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Crack Growth Behavior through Wall Pipes under Impact Load and Hygrothremal Environment
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This research concerns study the crack growth in the wall of pipes made of low carbon steel under the impact load and using the effect of hygrothermal (rate of moisture 50% and 50℃ temperature). The environmental conditions were controlled using high accuracy digital control with sensors. The pipe have a crack already. The test was performed and on two type of specimens, one have length of 100cm and other have length 50cm. The results were, when the humidity was applied to the pipe, the crack would enhance to growth (i.e. the number of cycles needed to growth the crack will reduce). In addition, when the temperature was increase the number of cycles needed to growth the crack are reduced because the effect of heat on the mechanical properties of the material. In addition, when the test performed on the specimens of length 50cm the number of cycles needed to growth the crack is increase because the effect of bending stress on the pipes.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Clinical Learning and Training Environment for Maternal and Child Health Nursing Students
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Objective: To assess the clinical learning environment and clinical training for students' in maternal and child
health nursing.
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted on non probability sample (purposive) of (175) students' in
Nursing College/ University of Baghdad for the period of June 19th to July 18th 2013. A questionnaire was used as a
tool of data collection to fulfill with objective of the study and consisted of three parts, including demographic,
clinical learning environment and clinical training for students' in maternal and child health nursing. Descriptive
statistical analyses were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results of the study revealed that the 65.1% of student at age which ranged b

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 14 2014
Journal Name
Elsevier Procedia Economics And Finance
Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: The Case of Qatar
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Recently, Qatar, a well-known oil production country, has been convinced as a successful case in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) as a smaller economy. This paper aims to investigate how FDI inflows affect Qatar’s business cycles. Time series data was selected from 1990 to 2010 as available. The VAR Impulse Responses and the Granger Causality test were mainly employed by using Eviews. The derived result shows that the FDI inflows and the economic growth in Qatar interact with each other in a relatively long term.

Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Value at risk simulation in a fixed return stock portfolio using the Monte Carlo simulation model The concept of a bond portfolio
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This research aims to predict the value of the maximum daily loss that the fixed-return securities portfolio may suffer in Qatar National Bank - Syria, and for this purpose data were collected for risk factors that affect the value of the portfolio represented by the time structure of interest rates in the United States of America over the extended period Between 2017 and 2018, in addition to data related to the composition of the bonds portfolio of Qatar National Bank of Syria in 2017, And then employing Monte Carlo simulation models to predict the maximum loss that may be exposed to this portfolio in the future. The results of the Monte Carlo simulation showed the possibility of decreasing the value at risk in the future due to the dec

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Evaluation of the Strut-and-Tie Model Applied to Deep Beam with Near-Load Openings
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It is commonly known that Euler-Bernoulli’s thin beam theorem is not applicable whenever a nonlinear distribution of strain/stress occurs, such as in deep beams, or the stress distribution is discontinuous. In order to design the members experiencing such distorted stress regions, the Strut-and-Tie Model (STM) could be utilized. In this paper, experimental investigation of STM technique for three identical small-scale deep beams was conducted. The beams were simply supported and loaded statically with a concentrated load at the mid span of the beams. These deep beams had two symmetrical openings near the application point of loading. Both the deep beam, where the stress distribution cannot be assumed linear, and the ex

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Developing Load Balancing for IoT - Cloud Computing Based on Advanced Firefly and Weighted Round Robin Algorithms
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The evolution of the Internet of things (IoT) led to connect billions of heterogeneous physical devices together to improve the quality of human life by collecting data from their environment. However, there is a need to store huge data in big storage and high computational capabilities.   Cloud computing can be used to store big data.  The data of IoT devices is transferred using two types of protocols: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This paper aims to make a high performance and more reliable system through efficient use of resources. Thus, load balancing in cloud computing is used to dynamically distribute the workload across nodes to avoid overloading any individual r

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of a Parked Car Orientation on a Temperature Distribution and Cooling Load Calculation: Experimental Study
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When a vehicle is left parked in the sun for an extended period, the gathered heat causes damage to several interiors within the cabin and causes discomfort for people and animals left inside the car. In the present work, the effect of the orientation of a parked white minibus on temperature distribution and cooling load calculation is studied experimentally in an open environment. Two different cases were studied facing south and facing east. For several hours, the temperature inside the car cabin had been monitored and measured at five separate locations. The cooling load calculations are carried out based on the experimental measurements. The results show that the overheating of parked cars always happens as a result

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of spastic cerebral palsy upon the quality of life of children under the age of 12 years in Erbil City: parents’ reports
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Objectives: This study aims to assess the quality of life of cerebral palsy children less than 12 years old reported by
parents in Erbil city/Iraq.
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted during 2014, to describe the quality of life of cerebral palsy
children. One hundred mothers have cerebral palsy children were participated in this study. The study took place at
Helena Center for handicapped children in Erbil City. Questionnaire was used to collect data, which consists of two
main parts. The first part is divided into two sections; section one was described the mothers’ demographic
characteristics, while the second section was for identifying the demographical characteristics of cerebral palsy
children. Th

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Resonance Tunneling Through GaN/AlGaN Superlattice System
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The purpose of our work is to report a theoretical study of electrons tunneling through semiconductor superlattice (SSL). The (SSL) that we have considered is (GaN/AlGaN) system within the energy range of ε < Vo, ε = Vo and ε > Vo, where Vo is the potential barrier height. The transmission coefficient (TN) was determined using the transfer matrix method. The resonant energies are obtained from the T (E) relation. From such system, we obtained two allowed quasi-levels energy bands for ε < VO and one band for ε  VO.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Resonance Tunneling Through GaN/AlGaN Superlattice System
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The purpose of our work is to report a theoretical study of electrons tunneling through semiconductor superlattice (SSL). The (SSL) that we have considered is (GaN/AlGaN) system within the energy range of ε < Vo, ε = Vo and ε > Vo, where Vo is the potential barrier height. The transmission coefficient (TN) was determined using the transfer matrix method. The resonant energies are obtained from the T (E) relation. From such system, we obtained two allowed quasi-levels energy bands for ε < VO and one band for ε  VO.

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