ان تصنيع رمال مطلية بأوكسيد الحديد من خلال ترسيب الجزيئات النانوية لذلك الاوكسيد على سطوح الرمال واستخدامها في الحاجز التفاعلي النفاذ لإزالة ايونات الكادميوم والنحاس من المياه الجوفية الملوثة الهدف الرئيسي للدراسة الحالية. تم توصيف بيانات الامتزاز نتيجة تفاعل المادة المازة مع المادة الممتزة قيد الدراسة بشكل جيد من خلال نموذج لانكمير والذي كان أفضل من نموذج فراندلش. لقد وجد ان اعلى قيم لقابلية الامتزاز باستخدام الرمال المطلية بأوكسيد الحديد وصلت الى 1.9181 و7.6425 ملغم/غم لكل من الكادميوم والنحاس على التوالي. اثبت برنامج COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5a قدرته على محاكاة والتنبؤ بانتقال الكادميوم والنحاس من خلال حاجز تفاعلي نفاذ ذو البعد الواحد والمكون من رمال مطلية بأوكسيد الحديد. أثبتت النتائج ان المادة المصنعة المستخدمة ضمن هذا الحاجز لها القدرة على تأخير انتقال الملوثات. لوحظ ان جذر معدل مجموع الأخطاء بين النتائج المتوقعة والمقاسة لا يتجاوز 0.121 وهذا يعني وجود توافق جيد بين تلك البيانات.
The simulation of groundwater movement has been carried out by using MODFLOW model
in order to show the impact of change of water surface elevation of the Tigris river on layers of
the aquifer system for Nuclear Research Center at Al-Tuwaitha area, in addition to evaluate the
ability of the proposed pumping well to collect groundwater and change the direction of flow at
steady-state. The results of the study indicated that there is a good match between the values of
groundwater levels that calculated in the model and measured in the field, where mean error is
0.09 m.
The study also showed that the increasing of water surface elevation of the
Background: occult blood loss must be considered as a
possible cause in every case of iron deficiency anemia.
Objective: to evaluate upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
in finding a potential cause for iron deficiency anemia
among children in Al-Anbar governorate.
Methods: Twenty five children aged 2-14 years, referred
to the gastroenterology unit in Al-Ramadi General Hospital
for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy had iron deficiency
anemia. Fiberoptic endoscopy was used under general
anesthesia and endoscopic tissue biopsies were taken from
22 patients for histopathological examination.
Results: The main presenting signs and symptoms were
pallor, abdominal pain, and stunting. The upper
Iron–phthalocyanine (FePc) organic photoconductive detector was fabricated using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique to work in ultraviolet (UV) and visible regions. The organic semiconductor material (iron phthalocyanine) was deposited on n-type silicon wafer (Si) substrates at different thicknesses (100, 200 and 300) nm. FePc organic photoconductive detector has been improved by two methods: the first is to manufacture the detector on PSi substrates, and the second is by coating the detector with polyamide–nylon polymer to enhance the photoconductivity of the FePc detector. The current–voltage (I–V) characteristics, responsivity, photocurrent gain, response time and the quantum efficiency of the fabricated photoconduc
... Show MoreThe green production of iron oxide nanoparticles (FeONPs) due to its numerous biotechnological uses has attracted a lot of attention and clean and eco-friendly approaches in the medical field.
The objectives of this study are to demonstrate the biogenic creation of FeONPs. The search for alternative antimicrobial medicines has been prompted by growing worries about multidrug resistance.
Zinc oxide films (ZnO) are prepared by an electrolysis technique and without vacuum and then annealed atvarious temperatures (300,400,500)OC for an hour. The structural analysis performed by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) shows,dominant orientation of this films is plane (101), has a hexagonal structure and polycrystalline pattern and it was is found that the crystal size increases(24,29) nm at annealing temperatures (300, 400)° C, but the crystal size decreases to (20 nm) at annealing temperature (500 ° C). As the results of a surface nature study of these films showed by examining the atomic force microscope (AFM), the grain size increases from (60.79 to 88.11) nm, and the surface roughnes
... Show MoreThis study was aimed to study the effect of adding transglutaminase (TGase) on the mechanical and reservation properties of the edible films manufactured from soybean meal protein isolate (SPI) and whey protein isolate(WPI). The results showed an improvement in the properties with increase in the WPI ratios. Thickness of the SPI films amounted 0.097 mm decreased to 0.096 mm for the WPI: SPI films at a ratio of 2:1, when TGase was added decreased to 0.075 mm. While the tensile strength increased from 7.64 MPa for SPI films to eight MPa for the WPI: SPI films at a ratio of 2:1, when TGase was added increased to 11.04 MPa. Also, the elongation of the WPI: SPI films at a ratio of 2:1 presence of the TGase decreased to 40.6% compared wit
... Show More