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Pre-Processing and Surface Reconstruction of Points Cloud Based on Chord Angle Algorithm Technique
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Although the rapid development in reverse engineering techniques, 3D laser scanners can be considered the modern technology used to digitize the 3D objects, but some troubles may be associate this process due to the environmental noises and limitation of the used scanners. So, in the present paper a data pre-processing algorithm has been proposed to obtain the necessary geometric features and mathematical representation of scanned object from its point cloud which obtained using 3D laser scanner (Matter and Form) through isolating the noised points. The proposed algorithm based on continuous calculations of chord angle between each adjacent pair of points in point cloud. A MATLAB program has been built to perform the proposed algorithm which implemented using a suggested case studies with cylinder and dome shape. The resulted point cloud from application the proposed algorithm and result of surface fitting for the case studies has been proved the proficiency of the proposed chord angle algorithm in pre-processing of data points and clean the point cloud, where the percent of data which was ignored as noisy data points according to proposed chord angle algorithm was arrived to (81.52%) and (75.01%)of total number of data points in point cloud for first and second case study respectively.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Logical Intelligence and its Relationship to the Sensitivity of Sensory Processing of Students in Distinguished Schools
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The research aims to identify the logical intelligence of distinguished students and to identify the extent of the contribution of the fields of logical intelligence to the sensitivity of students' sensory processing in distinguished schools. The research sample consisted of (400) male and female students selected by the stratified random method with the proportional method. The scale that was prepared according to the theoretical framework and the adopted theory was applied after being subject to the psychometric properties of validity and reliability, Logical thinking (observation, interpretation, mathematical and arithmetic operations) contributed to sensory processing. The results showed that disting

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Facial Emotion Images Recognition Based On Binarized Genetic Algorithm-Random Forest
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Most recognition system of human facial emotions are assessed solely on accuracy, even if other performance criteria are also thought to be important in the evaluation process such as sensitivity, precision, F-measure, and G-mean. Moreover, the most common problem that must be resolved in face emotion recognition systems is the feature extraction methods, which is comparable to traditional manual feature extraction methods. This traditional method is not able to extract features efficiently. In other words, there are redundant amount of features which are considered not significant, which affect the classification performance. In this work, a new system to recognize human facial emotions from images is proposed. The HOG (Histograms of Or

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Developing Load Balancing for IoT - Cloud Computing Based on Advanced Firefly and Weighted Round Robin Algorithms
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The evolution of the Internet of things (IoT) led to connect billions of heterogeneous physical devices together to improve the quality of human life by collecting data from their environment. However, there is a need to store huge data in big storage and high computational capabilities.   Cloud computing can be used to store big data.  The data of IoT devices is transferred using two types of protocols: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This paper aims to make a high performance and more reliable system through efficient use of resources. Thus, load balancing in cloud computing is used to dynamically distribute the workload across nodes to avoid overloading any individual r

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Robot using Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm
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This paper describes the problem of online autonomous mobile robot path planning, which is consisted of finding optimal paths or trajectories for an autonomous mobile robot from a starting point to a destination across a flat map of a terrain, represented by a 2-D workspace. An enhanced algorithm for solving the problem of path planning using Bacterial Foraging Optimization algorithm is presented. This nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm, which imitates the foraging behavior of E-coli bacteria, was used to find the optimal path from a starting point to a target point. The proposed algorithm was demonstrated by simulations in both static and dynamic different environments. A comparative study was evaluated between the developed algori

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
SBOA: A Novel Heuristic Optimization Algorithm
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A new human-based heuristic optimization method, named the Snooker-Based Optimization Algorithm (SBOA), is introduced in this study. The inspiration for this method is drawn from the traits of sales elites—those qualities every salesperson aspires to possess. Typically, salespersons strive to enhance their skills through autonomous learning or by seeking guidance from others. Furthermore, they engage in regular communication with customers to gain approval for their products or services. Building upon this concept, SBOA aims to find the optimal solution within a given search space, traversing all positions to obtain all possible values. To assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of SBOA in comparison to other algorithms, we conducte

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Investigation the Influence of SPIF Parameters on Residual Stresses for Angular Surfaces Based on Iso-Planar Tool Path
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Incremental Sheet Metal Forming (ISMF) is a modern sheet metal forming technology which offers the possibility of manufacturing 3D complex parts of thin sheet metals using the CNC milling machine. The surface quality is a very important aspect in any manufacturing process. Therefore, this study focuses on the resultant residual stresses by forming parameters, namely; (tool shape, step over, feed rate, and slope angle) using Taguchi method for the products formed by single point incremental forming process (SPIF). For evaluating the surface quality, practical experiments to produce pyramid like shape have been implemented on aluminum sheets (AA1050) for thickness (0.9) mm. Three types of tool shape used in this work, the spherical tool ga

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 International Joint Conference On Neural Networks (ijcnn)
A Fast Feature Extraction Algorithm for Image and Video Processing
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
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Fast Overlapping Block Processing Algorithm for Feature Extraction
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In many video and image processing applications, the frames are partitioned into blocks, which are extracted and processed sequentially. In this paper, we propose a fast algorithm for calculation of features of overlapping image blocks. We assume the features are projections of the block on separable 2D basis functions (usually orthogonal polynomials) where we benefit from the symmetry with respect to spatial variables. The main idea is based on a construction of auxiliary matrices that virtually extends the original image and makes it possible to avoid a time-consuming computation in loops. These matrices can be pre-calculated, stored and used repeatedly since they are independent of the image itself. We validated experimentally th

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Karbala International Journal Of Modern Science
Adaptive reconstruction of the heterogeneous scan line ETM+ correction technique
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Symmetric- Based Steganography Technique Using Spiral-Searching Method for HSV Color Images
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Steganography is defined as hiding confidential information in some other chosen media without leaving any clear evidence of changing the media's features. Most traditional hiding methods hide the message directly in the covered media like (text, image, audio, and video). Some hiding techniques leave a negative effect on the cover image, so sometimes the change in the carrier medium can be detected by human and machine. The purpose of suggesting hiding information is to make this change undetectable. The current research focuses on using complex method to prevent the detection of hiding information by human and machine based on spiral search method, the Structural Similarity Index Metrics measures are used to get the accuracy and quality

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