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The Effect of Dry Farming and Water Stress under Subsurface Drip Irrigation System on Water and Rice Productivity
Abstract<p>A field experiment was carried out during the 2020 season at the College of Agricultural Engineering/ University of Baghdad, Al-Jadriya to evaluate the effect of dry farming when applying water stress under the subsurface drip irrigation system on water productivity and rice yield. The experiment was conducted with three levels of irrigation water stress when 10, 20 and 40% of the available water was depleted and in three dimensions between drip lines 10, 15 and 20 cm. The experiment was designed according to a randomized complete block design, according to the split plot design, with three replications. Determine the depth of irrigation water depending on the moisture depletion of the soil, the results showed a difference in the depth of water according to the moisture depletion, which amounted to 900 mm. Season-1 treatment for 10% depletion and decreased to 10 and 16.6% when 20 and 40% of the prepared water was depleted, respectively. The intervention between drip lines and irrigation treatments led to a significant increase in grain yield when using a distance of 10 cm and irrigation when 10% of the available water was depleted. There were no significant differences in grain yield at I10 despite the difference in the distance between the drip lines. The efficiency of field and crop water use and the profitability of water outperformed I10.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Ama, Agricultural Mechanization In Asia, Africa And Latin America
Could conservation tillage farming be the solution for agricultural soils in Iraq?

Soil is the cardinal resource for agricultural crops. Healthy soil will produce healthy plants. Since healthy soil is the important goal for the farmers, they need to select the best tillage system to achieve that goal. There are two main types of tillage systems. Conservation tillage (no-tillage farming) uses agricultural machinery that performs a double function; tillage and seed farming simultaneously. In contrast, conventional tillage farming uses multiple agricultural machines to till and seed the soil. The farmers in the northern governorates of Iraq have used the conservation farming system for a long time. However, the farmers who live in the middle and southern governorates in Iraq use conventional tillage farming. Because most of

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 08 2020
Journal Name
Environment, Development And Sustainability
Groundwater availability and water demand sustainability over the upper mega aquifers of Arabian Peninsula and west region of Iraq

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Evaluation of the Drinking water in some Hospitals in Baghdad

Due to the significance of hospital drinking water, a study was done to assess the water in three hospitals in Baghdad (Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Ibn Sina Hospital, and Ibn-Al-Nafis Hospital) for its nature and quality, compare it to other hospitals in terms of its physical, chemical, and bacterial specifications, and compare it to international standards. According to Iraqi standards from 2009 and WHO standards from 2011, Chemical factors were measured, which included pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and Calcium Ion (Ca+2). Reported readings are all within acceptable ranges for drinking water. In contrast, turbidity, total hardness (T.H.), chlorides (Cl-), magnesium (Mg+2), the number of aerobic plates (APC), total coliform (T

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Assessment of water quality in the shatt Al-Hillah river

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Water Area of Sawa Lake as Derived from Land Surface Temperature and Remote Sensing Data

Sawa Lake is one of the unique lakes in Iraq. It is located in the southwestern part of Iraq. It is one of the closed lakes, as no surface water source works to feed the lake. The lake feeds on groundwater. The source of this groundwater is the Dammam Basin. During the past ten years, The lake has had many changes, which led to a decrease in water levels. This also led attention to study of the causes of these changes. Many types of research were presented in the study of the state of the lake. This research used remote sensing images from Landsat 8 OLI to monitor the changes during 2020-2021 by applying the NDWI equation to extract water area from image data. The results of the areas were obtained from a special report by Normalized Dif

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

Water samples were collected from output of water for Al-Wahda plant where located in al-karrada area in Baghdad city to study water contamination with bacteria, fungi and Algae. The study lasted one year started on August, 2016 to July,2017.Results were acquired according to two tests performed, the first is biological test included total coliform,E.coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, total fungi, Diatom and non Diatom Algae and the second is physiochemical test included temperature, turbidity and residual chlorine. The results of bacteria were within the permitted specification in the Iraqi standards no. 14/2270 for the year 2015 except August was exceeded the permitted standard for total coliform, it was 1.1< cell/100 ml.Total Fungi, Dia

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of Copper and Lead and Study their Poisonous Effects in Drinking Water in Baghdad

The objective of this study is to determine the concentration of copper and lead (mg/L) in drinking water by using absorption spectrophotometic and Atomic Absorption spectrophotometric method from different area in Baghdad and with different intervals , The results show that the concentration of copper and Lead ( mgL) in tap water which remains motionless in plumbing system for following periods one hours, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 7 days and 14 days are (1 , 2.2 , 4 , 5.3 , 7.5 , 10 and 16 mgL copper ) & ( 0.3, 0.5 , 0.8 , 1 , 2.5 , 3 , 3.8 mg /L lead ) respectively .from these results its clear that high levels of copper & Lead occur if tap water comes in contact with copper - lead plumbing and copper lead -containing fix

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Laser Field Effect on Chemisorption Energy and Its Contributions for the System Na2 / W(100)

In this study, a mathematical model is presented to study the chemisorption of two interacting atoms on solid surface in the presence of laser field. Our mathematical model is based on the occupation numbers formula that depends on the laser field which we derived according to Anderson model for single atom adsorbed on solid surface. Occupation numbers formula and chemisorption energy formula are derived for two interacting atoms (as a diatomic molecule) as they approach to the surface taking into account the correlation effects on each atom and between atoms. This model is characterized by obvious dependence of all relations on the system variables and the laser field characteristics which gives precise description for the molecule –

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Publication Date
Thu May 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Restrained Edges Effect on the Dynamics of Thermoelastic Plates under Different End Conditions

Frequency equations for rectangular plate model with and without the thermoelastic effect for the cases are: all edges are simply supported, all edges are clamped and two opposite edges are clamped others are simply supported.   These were obtained through direct method for simply supported ends using Hamilton’s principle with minimizing Ritz method to total energy (strain and kinetic) for the rest of the boundary conditions. The effect of restraining edges on the frequency and mode shape has been considered. Distributions temperatures have been considered as a uniform temperature the effect of developed thermal stresses due to restrictions of ends conditions on vibration characteristics   of a plate with different

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Reducing the Water Hardness by Using Electromagnetic Polarization Method

Hard water does not pose a threat to human health but may cause precipitation of soap or results stone in the boilers. These reactions are caused by the high concentrations of Ca and Mg. In the industry they are undesirable because of higher fuel consumption for industrial use .Electromagnetic polarization water treatment is a method which can be used for increasing the precipitation of Ca 2+ and CO3 2- ions in hard water to form CaCO3 which leads to decrease the water hardness is research has been conducted by changing the number of coil turns and voltage of the system. The spectroscopy electron microscope was used for imaging the produced crystals. Results of the investigation indicated that

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