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تأثير اضافة مسحوق الشبنت المجفف
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اجري البحث لد ا را رسة تأثير اضافة مستويات مختمفة من مسحوق الشبنت المجفف الى علالائق اف ا را رخ فروج المحم في بعض صفات مصل بعمر يوم واحد بمعدل وزن 46 غم / فرخ ، وزعت الطيور عشوائياًً عمى 4 معاملالات Ross الدم. استخدم 336 فرخ من سلالالة 308 T و 4 T3 ،، T معاممة السيطرة )خالية من اي اضافة(، 2 T بواقع ثلالاث مكرا را رت لكل معاممة )طير/مكرر(،شممت المعاملالات عمى :- 1 0 % عمى التوالي. استمرت التجربة لمدة 5 اسابيع. قدر في نهايتها ت ا را ركيز الكم وكوز، . 0 و 8 .6 ، 0. اضافة مسحوق الشبنت بالنسب 4 ا ولدهون الواطئة )HDL( البروتين، الالالبومين، حامض اليوريك، الكولسترول، الكميسريدات الثلالاثية، الدهون العالية الكثافة في مستويي )p<0. في مصل الدم. اظهرت النتائج حصول زيادة معنوية ) 05 )VLDL( ا ولدهون الواطئة الكثافة جد ا اً )LDL) ااننكثثببففت بينما لم يتأثر T مقارنة بمعاممة السيطرة 1 T و 4 T3 ،، T في مصل الدم لصالح معاملالات 2 HDL البروتين والدهون العالية الكثافة في ت ا را ركيز الكموكوز، حامض اليوريك، الكولسترول، )p<0. مستويي الالالبومين والكميسريدات الثلالاثية. في حين حصل انخفاض معنوي ) 05 مقارنة T و 4 T3 ،، T في مصل الدم لصالح معاملالات الشبنت 2 VLDL والدهون الواطئة الكثافة جداًً LDL الدهون الواطئة الكثافة نستنتج من هذه الد ا را رسة ان اضافة مسحوق الشبنت المجفف الى العميقة حسن من صفات دهون مصل الدم لفروج .T بمعاممة السيطرة 1 المحم.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The impact of recycling abandoned sites on sustainable development
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In today's cities, it is easy to see large numbers of vacant lands and unused abandoned sites in downtown areas that are not only ugly but also potentially becoming fertile ground for criminal activities that endanger residents and visitors and contribute to the further degradation of neighborhoods,

can provide reuse of spaces Neglected opportunities to reshape the appearance of the city and to improve the city center for its users that the presence of many neglected sites, whether they were abandoned buildings or sites for destroyed buildings in Mosul after the war on ISIS and with large areas amid the urban fabric led to the emergence of the research problem is (lack of urban planning to reactivate abandoned sites within the ci

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The influence of the political and social socialization in the trend towards extremism
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The research deals with the impact of the nature of social and political formation in the orientation towards extremism through tracking the institutions and beliefs that the individual is going through. The role of the family, the group, the school, education, and religion has been touched upon in acquiring the trends of extremism, whether publicly or covertly, Focusing on the social and economic contexts that are an incubator environment for extremism supported by the form of the group and the beliefs it espouses, whether direct through religion or indirectly through the nature of education, this study relied on political literature that addressed this The topic, which focused on the phenomenon of extremism that swept the world recentl

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of quality costs in improving the quality of health services
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Improving the quality of health services in the health sector is an important and necessary matter that must be taken care of and improved, and this study seeks to demonstrate the role of quality costs in improving the quality of health services and achieving a high level of quality to satisfy the beneficiaries and to provide health services of good quality, and the research concluded that the main point of service provision Good health is the costs of prevention and evaluation (costs of quality conformity) and attention to it, and that technical competition contributes greatly to the development of the level of quality, as well as the use of health and medical staff with competent expertise, and that the costs of internal failure and th

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Effect of Dapagliflozin on hemoglobin level in heart failure patients with chronic kidney disease and/or diabetes
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Background: Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome caused by any functional or structural cardiac disease that reduces the ventricle's ability to fill or pump blood. Anemia is frequent in patient with heart failure and is associated with deterioration through the activation of neuro-hormonal pathways. Dapagliflozin is a selective and reversible inhibitor of Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2). Dapagliflozin increases hemoglobin level through different mechanisms such increasing plasma concentration by diuresis or increasing Erythropoietin synthesis.

