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Study of NOx Emissions of S.I. Engine Fueled with Different Kinds of Hydrocarbon Fuels and Hydrogen
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      Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Natural gas (NG) and hydrogen were used to operate spark ignition internal combustion engine Ricardo E6, to compare NOx emissions emitted from the engine, with that emitted from engine fueled with gasoline as a fuel.

      The study was done when engine operated at HUCR for gasoline, compared with its operation at HUCR for each fuel. Compression ratio, equivalence ratio and spark timing were studied at constant speed 25rps.

The results appeared that NOx concentrations will be at maximum value in the lean side near the stoichiometric ratio, and reduced with moving away from this ratio for mixture at both sides, these concentrations were at its highest value when hydrogen used at CR=8:1, and got near to each other for the three hydrocarbon fuels used in the study, when the engine operated at HUCR for each fuel, but still hydrogen had maximum value, the main variable affect these concentrations was spark timing.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 25 2014
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Analyze study for some biomechanics variables to jump shoot skill from different spots with and without defense to basketball youth players in 3x3
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The research to knows some biomechanics variables in different spots with and without players in basketball youth players and analysis by using destructive method in surfing study and the research were applied for jump shoot from one of basketball players in ( middle , left , right ) in side zone and out of zone also from three point shoot with and without defense and we depend on successful shoot on analyze .The results and conclusions that center of weight of the player on standby on high and knee angel and hips were more wide also the two angle of wrist , elbow on start of shooting be more wide with defender more than without defender .the maximum high center of weight and shooting angle and ball entrance being less degree with defender

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Prevalence study of Entamoeba spp. in Basrah Province using Different Detection Methods
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This study aims to determine the prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar and
Entamoeba moshkovskii by three methods of diagnosis (microscopic examination, cultivation and PCR) that
were compared to obtain an accurate diagnosis of Entamoeba spp. during amoebiasis. Total (n=150) stool
samples related to patients were (n = 100) and healthy controls (n= 50). Clinically diagnosed stool samples
(n=100) were collected from patients attending the consultant clinics of different hospitals in Basrah during
the period from January 2018 to January 2019. The results showed that 60% of collected samples were
positive in a direct microscopic examination. All samples were cultivated on different media; the Bra

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Study on the effect of diesel engine oil contaminated with fuel on engine performance
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An experiment was conducted to study how SAE 50 engine oil contaminated with diesel fuel affects engine performance. The engine oil was contaminated with diesel fuel at concentrations of 0%, 1%, and 3%. The following performance characteristics were studied: brake-specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, friction power, and exhaust gas temperature. Each treatment was tested three times. The three treatments (0%, 1%, and 3%) were analyzed statistically with a one-way ANOVA model at the 5% probability level to determine if the three treatments produced significant differences in engine performance. The statistical results showed that there were significant differences in engine performance metrics among the three treatments. The 3

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study on Flow Characteristics and Heat Transfer Behavior Around Different Geometrical Corrugated Extended Surfaces
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The current study presents numerical investigation of the fluid (air) flow characteristics and convection heat transfer around different corrugated surfaces geometry in the low Reynolds number region (Re<1000). The geometries are included wavy, triangle, and rectangular. The effect of different geometry parameters such as aspect ratio and number of cycles per unit length on flow field characteristics and heat transfer was estimated and compared with each other. The computerized fluid dynamics package (ANSYS 14) is used to simulate the flow field and heat transfer, solve the governing equations, and extract the results. It is found that the turbulence intensity for rectangular extended surface was larg

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An exploratory study of history-based test case prioritization techniques on different datasets
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In regression testing, Test case prioritization (TCP) is a technique to arrange all the available test cases. TCP techniques can improve fault detection performance which is measured by the average percentage of fault detection (APFD). History-based TCP is one of the TCP techniques that consider the history of past data to prioritize test cases. The issue of equal priority allocation to test cases is a common problem for most TCP techniques. However, this problem has not been explored in history-based TCP techniques. To solve this problem in regression testing, most of the researchers resort to random sorting of test cases. This study aims to investigate equal priority in history-based TCP techniques. The first objective is to implement

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 13 2021
Journal Name
Eureka: Physics And Engineering
A numerical study to improve the position and angle of the producer gas injector inside the intake manifold to minimize emissions and efficiency enhancement of a bi engine
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To develop a petrol engine so that it works under the bi-engine pattern (producer gas-petrol) without any additional engine modifications, a single-point injection method inside the intake manifold is a simple and inexpensive method. Still, it leads to poor mixing performance between the air and producer gas. This deficiency can cause unsatisfactory engine performance and high exhaust emissions. In order to improve the mixing inside the intake manifold, nine separate cases were modelled to evaluate the impact of the position and angle orientation inside the intake manifold on the uniformity and spread of the mixture under AFR=2.07. A petrol engine (1.6 L), the maximum engine speed (8000 rpm), and bi-engine mode (petrol-producer ga

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy
Modeling of electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution via high voltage alkaline electrolyzer with different nano-electrocatalysts
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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Review of the Some Fixed Point Theorems for Different Kinds of Maps
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The focus of this article, reviewed a generalized  of contraction mapping and nonexpansive maps and recall some theorems about the existence and uniqueness of common fixed point and coincidence fixed-point for such maps under some conditions. Moreover, some schemes of different types as one-step schemes ,two-step schemes and three step schemes (Mann scheme algorithm, Ishukawa scheme algorithm, noor scheme algorithm, .scheme algorithm,  scheme algorithm Modified  scheme algorithm arahan scheme algorithm and others. The convergence of these schemes has been studied .On the other hands, We also reviewed the convergence, valence and stability theories of different types of near-plots in convex metric space.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 27 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Assessment of Serum Levels of Advanced Oxidation Protein Products in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with and without Retinopathy Taking Different Antidiabetic Treatments
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The goal of this study was to investigate the protein peroxidation role by measuring serum levels of advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) in type 2 diabetic patients with or without retinopathy and comparing them to controls to see if circulating AOPP levels can be used as a detection biomarker for DR. And see which of the two widely used antidiabetic treatment groups had the most impact on this oxidative stress marker. The groups were divided into two subgroups: 1) 70 type 2 diabetic patients (36 male, 34 female), 35 with diabetic retinopathy (DR) and 35 with no evidence of DR, and 2) non-diabetic controls (11 male, 9 female) were chosen from Ibn AL-Haitham Hospital for Ophthalmology and a Specialized Center for Endocrinology and Dia

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Simulation of Syngas Addition Effect on Emissions Characteristics, Combustion, and Performance of the Diesel Engine Working under Dual Fuel Mode and Lambda Value of 1.6.
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Abstract<p>The present work aims to study the combustion characteristics related to syngas-diesel dual-fuel engine operates at lambda value of 1.6 operated by five different replacement ratios (RR) of syngas with diesel, which are (10%, 20%, 30 %, 40 % and 50%). ANSYS Workbench (CFD) was used for simulating the combustion of the syngas-diesel dual-fuel engine. The numerical simulations were carried out on the Ricardo-Hydra diesel engine. The simulation results revealed that the diesel engine’s combustion efficiency was enhanced by increasing the diesel replacement with Syngas fuel. The diesel engine’s combustion efficiency The peak in-cylinder temperature was enhanced from 915.9K to 2790.5K </p> ... Show More
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