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Cover Crop Influence on Soil Enzymes and Selected Chemical Parameters for a Claypan Corn–Soybean Rotation
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Cover crops (CC) improve soil quality, including soil microbial enzymatic activities and soil chemical parameters. Scientific studies conducted in research centers have shown positive effects of CC on soil enzymatic activities; however, studies conducted in farmer fields are lacking in the literature. The objective of this study was to quantify CC effects on soil microbial enzymatic activities (β-glucosidase, β-glucosaminidase, fluorescein diacetate hydrolase, and dehydrogenase) under a corn (Zea mays L.)–soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) rotation. The study was conducted in 2016 and 2018 in Chariton County, Missouri, where CC were first established in 2012. All tested soil enzyme levels were significantly different between 2016 and 2018, irrespective of CC and no cover crop (NCC) treatments. In CC treatment, β-glucosaminidase activity was significantly greater at 0–10 cm depth in 2016 and at 10–20 and 20–30 cm in 2018. In contrast, dehydrogenase activity was significantly greater in NCC in 2018. Soil pH and organic matter (OM) content were found to be significantly greater in CC. Overall, CC have mixed effects on soil enzyme activities and positive effects on soil OM compared to NCC. This study highlights the short-term influence of CC and illustrates the high spatial and temporal variability of soil enzymes under farmer-managed fields.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Estimation of genetic parameters in cowpea
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An experiment was carried out in the fields of Agriculture College-Baghdad University during spring and autumn of 2015 by using a randomized complete blocks design with three replications. The first season hybridization was established among three pure cultivars of cowpea (Vigna uniguiculata L.) which: Ramshorn, California black eye and Rahawya in full diallel crosses according to Griffing with first method and fixed model (3 parents+ 3 diallel hybrids +3 reciprocal hybrids) and a comparison experiment was in autumn season. The result of statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference among the parents and their hybrids for all the studied characters. The parent 1 was the higher for root nodules number , leaf number, pod

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Enhancing Drilling Parameters in Majnoon Oilfield
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The objective of drilling parameters optimization in Majnoon oilfield is to arrive for a methodology that considers the past drilling data for five directional wells at 35 degree of inclination as a baseline for new wells to be drilled. Also, to predicts drilling performance by selecting the applied drilling parameters generated the highest rate of penetration (ROP) at each section. The focal point of the optimization process is to reduce drilling time and associated cost per each well. The results of this study show that the maximum ROP could not be achieved without sufficient flow rate to cool and clean the bit in clay intervals (36" and 24") hole sections. Although the influence of combination of Weight on Bit (WOB), Round per minute

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 18 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Physical Adsorption, Chemical Adsorption, Surface Area, Pore Size distribution, HDS catalyst
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Physical and chemical adsorption analyses were carried out by nitrogen gas using ASTM apparatus at 77 K and hydrogen gas using volumetric apparatus at room temperature respectively. These analyses were used for determination the effect of coke deposition and poisoning metal on surface area, pore size distribution and metal surface area of fresh and spent hydrodesulphurization catalyst Co-MoAl2O3 .Samples of catalyst (fresh and spent) used in this study are taken from AL-Dura refinery. The results of physical adsorption shows that surface area of spent catalyst reduced to third compare with fresh catalyst and these catalysts exhibit behavior of type four according to BET classification ,so, the pores of these samples are cylindrical, and the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Electrochemical Behavior of Chemical Conversion Coated Aluminum ASA6061 in Chromic Acid
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The corrosion behavior of bare and chemical conversion coated (through anodizing) aluminum ASA 606 I in stagnant chromic acid solutions . Solutions of 2, 6 & J O wt. % Cr03 at 45°C, have been investigated using polarization technique. The anodizing experiments were conducted under fixed conditions of 35 minute exposure time and 30 volt supplied voltage. The most important feature achieved was the great difference in behavior between the anodic polarization curves for bare and anodized aluminum in different concentrations of chromic acid solutions.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Polyaniline Nano Films Synthesis in One Step via Chemical Oxidative Polymerization
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Polyaniline films were successfully synthesized in this study using an oxidative polymerization method at temperatures ranging from 0 to 4 ° C. Polyaniline films were deposited using a single step of chemical oxidative polymerization rather than electrochemical polymerization. The polyaniline was examined using FTIR, XRD, SEM, AFM, and Four Point Probe. This result demonstrates that polyaniline synthesized using this method has a uniform morphology, small size (17 to 40) nm, high crystallinity, and high conductivity (9.42 s/cm).

