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Yearly Energy, Exergy, and Environmental (3E) Analyses of A Photovoltaic Thermal Module and Solar Thermal Collector in Series
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The annual performance of a hybrid system of a flat plate photovoltaic thermal system and a solar thermal collector (PVT/ST) is numerically analyzed from the energy, exergy, and environmental (CO2 reduction) viewpoints. This system can produce electricity and thermal power simultaneously, with higher thermal power and exergy compared to conventional photovoltaic thermal systems. For this purpose, a 3D transient numerical model is developed for investigating the system's performance in four main steps: (1) investigating the effects of the mass flow rate of the working fluid (20 to 50 kg/h) on the temperature behavior and thermodynamic performance of the system, (2) studying the impacts of using glass covers on the different parts of the system, (3) evaluating the annual energy and exergy analyses of the system under Mashhad weather conditions, and (4) examining the CO2 reduction by using the proposed system. The results show that for the (glazed) PVT and (glazed) ST systems, increasing the mass flow rate of the working fluid from 20 to 50 kg/h results in 22% and 1.5% improvements in both thermal and electrical power, respectively. However, the thermal exergy of the system decreases by 40.1%. Furthermore, the (glazed) PVT/(glazed) ST systems generate approximately 86% and 264% more thermal power and energy than the PVT/ST systems, respectively. Using a (glazed) PVT/(glazed) ST system with a working fluid’s mass flow rate of 50 kg/h results in maximum thermal and electrical efficiencies of 40.7% and 16.22%, respectively. According to the annual analysis, the highest average thermal and electrical power, equal to approximately 338.3 and 24 W, respectively, is produced in August. The amount of CO2 reduction increases by increasing the mass flow rate and using a glass cover. The PVT/(glazed)ST system has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions by 426.3 kg per year. 

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Choosing the best method for estimating the survival function of inverse Gompertz distribution by using Integral mean squares error (IMSE)
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In this research , we study the inverse Gompertz distribution (IG) and estimate the  survival function of the distribution , and the survival function was evaluated using three methods (the Maximum likelihood, least squares, and percentiles estimators) and choosing the best method estimation ,as it was found that the best method for estimating the survival function is the squares-least method because it has the lowest IMSE and for all sample sizes

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Choosing the best method for estimating the survival function of inverse Gompertz distribution by using Integral mean squares error (IMSE)
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In this research , we study the inverse Gompertz distribution (IG) and estimate the  survival function of the distribution , and the survival function was evaluated using three methods (the Maximum likelihood, least squares, and percentiles estimators) and choosing the best method estimation ,as it was found that the best method for estimating the survival function is the squares-least method because it has the lowest IMSE and for all sample sizes

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculation the Cross Sections of 10B(n,p)10Be Reaction by Using the Reciprocity Theory for the First Excited State
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  In this study light elements 10B , 10Be for 10B(n,p)10Be reaction as well as proton energy from 0.987 MeV to 2.028 MeV with threshold energy (1.04MeV) are used according to the available data of reaction cross sections. The more recent cross sections data of 10Be(p,n)10B reaction is reproduced in fin steps in the specified energy range , as well as cross section (p,n) values were derived from the published data of (n,p) as a function of energy in the same fine energy steps by using the reciprocity theory of principle inverse reaction . This calculation involves only the first excited state of  10B , 10Be in the reactions 10Be(p,n)10B and  10B(n,p)10Be. 

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Using Activated Carbon developed from Iraqi Date Palm Seeds as Permeable Reactive Barrier for Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Copper
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The possibility of using activated carbon developed from date palm seeds wastes as a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) to remove copper from polluted shallow groundwater was investigated. The activated carbon has been developed from date palm seeds by dehydrating methods using concentrated sulfuric acid. Batch tests were performed to characterize the equilibrium sorption properties of new activated carbon in copper-containing aqueous solutions, while the sandy soil (aquifer) was assumed to be inert. Under the studied conditions, the Langmuir isotherm model gives a better fit for the sorption data of copper by activated carbon than other models. At a pilot scale, One-dimensional column experiments were performed, and an integrated model ba

