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Structural and Electrochemical Characterization of ITO Electrode Modified by f- MWCNT/graphene/polypyrrole Nanocomposite Decorated by Gold Nanoparticles
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There is currently a pressing need to create an electro-analytical approach capable of detecting and monitoring genosensors in a highly sensitive, specific, and selective way. In this work, Functionalized Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, Polypyrrole, and gold nanoparticles nanocomposite (f-MWCNTs-GR-PPy-AuNP) were effectively deposited on the surface of the ITO electrode using a drop-casting process to modify it. The structural, morphological, and optical analysis of the modified ITO electrodes was carried out at room temperature using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) images, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used to assess the electroanalytical performance of the electrodes after modification. The results showed that using AuNPs and PPy for modification of ITO/f-MWCNTs-GR electrode surfaces is conducive to augmenting the electrochemical performances of the electrodes. ITO/f-MWCNTs-GR showed better results in terms of higher electroactive area formation after modification with PPy and AuNPs. This work aims to figure out how to develop electrochemical biosensors for improved genosensor monitoring.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Natural And Applied Sciences Ural
Electron Microscope Study of Human Cerebral Cortex (Left Superior Temporal Gyrus), in Different Age Groups and Gender Electron Microscope Study of Human Cerebral Cortex (Left Superior Temporal Gyrus), in Different Age Groups and Gender
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Human cerebral cortex is the outer folded neuronal layer and represents major part of the cerebrum with enormous functions. It is a laminar structure, easily visualized grossly. Previous studies showed that the Superior Temporal gyrus is one of the thickest cerebral cortex regions, reaching (about 4 mm). The Electron microscope study was made on 6 samples taken to measure the neuronal soma dimension of the large pyramidal cells present in the internal pyramidal cortical layer V in different age groups and gender. Aging process was obvious on the large pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex, in which their neuronal soma dimensions showed shrinkage with age progression. But statistically there was no differences in the values between males an

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study has been carried out in the animal field of the college of agricultural engineering sciences, university of Baghdad, for the period from 12/15/2021 to 1/26 /2022 for 42 d, to investigate the effect of adding different levels of ellagic acid to the diet of broilers, on some physiological characteristics &  oxidation indicators in meat compared to vitamin C in meat,  225 Ross 308 chicks were used, divided randomly to five treatments such us: T1: control group without additives to diet, &  the other T2, T3, T4 was added  ellagic  acid (

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Professional Development and its Relationship with some Variables in the Light of Sullivan Theory among Male and Female Teachers in the Basic Education Schools in Sultanate of Oman: سالم بن ناصر بن سعيد الكحالي
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The study aims to reveal the level of professional development in basic education schools from the male and female teachers’ viewpoint in the Sultanate of Oman. It further aims to examine its relationship with some variables in light of Sullivan theory, and the differences in the level of professional development (teachers’ skills, professional participation, professional development problems) according to the gender variable, and the educational stage (first cycle/ second cycle). The study sample consisted of (93) teachers distributed as such: (46) male teachers, and (47) female teachers. A questionnaire was prepared and applied to measure the level of the professional development of the male and female teachers. The questionnaire c

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Theories of the structure of modern finance : practical application of pecking order theory and the life cycle of the company/analytical research of asmple of foreign companies
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 Is the subject of the financial structure of the most important topics for which she received the interests of scientific research in the field of financial management , as it emerged several theories about choosing a financial structure appropriate for the facility and behavior change funding them , and in spite of that there is no agreement on a specific theory answer various questions in this regard , and a special issue of the financial structure optimization.

The objective of the research was to identify the most important theories of the structure of modern financial theory has been to focus on the capture of financial firms in two different stages of their life cycle , so-called growth and ma

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Quality and originality in scientific research from the point of view of the participants in the course (qualification of scholars of Bayt al-Hikma)
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Research aims (Quality and originality in scientific research from the point of view of the participants in the course (qualification of scholars of Bayt al-Hikma) To find out how satisfied the participants about the training course held by the house of wisdom (research community), To develop and maximize the capacity of researchers in the field of writing scientific research, As well as establishing frameworks and concepts and standards related to quality and authenticity scientific research, The role played by this kind of research in the service of the movement of the human journey towards progress and prosperity.

On this basis was the research community, their number was (23) common t

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 06 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
effect of a training curriculum for the development of some functional variables and the level of achievement in the effectiveness of air rifle shooting
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There are significant differences between the pre and post-tests in favor of the post-test in the tests) stroke volume (S.V), cardiac thrust (C.O.P), left ventricular volume, maximum oxygen consumption Vo2max), which indicates the effect of the proposed training approach.There are significant differences between the pre and post-tests in favor of the post-test in the achievement level test with air rifle shooting for young female shooters, which indicates the effect of the proposed training curriculum.There are no significant differences between the pre and post-tests in the tests (heart rate (HR) before exercise, heart rate (HR) after exercise, systolic blood pressure rate before exercise, systolic blood pressure rate after exercis

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of The Electromagnetic Field Intensity and Duration of Time on Some of The Morphological Characteristics of The Plant Safflower Carthamus tinctorius L.
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 The experiment was carried out in the field of botanical garden belonging to the Department of Biology Sciences, College of Education for Pure Science -Ibn AL-Haitham ,Baghdad University. for the growing season. 2014 -2013 to study the effect of the electromagnetic field which included five different intensities (0,5,10,15,20) MT and three periods of time, namely, (1,2,3) an hour and their interaction on  some of the morphological characteristics of the safflower plant . designed experiment by Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and three replicates per treatment, compared to the average using  less significant difference at the level of probability (0.05) , the results showed the following:- 1-Exposing seeds to diffe

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Impact of the Strategy of Cooperative Integration of Fragmented Information in the Acquisition of Physical Concepts and Science Processes among Fourth Scientific Students
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The current research aims to reveal the impact of the strategy of cooperative integration of fragmented information in the acquisition of physical concepts and science processes among fourth scientific students through the null hypotheses:

1- There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average grades of female students of the experimental group studying physics according to the strategy of cooperative integration of fragmented information and those who follow the traditional method in the test of acquiring physical concepts.

2-There is no statistically significant difference at the level of indication (0.05) between the average grades of female students of the experimen

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
TV and educating university youth about the challenges of cultural identity in Iraq Field study of a sample of students at University of Baghdad
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The TV plays an active role in building the general culture of the recipients, which calls for emphasizing its contemporary mission in rebuilding the values that support the development and modernization of diverse societies. Such importance is necessary to explore the challenges facing the cultural invasion, The space opening, which had its cultural returns to the societies, produced a space for alternative values and antagonisms in the cultures and traditions of these societies in the midst of a psychological / social conflict behind a clash with the peculiarities of Muslim societies. Cultural Adtha.
From these points of view, and because the universities are an important stage to announce the demands of the advocates of change and

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 02 2022
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The effect of the relationship of leptin hormone and live body weight on some chemical characteristics of the blood serum of local laying hens
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The study was conducted out at the Ministry of Agriculture's Poultry Research Station/Animal ResourcesDepartment/Agricultural Research Center. To see how body weight (BW) and leptin hormone (LEP) levels inbreeder blood affect fertility and hatchability. 140 Iraqi local laying chickens (120 females + 20 males) aged 28weeks were used in the study. Following the numbering of The experiment was divided into three periods,each lasting 28 days, during which the breeder's live body weight was recorded and divided into two categories(greater than 1.5 kg and less than 1.5 kg), and blood samples were collected at the end of each period todetermine the concentration of leptin hormone in the breeders' blood. For comparison between mothers'performance,

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