Optical burst switching (OBS) network is a new generation optical communication technology. In an OBS network, an edge node first sends a control packet, called burst header packet (BHP) which reserves the necessary resources for the upcoming data burst (DB). Once the reservation is complete, the DB starts travelling to its destination through the reserved path. A notable attack on OBS network is BHP flooding attack where an edge node sends BHPs to reserve resources, but never actually sends the associated DB. As a result the reserved resources are wasted and when this happen in sufficiently large scale, a denial of service (DoS) may take place. In this study, we propose a semi-supervised machine learning approach using k-means algorithm
... Show MoreCrime is a threat to any nation’s security administration and jurisdiction. Therefore, crime analysis becomes increasingly important because it assigns the time and place based on the collected spatial and temporal data. However, old techniques, such as paperwork, investigative judges, and statistical analysis, are not efficient enough to predict the accurate time and location where the crime had taken place. But when machine learning and data mining methods were deployed in crime analysis, crime analysis and predication accuracy increased dramatically. In this study, various types of criminal analysis and prediction using several machine learning and data mining techniques, based o
Many consumers of electric power have excesses in their electric power consumptions that exceed the permissible limit by the electrical power distribution stations, and then we proposed a validation approach that works intelligently by applying machine learning (ML) technology to teach electrical consumers how to properly consume without wasting energy expended. The validation approach is one of a large combination of intelligent processes related to energy consumption which is called the efficient energy consumption management (EECM) approaches, and it connected with the internet of things (IoT) technology to be linked to Google Firebase Cloud where a utility center used to check whether the consumption of the efficient energy is s
... Show MoreTo expedite the learning process, a group of algorithms known as parallel machine learning algorithmscan be executed simultaneously on several computers or processors. As data grows in both size andcomplexity, and as businesses seek efficient ways to mine that data for insights, algorithms like thesewill become increasingly crucial. Data parallelism, model parallelism, and hybrid techniques are justsome of the methods described in this article for speeding up machine learning algorithms. We alsocover the benefits and threats associated with parallel machine learning, such as data splitting,communication, and scalability. We compare how well various methods perform on a variety ofmachine learning tasks and datasets, and we talk abo
... Show MoreCurrently, one of the topical areas of application of machine learning methods is the prediction of material characteristics. The aim of this work is to develop machine learning models for determining the rheological properties of polymers from experimental stress relaxation curves. The paper presents an overview of the main directions of metaheuristic approaches (local search, evolutionary algorithms) to solving combinatorial optimization problems. Metaheuristic algorithms for solving some important combinatorial optimization problems are described, with special emphasis on the construction of decision trees. A comparative analysis of algorithms for solving the regression problem in CatBoost Regressor has been carried out. The object of
... Show MoreThis paper proposes a better solution for EEG-based brain language signals classification, it is using machine learning and optimization algorithms. This project aims to replace the brain signal classification for language processing tasks by achieving the higher accuracy and speed process. Features extraction is performed using a modified Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in this study which increases the capability of capturing signal characteristics appropriately by decomposing EEG signals into significant frequency components. A Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm method is applied to improve the results and select the optimal features which achieves more accurate results by selecting impactful features with maximum relevance
... Show MoreCNC machines are widely used in production fields since they produce similar parts in a minimum time, at higher speed and with possibly minimum error. A control system is designed, implemented and tested to control the operation of a laboratory CNC milling machine having three axes that are moved by using a stepper motor attached to each axis. The control system includes two parts, hardware part and software part, the hardware part used a PC (works as controller) connected to the CNC machine through its parallel port by using designed interface circuit. The software part includes the algorithms needed to control the CNC. The sample needs to be machined is drawn by using one of the drawing software like AUTOCAD or 3D MAX and is saved in a we
... Show MoreMedicine is one of the fields where the advancement of computer science is making significant progress. Some diseases require an immediate diagnosis in order to improve patient outcomes. The usage of computers in medicine improves precision and accelerates data processing and diagnosis. In order to categorize biological images, hybrid machine learning, a combination of various deep learning approaches, was utilized, and a meta-heuristic algorithm was provided in this research. In addition, two different medical datasets were introduced, one covering the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain tumors and the other dealing with chest X-rays (CXRs) of COVID-19. These datasets were introduced to the combination network that contained deep lea
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