doses 100 , 200 , 300 mg/kg of body weight , the results showed normal period of pregnancy 21 days and abortion did not occur when the pregnant mice take the hot aqueous extract of leaves of fenugreek, but the pregnant mice that take the hot aqueous extract of seeds of fenugreek occurred abortion of embryos and showed some histopathological changes in ovaries and uterus such as congestion, hemorrhage, necrosis, odema,

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Quality of Work Life in Reinforcing Core Competencies: A Descriptive and analytical research in the Ministry of Health
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The research aims to diagnose the shortcomings and weaknesses in applying the dimensions of the quality of work life and the extent of their impact on employees’ attitudes and behaviors, and thus their relationship to enhancing their core competencies. The scientific value of the research stems from highlighting the importance of the dimensions of the quality of professional life in improving the productive efficiency of workers in the public sector and raising the level of organizational performance. Because the quality of working life plays an important role in enhancing the core competencies of employees in the public sector, it can also be an incentive or a disincentive for any employee by adapting to the economic and social condit

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Publication Date
Wed May 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Effect of Time and Place Dimensions on Changing the Quality Dimensions of Sizes of Cities: A Case Study (Baghdad city)
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The city has normal natural state, and the man has a usual movement, change and search for the new .Also, the city has a usual change and transform in its time, place and quality (sizes)structures. The city has a solid memory diving into the past and the future and reflects The real present, and this memory has a timing layers change into real materialistic place making the city has accumulated overlapping circles which is hard to break u , and it broadcasts the lockup timing density ,in which there is no visual record precisely, it is just like((the social record)) that evaluates the un visual relationships between the components and parts of the city (community and form) in a visual quiet exhibition and transform change inside.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Sports Culture
Analysis of the kinetic path of some physical measurements and kinetic abilities in terms of the direct attack in the foil
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Through the researchers' acquaintance with the previous studies, the problem was identified as that the preparation of training curricula in all its units must be based on accurate scientific foundations. Positively affect the type of attack and its implication in the presence of correlational relations, whether direct or indirect, i.e., precedence in training and in preparing units Therefore, the researcher decided to build a causal model to know the relationships to show the best model of the direct straight attack. The study aimed to build a causal model for the most important physical measurements and kinetic capabilities of the direct straight attack in the research sample. The two researchers used the descriptive approach in t

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2020
Journal Name
Annal S Of Tropical Medicine & Public Health
Histological Evaluation of local application of Phyllunthus amarus extracted powder and its combination with fibronectin protein on Wound Healing of rats
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Background: A wound is defined as a break or damage in the skin, resulting from physical or thermal damage or as a result of the presence of an underlying medical or physical condition. Herbal medicine can be called one of the branches of medicine in various forms.Phyllunthus amarus is a small herb well known for its medicinal properties and widely used worldwide. P. amarus is an important plant of Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine. Fibronectin is a major component of the extracellular matrix. It is secreted by various cells, primarily fibroblasts, as a soluble protein dimer and is then assembled into an insoluble matrix in a complex cell-mediated process. Materials and methods: Forty rats will be subjected for a surgical operation

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The economic effects of money laundering and the role of banking service in combat it: a prospective study of a sample
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Money laundering is consider a crime in legal perspective and aphenomenon of negative effects in economic and Social perspective for thevarious countries of the world by the diversity of their economies to make thebadly damaged in the banking service and its reputation in some cases may leadto bankruptcy of banks, and the fact that banks is one of the most importantcircles that revolve the illicit funds, Due to its branched the banking operations,speed and overlap and increase it's complicated with the progress of bankingoperations and the use of electronic services modern here's challenges atvarious levels between the application of the legislation to combat moneylaundering and between actual fact it must find ways and means of legislat

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archive
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The experiment was conducted at the plant tissue culture laboratory of the Department of Horticulture and Garden Engineering College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, in order to study the effect of some growth regulators on propagation an stimulation production of volatile oil compounds of rosemary plant Rosmarinus officinlis using two vegetative parts (apical and lateral buds). Factorial experiment was implemented in completely randomized design with twenty replications. The results indicated that culturing the apical meristem on the medium Murashige and Skoog (MS) media with 0.5 mg.l-1 (BA) with 0.1 mg.l-1 of NAA gave the highest response rate of 100%. As for the doubling stage, the levels of BAA and IAA (Indol

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 09 2024
Journal Name
The reality of the moral climate and its relationship to the decision-making of boxing referees from the standpoint of coaches
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The purpose of this paper is to identifying the relationship between the moral climate and the decision-making of boxing referees from the standpoint of the coaches, and the research problem lies through the work of the researchers in training and managing the teams. It was noted that the role of the referees is one of the most important roles played by the workers to achieve the objectives of the federation, and that the moral climate that prevails among the administrative body the union and the referees on the one hand and between the referees and coaches on the other hand are among the factors of the success of everyone’s work and the survival and strengthening of confidence in their work and thus the continuity of success and

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of two harrowing systems on decomposition of organic matter, some soil properties, growth and productivity of sunflower (helianthus annuus l.)
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Find the fuzzy maximum flow of Imam Kadhimen visitors using fuzzy dynamic programming University of Baghdad - Faculty of Administration and Economics
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    Baghdad and the other Iraqis provinces have witnessed many   of celebrations which have the significant effect on the souls of Arabic and Islamic people in general , and Iraqi people, especially the birthday and death of two al-kadhimen Imams(peace upon them) and others .From here the researcher begin to study the visiting of imam kadhimen (peace upon him) on 25 Rajab the commemoration of his sacrifice, simply because have implications of religious, ideological and cultural sectors which represents in finding the greatest flow of visitors .the problem of research appeared due to the clear difference in number of visitors during one day, beside the significant increase in number of visitors  throu

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