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Study the Effect of Cutting Parameters on Temperature Distribution and Tool Life During Turning Stainless Steel 316L

This paper is focused on studying the effect of cutting parameters (spindle speed, feed and depth of cut) on the response (temperature and tool life) during turning process. The inserts used in this study are carbide inserts coated with TiAlN (Titanum, Aluminium and Nitride) for machining a shaft of stainless steel 316L. Finite difference method was used to find the temperature distribution. The experimental results were done using infrared camera while the simulation process was performed using Matlab software package. The results showed that the  maximum difference between the experimental and simulation results was equal to 19.3 , so, a good agreement between the experimental and simulation results  was achieved. Tool life was decreased when spindle speed and feed were increased.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Non-interest income and its impact on the profits of the Iraqi banking sector: (Comparative study)

     In this study,  has been discussed the issue of non-interest income and its impact on the Iraqi banking sector profit for the period between (2008-2017) as it was the main objective of the study is to find the relationship between the non-interest income and the profits of the banking sector in order to know  the size of the sector's dependence on non-interest income As well as an analysis of its profitability compared to selected countries, And to test hypotheses, the financial ratios and some statistical tests to determine the stability of the time series such as the test (Correlegram , Dickey -Fuller (depending on the statistical program (E-Views V8) and a simple linear regression method by (Minitab

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Educational Role of Children's Programs in Libyan TV An Analytical -Field Study of "Flowers of Life" Program

Television contributes children the acquisition of knowledge, moral and social values through programs that are offered to them and the extent of the focus on the effective aspects of life in the age of the target stage. The subject of this research aims to know the children programs in Libya television through a comprehensive analytical study of the program entitled “zihur al-hayat” within the broadcast season from April 1, 2004 to June 30, 2004. It also focuses on trying to identify the Libyan television policy in broadcast educational content through the children's programs in the prevailing political and social conditions during the period of study as well as knowing the opinions of the children's sample under study in Al-Baidhaa

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Numerical Simulation of Metasurface Grating to Function as Polarization Modulator in Quantum Key Distribution Systems

Polarization modulation plays an important role in polarization encoding in quantum key distribution. By using polarization modulation, quantum key distribution systems become more compact and more vulnerable as one laser source is used instead of using multiple laser sources that may cause side-channel attacks. Metasurfaces with their exceptional optical properties have led to the development of versatile ultrathin optical devices. They are made up of planar arrays of resonant or nearly resonant subwavelength pieces and provide complete control over reflected and transmitted electromagnetic waves opening several possibilities for the development of innovative optical components. In this work, the Si nanowire metasurface grating polarize

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Temperature in Vertical Migration Behavior of Three Species Zooplankton

  The present study included  the impact of the follow-up variation in the temperature of aqueous medium in the vertical migration behavior of different groups of Zooplankton, consisted species Cyclops vernalis, Daphnia magna, Diaptomus dilopatus, that have been grown in controlled in terms of light and pH laboratory conditions, so choosing temperature of respectively 16,20,24,28, and 32 ËšC. The result showed a clear change in the migration behavior of testing planktonic species, it was a negative relationship between temperatures arises and individual of D. magna in the water column.While being appositive relationship with individual of C. vernalis and the same with D. dilopatus. Also, the result revealed a different impact

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2018
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences
Study the effect of hot aqueous extract of beetle cocoon Larinus maculatus F. on some physiological parameters in male albino mice

Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the effect of oral administration of hot aqueous extract of beetle cocoon Larinus maculatus Faldermann, in a two doses 50 and100mg/Kg/B.wt for 3 and 6 weeks respectively on the levels of serum glucose, weight of body, and lipid profile in male mice Mus musculus. The results revealed that there was a significant (p<0.05) decrease in serum glucose level was dose and period dependent. Weight of body also reduced significantly (p<0.05) with doses and period dependent. The lipid profile level significantly (p<0.05) decreased in dose and period’s manner in each of Total cholesterol (TC), Triglyceride (TG), High Density Lipoprotein- (HDL), Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), and Very Low Density Lipoprotei

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Publication Date
Thu May 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study of Effect of Diesel Fuel Energy Rate in Duel Fuel on Performance of Compression Ignition Engine

The aim of this work is to study the effect of diesel fuel percentage on the combustion processes in compression ignition engine using dual – fuel (diesel and LPG).

 The brake thermal efficiency increased with the increase of diesel fuel rate at low loads, and decreased when load increased. To get sufficient operation in engine fueled with dual fuel, it required sufficient flow rate of diesel fuel, if the engine fueled with insufficient diesel fuel erratic operation with miss fire cycles presented.

Dual-fuel operation at part load showed higher specific fuel consumption than straight diesl operation. At full loads, brake specific fuel consumption of duel fuel engine approaches that for diesel fuel values.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimation of Reliability through the Wiener Degradation Process Based on the Genetic Algorithm to Estimating Parameters

      In this paper, the researcher suggested using the Genetic algorithm method to estimate the parameters of the Wiener degradation process,  where it is based on the Wiener process in order to estimate the reliability of high-efficiency products, due to the difficulty of estimating the reliability of them using traditional techniques that depend only on the failure times of products. Monte Carlo simulation has been applied for the purpose of proving the efficiency of the proposed method in estimating parameters; it was compared with the method of the maximum likelihood estimation. The results were that the Genetic algorithm method is the best based on the AMSE comparison criterion, then the reliab

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Study for the Influence of Operating Parameters on Copper Electrorefining Process

Copper electrodeposition by electrorefining process in acidic sulfate media contains 40 g/l of cupric ions and 160 g/l of sulfuric acid was achieved to study the influence of the operating parameters on cathode purity, surface morphology, deposition rate, current efficiency and power consumption. These operating parameters and there ranges are: current density 200, 300 and 400 A/m2, electrolyte temperature 35, 50 and 65 oC, electrodes spacing 15, 30 and 45 mm and electrolyte residence time 6, 4 and 2 h were utilized. XRF, SEM and EDX analyses were attained to clarify the properties of the produced cathode.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Spe Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference And Exhibition
Effect of nanoparticles on the interfacial tension of CO2-oil system at high pressure and temperature: An experimental approach

In the recent decade, injection of nanoparticles (NPs) into underground formation as liquid nanodispersions has been suggested as a smart alternative for conventional methods in tertiary oil recovery projects from mature oil reservoirs. Such reservoirs, however, are strong candidates for carbon geo-sequestration (CGS) projects, and the presence of nanoparticles (NPs) after nanofluid-flooding can add more complexity to carbon geo-storage projects. Despite studies investigating CO2 injection and nanofluid-flooding for EOR projects, no information was reported about the potential synergistic effects of CO2 and NPs on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CGS concerning the interfacial tension (γ) of CO2-oil system. This study thus extensively inves

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of applying the CAMELS banking assessment model asa control tool On Iraqi private commercial banks for the period 2016 -2020

The banking sector is currently facing great challenges resulting from intense competition in the financial environment, and this is what makes the supreme audit bodies and the Central Bank audit as the highest supervisory authority on banks in order to achieve profit and not be exposed to loss, and this requires identifying the banking strengths and risks that constitute points Weakness that affects the future performance and the life of the bank, which requires special supervisory care, and from this point of view, the research aims to use the CAMELS model as a control tool in banks, through the use of its six indicators: capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality, profits, liquidity And sensitivity to market risks, th

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