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala University
study the optimum conditions of synthesis AgNP by chemical reduction method
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Abstract :- In this paper, silver nanoparticles had been prepared by chemical reduction method. Many tests had been done to it such as UV-Visible spectrophotometer, XRD, AFM&SEM test. finally an attempt had been done to get the optimum condition to control the grain size of silver Nanoparticles by variation the heating period and other parameters which has an effect in silver Nanoparticles synthesis process. in this method we can get a silver nanoparticles in the size range from 52 to 97 nm.

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Optical Properties of SnS2 Thin films Prepared By Chemical Spray Pyrolysis
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 Thin films of tin disulphide SnS2 with different thicknesses (2500,4000,5000)A0 have been prepared by chemical spray pyrolises technique on substrate of glass with temperature (603)K .  The effect of thickness on the optical properties of SnS2 has been studied.the optical  study that includes the absorptance and transmittance spectra in the wavelength range (300900)nm demonstrated that the value of absorption coefficient (α) ) was greater than (104 cm-1) the  electronic transitions at the fundamental absorption edge were of the indirect kind whether allowed and forbidden . Absorption edge shift slightly towards higher wave  length.The value of energy gaps (Eg) for all the films prepared are decreased with inc

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of chemical composition of local black seeds Nigella sativa L
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Chemical analysis for evaluation of Nigella sativa L. (black cumin) seeds showed a composition of Fat 39% ; Protein 28% ; Carbohydrate 21% ; Moisture 6% and Ash 4.5% . It was found that the black seed contains the following mineral element : Magnesium 0.26 gm /100gm seed ; Calcium 0.25 gm /100gm seed and Iron 25 ?g / gm /100gm seed ; zinc 4.51?g /gm /100gm seed and Copper 3.60 ?g /gm /100gm seed. The analysis also showed that mineral element I. e. ; lead ; Cobalt ; Nickel ; Chrom ; Cadmium and Aresenic are not present . It was found that the fat of the black seed contains the following fatty acids : Myristic 2.8%; Palmtic 16.6%; Stearic 0.8 % ; Oleic 13.79% ; Linoleic 64.2% and Arachidic 1.9% .

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bioremediation of Lead and Cadmium Contaminated soil by Sesbania rostrata plant and AM fungi Glomus mosseae
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This study was conducted to determine the activity of plant Sesbania rostrata and two isolate from arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (A,B) as a bioremediation of soil polluted by cadmium and lead elements in north and south of Baghdad city. The results showed that the average of soil pollution by cadmium and lead elements in north of Baghdad was less than the average of soil pollution in the south of Baghdad which recorded 10.0, 9.0 mg/kg and 27.0, 25.0 mg/kg respectively. The plant Sesbania recorded ability to accumulate the lead element in shoot system 19.65 mg/kg and in root system 27.2 mg/kg and for cadmium element 19.6, 24.6 mg/kg in shoot and root respectively. The results showed that the isolate A from soil pollution is more effected

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The influence of the political and social socialization in the trend towards extremism
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The research deals with the impact of the nature of social and political formation in the orientation towards extremism through tracking the institutions and beliefs that the individual is going through. The role of the family, the group, the school, education, and religion has been touched upon in acquiring the trends of extremism, whether publicly or covertly, Focusing on the social and economic contexts that are an incubator environment for extremism supported by the form of the group and the beliefs it espouses, whether direct through religion or indirectly through the nature of education, this study relied on political literature that addressed this The topic, which focused on the phenomenon of extremism that swept the world recentl

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