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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The measurements and tests of the samples conducted in the laboratories of the College of Agriculture included isolating bio-fertilizers and testing the efficiency of isolates that fix atmospheric nitrogen and solubilize phosphorous compounds. Bacteria were isolated and identified from the rhizosphere soils of different plants collected from various agricultural areas. A total of 74 bacterial isolates were obtained based on the phenotypic characteristics of the developing colonies, as well as biochemical and microscopic traits. The results of isolation and identification showed that among the 74 bacterial isolates, there were 15 isolates of A. chroococcum, 13 of Az. lipoferum, 13 of B. megaterium, 10 of P. putida, 10 of Actinomycetes, and n

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Publication Date
Thu May 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of Interleukin-28β Subunit Genes Predict Host Susceptibility to Hepatitis C virus (HCV) Infection among Iraqi Patients
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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a liver disease that affects14 million people. Feasible research was conducted for identifying the genotypes and allele frequency of some single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the IL-28β genes and their predictive role in disease incidence in Iraqi patients. The SNPs (rs28416813, rs4803219, rs11881222, and rs8103142) of IL-28β have been associated with susceptibility to several diseases. Ninety eight (98) HCV patients were included in this research; with average age ± SE (42.28 ± 3.44) years. Also, 80 healthy people (with average age ± SE (29.40 ± 2.84) years) were included as a control group. The SNPs were detected by allele-specific PCR (polymerase chain reaction) using specific primers. The re

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Japanese territorial dispute about the Soviet northern provinces )South Kuril Islands until the end of the Cold War( Historical Study
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The imposition of (state) policy on the South Kuril Islands.In the Pacific was a subject
of borders dispute between Japan and Soviet Union which appeared clearly afterthe second
Great War and during the cold war. Despite the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the
Soviet Union in 1991, this conflict has continued, thus both countries had to made a historic
and legitimate claims to demand the rights of sovereignty and ownership of four islands
occupied by the Soviet Union after World War II under the international conventions and
treaties, but these claims are proven failures through the continuation of the regional conflict.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 20 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Effect of Partial Substitution of Sr by Ba on the Structural Properties of Tl<sub>0.8</sub>Ni<sub>0.2</sub>Sr<sub>2-x</sub>Br<sub>x</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>9-δ</sub> System
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In this manuscript, the effect of substituting strontium with barium on the structural properties of Tl0.8Ni0.2Sr2-xBrxCa2Cu3O9-δcompound with x= 0, 0.2, 0.4, have been studied. Samples were prepared using solid state reaction technique, suitable oxides alternatives of Pb2O3, CaO, BaO and CuO with 99.99% purity as raw materials and then mixed. They were prepared in the form of discs with a diameter of 1.5 cm and a thickness of (0.2-0.3) cm under pressures 7 tons / cm2, and the samples were sintered at a constant temperature o

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 03 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
The Sealing Ability of New Bioceramic Material Used to Repair Furcal Perforation Compared with the Traditional Repair Materials: UV Spectrophotometer Analysis
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Abstract: Iatrogenic furcal root perforations are serious complications during dental treatment. This study was aimed to compare the sealing ability of new bioceramic root repair material TotalFill® with the other perforation repair materials (GIC, MTA and Biodentine) using a dye- extraction method.Materials and Methods: Forty extracted, human mandibular molars with non-fused well developed root were collected. Artificial perforations were made from the external surface of the teeth. Then the teeth were randomly divided into 4 experimental groups (n= 10) according to the type of repair material used in this study; Medifil glass ionomercement, TotalFill® bioceramic root repair material, BiodentineTM and MTA Plus. The specimens were then im

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Photodynamic effect of Rose Bengal activated by low-level laser light on S. aureus : Qusay K. Abbas*, Layla M. Hassan
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Abstract: Background: Staphylococcus aureus is Gram-positive bacteria that lives as a normal flora in living organisms but can be pathogenic to humans. Although a relatively unspectacular, nonmotile coccoid bacterium, S. aureus is a dangerous human pathogen in both community-acquired and nosocomial infections. Due to the increasing emergence of new strains of this antibiotic-resistant bacteria, it has become essential to approach different methods to control this pathogen. One of these methods is the antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation process using a low-level laser, in this paper, the Photodynamic effects of Rose Bengal and LLLL on the virulence factors of S.aureus were evaluated.

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