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Arrhythmia related to hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy in Iraqi patients: frequency and outcome
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Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) caused by high blood pressure is linked to increased mortality and arrhythmia risk. This study aimed to evaluate arrhythmia in hypertensive patients due to left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). A cross-sectional study was performed, assessing participants' blood pressure, echocardiography and electrocardiography, and Holter monitoring in certain cases. There were 300 hypertensive patients >18 years attending the cardiology unit of Baghdad medical city. The study was conducted between January–June 2022. The electrocardiograms at rest for 300 adults with hypertension were investigated. 130 (43.5%) were females, and 170 (56.5%) were males. The mean age of participants was 58 years. Forty-nine (16.3%) patients had arrhythmia. As compared to those without arrhythmia, participants with arrhythmia were older (62.3 vs. 56.1, p=0.03), had a greater prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy (24.5% vs. 12.7%, p=0.026), and more prone to experience cardiac failure (32.7% vs. 8.5%, p<0.011). Atrial fibrillation was found in 6 (27.2%) female patients and 5 (18.5%) males. In addition, two (7.4%) male patients and one female patient (4.5%) had atrial flutter, and premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) were noted in 10 (37%) and 11 (50%) patients. Left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was 103 gm/m2 in female patients and 119.2 gm/m2 in males. Palpitation was present in 22 (44.9%) female patients and 27 (55.1%) males. The study revealed that hypertensives with LVH have an arrhythmia frequency of 16.3%. The most common arrhythmias were atrial fibrillation and premature ventricular complex.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 08 2020
Journal Name
Separation Science And Technology
Adsorption kinetics and mechanisms for meropenem antibiotic removal in batch mode via rice husk functionalized with Mg/Fe-layered double hydroxides
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The purpose of this research was to evaluate rice husk functionalized with Mg-Fe-layered double hydroxide (RH-Mg/Fe-LDH) as an adsorbent for the removal of meropenem antibiotic (MA) from an aqueous solution. Several batch experiments were undertaken using various conditions. Based on the results, the optimal Mg/Fe-LDH adsorbent with a pH of 9 and an M2+/M3+ ratio of 0.5 was associated with the lowest particle size (specifically. 11.1 nm). The Langmuir and Freundlich models were consistent with the experimental isotherm data (R2 was 0.984 and 0.993, respectively), and MA’s highest equilibrium adsorption capacity was 43.3 mg/g. Additionally, the second-order model was consistent with the adsorption kinetic results.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The economic effects of money laundering and the role of banking service in combat it: a prospective study of a sample
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Money laundering is consider a crime in legal perspective and aphenomenon of negative effects in economic and Social perspective for thevarious countries of the world by the diversity of their economies to make thebadly damaged in the banking service and its reputation in some cases may leadto bankruptcy of banks, and the fact that banks is one of the most importantcircles that revolve the illicit funds, Due to its branched the banking operations,speed and overlap and increase it's complicated with the progress of bankingoperations and the use of electronic services modern here's challenges atvarious levels between the application of the legislation to combat moneylaundering and between actual fact it must find ways and means of legislat

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 02 2016
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية
The effect of the K.W.L.Plus strategy in developing the mental skills and reflective thinking of first-year middle school female students
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archive
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The experiment was conducted at the plant tissue culture laboratory of the Department of Horticulture and Garden Engineering College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, in order to study the effect of some growth regulators on propagation an stimulation production of volatile oil compounds of rosemary plant Rosmarinus officinlis using two vegetative parts (apical and lateral buds). Factorial experiment was implemented in completely randomized design with twenty replications. The results indicated that culturing the apical meristem on the medium Murashige and Skoog (MS) media with 0.5 mg.l-1 (BA) with 0.1 mg.l-1 of NAA gave the highest response rate of 100%. As for the doubling stage, the levels of BAA and IAA (Indol

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Karbala International Journal Of Modern Science
Batch and flow injection spectrophotometric methods for the determination of barbituric acid in aqueous samples via oxidative coupling with 4-aminoantipyrine
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A batch and flow injection (FI) spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of barbituric acid in aqueous and urine samples. The method is based on the oxidative coupling reaction of barbituric acid with 4-aminoantipyrine and potassium iodate to form purple water soluble stable product at λ 510 nm. Good linearity for both methods was obtained ranging from 2 to 60 μg mL−1, 5–100 μg mL−1 for batch and FI techniques, respectively. The limit of detection (signal/noise = 3) of 0.45 μg mL−1 for batch method and 0.48 μg mL−1 for FI analysis was obtained. The proposed methods were applied successfully for the determination of barbituric acid in tap water, river water, and urine samples with good recoveries of 99.92

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 22 2019
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Evaluation of Gas and Downhole Water Sink-Assisted Gravity Drainage GDWS-AGD Process in Saturated Oil Reservoirs with Infinite-Acting Aquifer
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Abstract<p>A hybrid Gas-Enhanced and Downhole Water Sink-Assisted Gravity Drainage (GDWS-AGD) process has been suggested to enhance oil recovery by placing vertical injectors for CO2 at the top of the reservoir with a series of horizontal oil-producing and water-drainage wells located above and below the oil-water contact, respectively. The injected gas builds a gas cap that drives the oil to the (upper) oil-producing wells while the bottom water-drainage wells control water cresting. The hybrid process of GDWS-AGD process has been first developed and tested in vertical wells to minimize water cut in reservoirs with bottom water drive and strong water coning tendencies. The wells were dual-compl</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Increasing confidence in full field modelling and water flood planning for a giant reservoir under primary depletion through Material Balance modelling
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Abstract<p>One of the principle inputs to project economics and all business decisions is a realistic production forecast and a practical and achievable development plan (i.e. waterflood). Particularly this becomes challenging in supergiant oil fields with medium to low lateral connectivity. The main objectives of the Production Forecast and feasibility study for water injection are:</p><p>1- Provide an overview of the total expected production profile, expected wells potential/spare capacity, water breakthrough timing and water cut development over time</p><p>2- Highlight the requirements to maintain performance, suggest the optimum developmen</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 12 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
The Role of Picture Books in Raising Children's Understanding of English Literature and Life Science Concepts: Selected Stories by Eric Carle
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Abstract The current study is a theoretical study that aims to underline the role of picture books as a serious genre of children's literature in raising children's understanding of English literature and life concepts; especially for non-English speakers. Unfortunately, most Iraqi people have developed a social phobia of learning English since childhood. This phobia is resulted from the heavy traditional reading and writing assignments as well as hard exams. Therefore, this study suggests incorporating more interesting literary material like picture books that would bring pleasure and help in raising children's love and cognition of English Language. More significantly, it calls to replace the old curriculum with a more vital

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Building and legalizing a test for evaluating the tactical learning of the footwork for the foil fencer in the fencing game
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AA wahid, journal mustansiriyah of sports science, 2023

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the indicators of the educational process and scientific levelUsing the analysis of variance of ordered data in repeated measurements
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In this research want to make analysis for some indicators and it's classifications that related with the teaching process and the            scientific level for graduate studies in the university by using analysis of variance for ranked data for repeated measurements instead of the ordinary analysis of variance . We reach many conclusions  for the                         

important classifications for each indicator that has affected on   the teaching process.         &nb

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