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Image restoration using regularized inverse filtering and adaptive threshold wavelet denoising
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Although the Wiener filtering is the optimal tradeoff of inverse filtering and noise smoothing, in the case when the blurring filter is singular, the Wiener filtering actually amplify the noise. This suggests that a denoising step is needed to remove the amplified noise .Wavelet-based denoising scheme provides a natural technique for this purpose .

                In this paper  a new image restoration scheme is proposed, the scheme contains two separate steps : Fourier-domain inverse filtering  and wavelet-domain image denoising. The first stage is Wiener filtering of the input image , the filtered image is inputted to adaptive threshold wavelet denoising stage . The choice of the threshold estimation is carried out by analyzing the statistical parameters of the wavelet sub band coefficients like standard deviation, arithmetic mean and geometrical mean . The noisy image is first decomposed into many levels to obtain different frequency bands. Then soft thresholding method is used to remove the noisy coefficients, by fixing the optimum thresholding value by this method .

Experimental results on test image by using this method show that this method yields significantly superior image quality and better Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). Here, to prove the efficiency of this method in image restoration , we have compared this with various restoration  methods like Wiener filter alone and inverse filter.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Sn Applied Sciences
Regressor-free adaptive vibration control of constrained smart beams with axial stretching
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mechanical Engineering And Robotics Research
Adaptive Approximation-Based Feedback Linearization Control for a Nonlinear Smart Thin Plate
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This paper proposes feedback linearization control (FBLC) based on function approximation technique (FAT) to regulate the vibrational motion of a smart thin plate considering the effect of axial stretching. The FBLC includes designing a nonlinear control law for the stabilization of the target dynamic system while the closedloop dynamics are linear with ensured stability. The objective of the FAT is to estimate the cubic nonlinear restoring force vector using the linear parameterization of weighting and orthogonal basis function matrices. Orthogonal Chebyshev polynomials are used as strong approximators for adaptive schemes. The proposed control architecture is applied to a thin plate with a large deflection that stimulates the axial loadin

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 02 2018
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal For Engineering Sciences (njes)
Output Feedback Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Design for a Plate Heat Exchanger
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The heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat energy between two fluids, hot and cold. In this work, an output feedback adaptive sliding mode controller is designed to control the temperature of the outlet cold water for plate heat exchanger. The measurement of the outlet cold temperature is the only information required. Hence, a sliding mode differentiator was designed to estimate the time derivative of outlet hot water temperature, which it is needed for constructing a sliding variable. The discontinuous gain value of the sliding mode controller is adapted according to a certain adaptation law. Two constraints which imposed on the volumetric flow rate of outlet cold (control input) were considered within the rules of the proposed

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Circuits And Systems Ii: Express Briefs
Adaptive Multibit Crosstalk-Aware Error Control Coding Scheme for On-Chip Communication
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The presence of different noise sources and continuous increase in crosstalk in the deep submicrometer technology raised concerns for on-chip communication reliability, leading to the incorporation of crosstalk avoidance techniques in error control coding schemes. This brief proposes joint crosstalk avoidance with adaptive error control scheme to reduce the power consumption by providing appropriate communication resiliency based on runtime noise level. By switching between shielding and duplication as the crosstalk avoidance technique and between hybrid automatic repeat request and forward error correction as the error control policies, three modes of error resiliencies are provided. The results show that, in reduced mode, the scheme achie

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Applied System Innovation
Earthquake Hazard Mitigation for Uncertain Building Systems Based on Adaptive Synergetic Control
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This study presents an adaptive control scheme based on synergetic control theory for suppressing the vibration of building structures due to earthquake. The control key for the proposed controller is based on a magneto-rheological (MR) damper, which supports the building. According to Lyapunov-based stability analysis, an adaptive synergetic control (ASC) strategy was established under variation of the stiffness and viscosity coefficients in the vibrated building. The control and adaptive laws of the ASC were developed to ensure the stability of the controlled structure. The proposed controller addresses the suppression problem of a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) building model, and an earthquake control scenario was conducted and simulat

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 02 2018
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal For Engineering Sciences (njes)
Output Feedback Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Design for a Plate Heat Exchanger
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The heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat energy between two fluids, hot and cold. In this work, an output feedback adaptive sliding mode controller is designed to control the temperature of the outlet cold water for plate heat exchanger. The measurement of the outlet cold temperature is the only information required. Hence, a sliding mode differentiator was designed to estimate the time derivative of outlet hot water temperature, which it is needed for constructing a sliding variable. The discontinuous gain value of the sliding mode controller is adapted according to a certain adaptation law. Two constraints which imposed on the volumetric flow rate of outlet cold (control input) were considered within the rules of the proposed

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bat Algorithm Based an Adaptive PID Controller Design for Buck Converter Model
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The aim of this paper is to design a PID controller based on an on-line tuning bat optimization algorithm for the step-down DC/DC buck converter system which is used in the battery operation of the mobile applications. In this paper, the bat optimization algorithm has been utilized to obtain the optimal parameters of the PID controller as a simple and fast on-line tuning technique to get the best control action for the system. The simulation results using (Matlab Package) show the robustness and the effectiveness of the proposed control system in terms of obtaining a suitable voltage control action as a smooth and unsaturated state of the buck converter input voltage of ( ) volt that will stabilize the buck converter sys

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics
Singular Perturbation-Based Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Control for Flexible Joint Robots
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The flexible joint robot (FJR) typically experiences parametric variations, nonlinearities, underactuation, noise propagation, and external disturbances which seriously degrade the FJR tracking. This article proposes an adaptive integral sliding mode controller (AISMC) based on a singular perturbation method and two state observers for the FJR to achieve high performance. First, the underactuated FJR is modeled into two simple second-order fast and slow subsystems by using Olfati transformation and singular perturbation method, which handles underactuation while reducing noise amplification. Then, the AISMC is proposed to effectively accomplish the desired tracking performance, in which the integral sliding surface is designed to reduce cha

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Design of an adaptive state feedback controller for a magnetic levitation system
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This paper presents designing an adaptive state feedback controller (ASFC) for a magnetic levitation system (MLS), which is an unstable system and has high nonlinearity and represents a challenging control problem. First, a nonadaptive state feedback controller (SFC) is designed by linearization about a selected equilibrium point and designing a SFC by pole-placement method to achieve maximum overshoot of 1.5% and settling time of 1s (5% criterion). When the operating point changes, the designed controller can no longer achieve the design specifications, since it is designed based on a linearization about a different operating point. This gives rise to utilizing the adaptive control scheme to parameterize the state feedback controll

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Adaptive Harmony Search Part-of-Speech tagger for Square Hmong Corpus
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Data-driven models perform poorly on part-of-speech tagging problems with the square Hmong language, a low-resource corpus. This paper designs a weight evaluation function to reduce the influence of unknown words. It proposes an improved harmony search algorithm utilizing the roulette and local evaluation strategies for handling the square Hmong part-of-speech tagging problem. The experiment shows that the average accuracy of the proposed model is 6%, 8% more than HMM and BiLSTM-CRF models, respectively. Meanwhile, the average F1 of the proposed model is also 6%, 3% more than HMM and BiLSTM-CRF models, respectively.

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