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Effect of Using Air Guide Net in Front of the Condenser on the Performance of Automobile Air Conditioning System
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The work of this paper is an investigation to improve the condenser performance of the automobile air conditioning system by enhancing the air-side heat transfer from the condenser through the use of an air guide net installed in front of the condenser face which is basically an aluminum plate having a circular entrance shape for the air passage.  The A/C system was examined under two types of test. The first test was conducted the air guide net, while the second was done with the air guide net. The performances of the A/C system under these tests were compared. For the second type of test, the experiment was carried out with three different size of air guide net, three different circular diameters (2, 3 and 3.5 cm) and a common air passage area. The effect of varying the size of the air guide net and its inclination angle was investigated. The experimental work included five inclination angles (0o, 5o, 10o, 15o and 20o). It was found that the presence of the air guide net caused an improvement in the performance of the A/C system for all sizes and inclination angles.  In addition, the electrical energy consumed by the A/C system without the air guide net was calculated and compared to those obtained for the A/C system with the air guide net. The results manifested that the reduction of the power consumption was enhanced by operating the A/C system with the air guide net. 

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Macrocheles glaber (Müller) is one of several mites that feeds on eggs, newly hatched &
small larvae of house fly Musca domestica L. This mite was reared in the laboratory on house
fly frozen eggs at constant conditions of 28°C±1 and 90% relative humidity using sterilized
horse dung substrate. The predation rate of adult female and male on frozen eggs was (18, 3)
eggs/mite/day respectively, the number of frozen eggs destroyed by adult female through its
life was 185.6 eggs.
The mean duration of adult female from egg to adult stage was 2.67 days, the longevity of
female was 27.8 days, the mean daily egg production was 2.7 egg with total egg productivity
of 72.1 egg.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The accounting perspective to activate the tools of globalization through the mechanisms of international accounting standards
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ان وضع معايير دولية محاسبية على شكل نماذج وارشادات عامة تؤدي باصحاب القرارات الاقتصادية استخدام معايير المحاسبة الدولية عند اعداد وتجهيز القوائم والبيانات المالية اصبح مطلب اساسي وضرورة ملحة لمختلف الاطراف في المجتمع الحالي فهذه المعايير قد اثمرت في معالجة الامور المحاسبية على الصعيد المحلي والاقليمي والدولي. وان عدد كبير من الدول اعتمدت هذه المعايير فقد تجاوزت 150 بلدا. مما نتج عنه ازالة الفوارق الكث

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Comparison Between the MLE and Standard Bayes Estimators of the Reliability Function of Exponential Distribution
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     In this paper, a Monte Carlo Simulation technique is used to compare the performance of MLE and the standard Bayes estimators of the reliability function of the one parameter exponential distribution.Two types of loss functions are adopted, namely, squared error  loss function (SELF) and modified square error loss function (MSELF) with informative and non- informative prior. The criterion integrated mean square error (IMSE) is employed to assess the performance of such estimators .

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Preparation of A Measurement to the Affirmative Behavior for the Students at the University of Baghdad
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Self-Assertion is the individual ability to express any emotion well, except the anxiety. The decrease of the individuals asserting behavior makes them face many difficulties that prevent their social adjustment. Moreover it reflexes many negative behavioral and physical cases. The individual, who fails to express his or her negative feelings in required situations, feels with dissatisfaction, loneliness, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, conflict, and psychological disorder.
Accordingly, the importance of this study is represented in studying the self-assertion and studying the university students who reflect the strength of society.
The following are the two aims of the study:
1. Construct an asserting behavior scale.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"Analyzing of the economic relationship between Dutch disease and the disruption of the Iraq economic structure "
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The status of the semi total stoppage and non-use and waste of economic made studying and analyzing Dutch disease of high importance because it is a major cause in aggravation of this status which happened to the Iraqi economy in almost complete way and the relative big importance that oil source has and its domination on the largest percentage in the gross domestic product and exports that Iraqi economy is relying largely in funding the national budget made the concentration of the study on this subject an important and necessary within the important economic events that Iraqi economy witnessed after 2003 till 2016 to give a clear and an overall picture of the reality of the unilateral Iraqi economy under the status of semi tota

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 10 2022
Journal Name
American Journal Of Economics And Business Management
Analysis and measurement of the financial sustainability of the Iraqi economy for the period 1990-2018
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The research aims to measure the sustainability of the Iraqi economy for the period 1990-2018 as well as to show the impact of fluctuations in the level of GDP on financial sustainability, where financial sustainability is the necessary and sufficient condition for achieving economic and financial balance in the country, as financial sustainability reflects the movement of the state budget and its relationship to GDP through the indicators of deficit, fiscal surplus and public debt internal and external, as well as reflecting the art of managing public debt, and the more managed public debt is achieved, the more the management of public debt is achieved financial sustainability. for the state in the sense that there is a reciprocal

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
Modern technology and the possibility of their use for the development of the domestic copper industry
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Industries copper a craft that requires precision and patience great in the processes of industrialization and execution of product launches brass designs and a variety of forms , and the goal of research into the possibility of the use of modern technologies in the development of industries copper local , and identifies research study models of industries copper local to the city of Baghdad , and are available in the markets for the period from (200 - 2011) , Chapter II Multi industries copper local and technical in the copper industry , and after analysis models the sample was the most important conclusions : can work forms a multi- product copper formations deep or window using the technique work motifs and patterns. - formations deco

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying of the complexes product of the nerve agent Soman with the Butyrylcholinesterase and Acetylcholinesterase Enzymes
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Cholinesterases are among the most efficient enzymes known. They are divided into two groups: acetylcholinesterase (AChE) involved in the hydrolysis of the neurotransimitter acetylcholine, and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) of unknown function. Several crystal structures of the former have shown that the active site is located at the bottom of a deep and narrow gorge. Human BChE has attracted attention because it can hydrolyze toxic esters and nerve agents. Here we analyze the complexes of cholinesterase with soman by describing the 3D geometry of the complex, the active site, the changes happened through the inhibition and provide a description for the mechanism of inhibition. Soman undergoes degradation in the active site of the AChE and B

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Vocational stresses and their relation with the level of ambition among the lecturers of the university
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Vocational stresses and their relation with the level of ambition among the lecturers of the university In general , vocational stresses affect the attention and the process of focusing making individual busy with solving of his daily problems instead of his job. The vocational stresses , anxiety and tension are factors effecting the physical and psychological ability of the individual. This study aims to measure the vocational stresses among the lecturers of the university , to measure the level of ambition among them, to identify the statistical differences significant among them according to sex variable, to identify the differences significant in level of ambition among them according to sex variable and to identify the correlation r

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The design of a proposed model for the application of the insurance policy for medical errors
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The aim of this study is to design a proposed model for a document to insure the mistakes of the medical profession in estimating the compensation for medical errors. The medical profession is an honest profession aimed primarily at serving human and human beings. In this case, the doctor may be subject to error and error , And the research has adopted the descriptive approach and the research reached several conclusions, the most prominent of which is no one to bear the responsibility of medical error, although the responsibility shared and the doctor contributes to them, doctors do not deal with patients according to their educational level and cultural and there are some doctors do not inform patients The absence of a document to insu

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