Objective: To evaluate the effect of additional dapagliflozin into conventional therapy on hemoglobin in heart failure patients with chronic

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Merger strategy on human resources management practices
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The current research aims to test the impact of the strategy of merger (as an explanatory variable) in human resources management practices (as a response variable), and the importance of the subject being an important topic that mimics the Iraqi environment, where has seen many mergers that have not been addressed by former researchers in the field. In addition, the future prospects carry many mergers, and the problem of research was the lack of understanding among departments in how to manage the integration and deal with it, on the basis of scientific which reflected negatively on the practices of human resources management, and the research was based on two main hypotheses Six sub-hypotheses emerge to explore the correlation

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Feb 29 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Laser Cutting Methods on Hole Deviation and Surface Integrity
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In the present work usedNd:YAG laser systems of different output characteristic were employed to study the drilling process of material used in scientific and industrial fields. This material include Manganese hard steel. Our study went into the affecting parameters in drilling of Manganese hard steel by laser. Drilling process is achieved through material absorption of part of the incident laser beam. It is the resultant of interfering both, laser beam and material properties and the focusing conditions of the beam. The results as shown that the increase in the laser pulse energy over the used level has raised the hole diameter, depth and increased the hole taper. In addition to that a hole taper was affected by the laser energy, the fo

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of credit risk on cash and undertaking credit facilities
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The aim of this research is to demonstrate the impact of credit risk on the banks of the study sample on the granting of loans and credit facilities, and try to reduce the size of credit risk to banks as a result of granting loans and credit facilities, credit risk is the oldest form of risk in financial markets. Every financial institution takes a degree of risk when it gives loans and credit facilities to companies and customers, It is exposed to financial losses when some borrowers fail to repay their loans as agreed, and at the same time credit facilities are the most profitable operations of the bank as it is the most profitable banking operations than other operations, so it represents the research communit

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Doppler Phenomenon on the Speed of Blood Flow
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This research studying the phenomenon of Doppler (frequency Doppler) as a method through which the direction and speed of the blood cells flows in blood vessels wear measured. This Doppler frequency is relied upon in medicine for measuring the speed of blood flow, because the blood flow is an important concept from the concepts of medicine. It represents the function and efficient of the heart and blood vessels in the body so any defect in this function will appear as a change in the speed of blood flow from the normal value assumed. As this speed changes alot in cases of  disease and morbidity  of the heart, so in order to identify the effect of changing the Doppler frequency on the speed of blood flow and the relationship of

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of computerized planning on audit performance (Proposed model)
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The development of technology used in computerized programs is considered on of the most important topics that is responsible for creating tools that can be used in the business environment, the audit profession is one of those professions that received this development. In order for this profession to be more effective, there must be a tool based on sound (correct) scientific basis that can be based upon to enhance the quality of auditing. The research also aims to propose a computerized program to plan the auditing process according to the methods appropriate to the working environment in the audit offices and companies in Iraq. The computerized program was applied to the research sample and the hypothesis of the research has been prov

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The influence of the personal values of the workers in the performance of the work teams
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The research aims to know the impact of workers values on their performance which is reflected on increasing productivity and improving its quality as well as the organization's progress and success.  Application of this research took place in the General Company Of Electrical Industries; it contained four main pillars; the first involved research methodology، regarding the problem، importance، aim، basic theory، and method of data collection، the second is dedicated to the theoretical framework related to the research basic variables (values and workgroups) the third is assigned to analyze the actual data by using number of statistical methods، such as mathematical medium and standard deviation and also spearman rank

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