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Optimum Design of Stiffened Plate-Structure Subjected to Static Loading
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The field of structural optimization (optimal design) has grown rapidly over the past decades with many different optimization methods that could be used to produce a structure of minimum weight. This research deals with two aspects, in the first, a general numerical technique based on the finite element analysis and it suggests to investigate the preliminary behavior of metal stiffened plate under action of static load environment. The technique was included a finite element model of the structures using high- order isoparimetric plate elements to be used to create a certain models to obtain their optimum design. The models are characterized such that, each model is builded using different types of stiffener configuration. The second aspect was concerned with the investigation of the optimum design configuration of the structures. The optimization techniques used is called Morphing Evolutionary Structural Optimization (MESO). The Morphing ESO was examined in this research to be applied on stiffened plate structures. The Morphing ESO is based on the simple concept that by slowly removing efficient material from a structure, the residual shape evolves in the direction of making the structure better. The mathematical representation of this method is accomplished in this thesis with full programming and modification required being applicable to a new structure with a new condition. Where the thickness of the plate and stiffeners, and the stiffener height are the design variable. While the objective of the optimization is the structure weight and inequality constraints are the maximum Von Misses stress required for each structure.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Optimum design of stiffened square plates for longitudinal and square ribs
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For a given loading, the stiffness of a plate or shell structure can be increased significantly by the addition of ribs or stiffeners. Hitherto, the optimization techniques are mainly on the sizing of the ribs. The more important issue of identifying the optimum location of the ribs has received little attention. In this investigation, finite element analysis has been achieved for the determination of the optimum locations of the ribs for a given set of design constraints. In the conclusion, the author underlines the optimum positions of the ribs or stiffeners which give the best results. 

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Minimizing error in robot arm based on design optimization for high stiffness to weight ratio
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In this work the effect of choosing tri-circular tube section had been addressed to minimize the end effector’s error, a comparison had been made between the tri-tube section and the traditional square cross section for a robot arm, the study shows that for the same weight of square section and tri-tube section the error may be reduced by about 33%.

A program had been built up by the use of MathCAD software to calculate the minimum weight of a square section robot arm that could with stand a given pay load and gives a minimum deflection. The second part of the program makes an optimization process for the dimension of the cross section and gives the dimensions of the tri-circular tube cross section that have the same weight of

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Nonlinear Analysis of CFRP- Prestressed Concrete Beams Subjected to Incremental Static Loading by Finite Elements
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
The Open Civil Engineering Journal
Experimental Investigation of Skirt Footing Subjected to Lateral Loading
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The skirt foundation is one of the powerful types of foundations to resist the lateral loads produced from natural forces, such as earthquakes and wind action, or from the type of structures, such as oil platforms and offshore wind turbines.

Objective and Methodology:

This research experimentally investigated the response of skirted footing resting on sandy soil of different states to lateral applications of loads on a small-scale physical model manufactured for this purpose. The parameters studied are the dista

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Geomechanics And Geoengineering
Effect of Deep Remediation and Improvement on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Piled Raft Foundation Subjected to Static and Cyclic Vertical Loading
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Applied Research Journal
Response of R.C. Barriers Subjected to TNT Explosion Blast Loading
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Reinforced concrete barriers have been commonly used in protecting the important building because the response of R.C. barriers subjected to blast loading is practically more acceptable than other materials used to build the barriers. In this study, the response of R.C. barriers was detected due to the blast effects caused by two charge weights (50 kg and 400 kg); ANSYS 14 was used to simulate the problem. A horizontal distance of 2 m between the explosive TNT charge and the front face of wall was taken. The pressure on the front face of the concrete barriers was measured at three levels. The R.C. barrier was entirely damaged when subjected to the blast effects caused by 400 kg TNT explosion bomb. However, the 50 kg TNT charge had

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Aircraft Wing Subjected to Fatigue Loading
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This study deals with the aircraft wing analysis (numerical and experimental) which subjected to fatigue loading in order to analyze the aircraft wing numerically by using ANSYS 15.0 software and experimentally by using loading programs which effect on fatigue test specimens at laboratory to estimate life of used metal (aluminum alloy 7075-T651) the wing metal and compare between numerical and experimental work, as well as to formulate an experimental mathematical model which may find safe estimate for metals and most common alloys that are used to build aircraft wing at certain conditions. In experimental work, a (34) specimen of (aluminum alloy 7075-T651) were tested using alternating bending fatigue machine rig. The t

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of International Structural Engineering And Construction
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For structural concrete members that may expose to serious earthquake, overload or accident impact, the design of ductility must be given the same importance as the flexural strength. The aim of this investigation is to study the change in ductility of structural concrete flexural members during their exposure to limited cycles of repeated loading. Twenty full-scale beam specimens have been fabricated in to two identical groups; each group consisted of ten specimens. The first group was tested under monotonic static loading to failure and regarded as control beams, while the specimens of the second group were subjected to ten cycles of repeated loading with constant load interval, which ranged between 40% and 60% of ultimate load. S

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of International Structural Engineering And Construction
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For structural concrete members that may expose to serious earthquake, overload or accident impact, the design of ductility must be given the same importance as the flexural strength. The aim of this investigation is to study the change in ductility of structural concrete flexural members during their exposure to limited cycles of repeated loading. Twenty full-scale beam specimens have been fabricated in to two identical groups; each group consisted of ten specimens. The first group was tested under monotonic static loading to failure and regarded as control beams, while the specimens of the second group were subjected to ten cycles of repeated loading with constant load interval, which ranged between 40% and 60% of ultimate load. S

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Advances In Structural Engineering
CFRP Strengthening of RC Beams with Multiple Openings Subjected to Static and Impact Loads
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The provision of openings in serviceable reinforced concrete beams may result in a substantial decline in the beam's capacity and integrity, indicating the necessity of opening strengthening. The present study investigates the experimental response of reinforced concrete T-beams with multiple web-strengthened openings disposed in shear span to static and impact loads. Fourteen RC T-beams were tested in two groups, each of seven beams. The first group was tested under static loading up to failure, while the second group was tested under repeated impact loading until the width of shear cracks reached 0.3 mm. The residual static strengths of the beams subjected to impact loading were then determined. The test variables considered were

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